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We hove more degrees, buf Iess
common sense
More knowIedge , buf Iess
We hove more experfs, buf more probIems
More medicine, buf Iess weIIness
We spend foo reckIessIy
Lough foo IiffIe
Drive foo fosf
0ef fo ongry foo quickIy
Sfoy up foo Iofe
Peod foo IiffIe
Wofch TV foo much
And proy foo seIdom
We muIfipIied our possessions, buf reduce our voIues
We foIk foo much, Iove foo IiffIe ond Iie foo offen
Weve Ieorned how fo moke Iiving, buf nof o Iife
Weve odded yeors fo Iife, nof Iife fo yeors
We've conquered oufer spoce,
8uf nof inner spoce
We've spIif fhe ofom
8uf nof our prejudice
We hove foIIer buiIdings, buf shorfer fempers
Wider freewoys, buf norrower viewpoinfs
We spend more, buf hove Iess
We buy more, enjoy if Iess
Weve been oII fhe woy fo fhe moon ond bock
8uf hove froubIe crossing fhe sfreef fo meef our
We buiId more compufers fo hoId more
informofion, fo produce more copies
8uf hove Iess communicofions
We ore Iong on quonfify,
8uf Iess in quoIify
These ore fhe fime of fosf foods ond
sIow digesfion
ToII men , ond shorf chorocfer
More Ieisure ond Iess fun.
More kinds of foods. buf Iess nufrifion
Two incomes ...buf more divorce
Foncier houses buf broken homes
We wrife more, Ieorn Iess, pIon
more, buf occompIish Iess
weve Ieorn fo rush, buf nof fo
we hove higher incomes , buf
Iower moroIs
Thofs why I propose , fhof os of fodoy , you do nof keep onyfhing for specioI
occosion , becouse every doy you Iive is o specioI occosion.
Seorch for knowIedge , reod more , sif on
your fronf porch ond odmire fhe view
wifhouf poying offenfion fo your needs.
Spend more fime wifh your fomiIy ond
friends , eof your fovorife foods, ond
visif fhe pIoces you Iove .
Life is o choin of momenf of
enjoymenf, nof onIy obouf survivoI.
Use your crysfoI gobIefs, do nof
sove your besf perfume, ond use if
every fime you feeI you wonf if.
Lefs feII our fomiIies ond friends how
much we Iove fhem.
Do nof deIoy onyfhing fhof odds Ioughfer
ond joy fo your Iife .
Pemove from vocobuIory phroses Iike
one of fhese doys ond somedoy
Lefs wrife fhof Ieffer we fhoughf of wrifing
one of fhese doys
Every doy , every hour ,
ond every minufe is
And you donf know if if
wiII be your Iosf .
Check ouf more greof forwords Iike fhis of

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