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KeyB-1: cake
KeyB-2: best
KeyB-3: salad
KeyB-4: glazed

KeyB-5: raisin
KeyB-6: muffin
KeyB-7: soup
KeyB-8: easy cake
KeyB-9: ago dill glazed
KeyB-10: dill glazed make

Best Carrot Recipes for Cake, Salad, and Glazed Carrots

Carrot Cake Recipe:

Carrot cake can never go out of style. It can be made as a layer cake, and is
moist and densely textured. There are hundreds of variations to the carrot cake

A basic carrot cake recipe is as follows: Ingredients -- 1 cup toasted and chopped
pecans or walnuts, 3/4 pound raw carrots finely grated, 2 cups flour, 1 teaspoon
baking soda, 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 1/2 teaspoons
ground or powdered cinnamon, 4 eggs, 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 1 cup oil, 2
teaspoons vanilla extract. To make, preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Grease
and flour the cake pans. Then beat the eggs until they are foamy, add oil in
continuous stream, mix well. Separately mix the flour with sugar, cinnamon
powder and soda. Add this to the egg mixture and beat, and then fold in the
carrots and nuts. Pour into the pans and bake for 30-35 minutes checking with a
toothpick inserted in the center. If it comes out clean, the cake is done. It is best
to let it cool for 10 minutes in the pan. One can add raisins or frosting etc as one

Best Recipes:

There are hundreds of different recipes for carrots available online. Some are
common carrot cake variations like Almond Carrot Cake, Applesauce Carrot
Cake, Banana Carrot Cake, etc. some sites that are related to health foods or
weight watching, also provide low fat or lite recipes for the old carrot cake as well
as Salads and dill glazed carrots. The best recipes substitute whole wheat flour
for all-purpose flour. And for the frosting on the cakes, if any, they use light
cream cheese. Sites like joyofbaking etc also provide detailed background
information of each easy cake recipe while providing the, traditional and modern,
older and low fat recipes. They have the best recipes for muffins, soups, dill
glazed and honey glazed carrots etc.
Carrot Salad:

Some common kinds of carrot salad recipe are given below. The ingredients,
other than the carrot may differ, but the process is basically the same, chop and
mix, with appropriate seasoning if any. Ingredients for basic carrot salad is 2
cups of ground or grated young carrots, 1 cup of chopped celery, 2/3 cup of
chopped walnuts, 2 teaspoons of chopped onion, Chopped parsley, mayonnaise
as needed. A carrot and bell pepper salad requires you to grind 1 de-seeded
sweet bell pepper, and young carrots, enough to make 1-1/2 cups all told. To this
add 3 cups chopped crisp cabbage and chopped parsley, onion and mayonnaise
to taste.

Glazed Carrots:

This recipe for carrots which are dill glazed makes enough for four. Ingredients
for glazed carrots with dill are 1 1/2 lb of fresh baby carrots, 1 tbsp of unsalted
butter, 2 tbsp of minced fresh dill, 1 tsp of sugar or honey, grated lemon zest &
juice of 1 orange, salt and pepper to taste. Cook carrots in boiling water with a
little salt for about 8 minutes, or less if you like your carrots crisp, or microwave
them for about 5-6 minutes. Heat the butter on a medium high heat. Add
everything to the butter, except the dill. Cook for 3-4 minutes, season with salt &
pepper, toss with dill and serve glazed carrots with dill.

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