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Dear Ma'am Vivien,

Good day! I wanted to share my thoughts with you about how to manage sleep at
night, as I know it is very important for our overall well-being.

First and foremost, I've learned that establishing a bedtime routine is the key to
function properly our body as well as our brain. Going to bed early really help
maintain our sleep patterns. I've also realized that too much use of gadgets can
destroy our overall well-being that's why it is vital to limit ourselves in using
gadgets before bedtime. Therefore, try to put away the phone at least an hour before
going to bed. But, there are also people who can't sleep whatever they do, my
suggestion is to listen to music because it can also help us to fall asleep. In
addition, we have to watch our eating behavior especially in the evening because too
much eating can also affect our sleeping patterns.

To sum it up, taking care of our sleep is an important part of taking care of
ourselves. By following these simple suggestions and being mindful of our daily
sleep habits, we can set ourselves to have more restful night and a brighter day

Novie Jane Villarba

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