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Trace Rouser

Tamera Davis

English Composition II

8 February 2024

Now I Teach

I had an interesting relationship with my oldest brother when I was growing up. I thought

he was super mean and grouchy all the time. Yelling at the annoying little kids in the house to

shut up and stop disturbing him. He was easily agitated to the point where even eating chips

around him would tick him off. Looking back, I still grew up modelling his behavior. Whether I

know it or not, I too contribute to the people around me and make a difference in their lives.

Knowing this I do my best to be a positive influence on them.

Though as a child I saw my brother as a stereotypical meanie, he grew up to be a very

cool and caring brother to me and a gentle husband to his wife. Much like how Marcus

Brotherton elaborates in the article by Art of Manliness. “Something changes between the days

of being a guy and the days of being a man. When it comes to where he lives, an immature man

tends to see his neighborhood only as a place to hang his hat. But a mature man sees his

neighborhood as a place he helps create.” I can relate the author’s perspective of his

neighborhood to my family. I think my brother really started to see what our family meant to him

and changed his attitude to support the family and his own. I find comfort in knowing that people

like me and my brother can make small differences that change our lives.

I want to change my life to better help others. When I live my life from day to day, I

impact those around me subconsciously. I am a Christian doing my best to live in love of others.

In Martin Luther’s commentary on Galatians and Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians, there is an
overarching theme of love that flows from faith. I try to show this love by caring for my friends

and those around me. I hope that by displaying this love the people around me will in turn love

others, and, by this chain love may reach those who need it. One of my friends is in that position

who needs someone to carry them out of grief and love them. I want to be there for them, so I

must be constantly ready to give them the love that God shows to us.

God is a large motivation in my life, but sometimes a stranger needs a little motivation.

Any time I passed someone on the sidewalk or in the halls of school I would just look straight

and say nothing. I thought it was best to just ignore them and move on with where I was going,

but reading the article On Being Neighborly has really changed my perspective on this. In the

second of the author’s three major aspects of being a good neighbor, he strongly suggests that a

simple greeting goes a long way in bettering his neighborhood (Brotherton). I want to make that

small impression in my daily life, and I see it at my school from school workers. Something

about the maturity and bravery that they display by saying hello empowers me to do the same. As

a kid I wanted that sense of community and friendliness from my brother, and now I want to give

it in return.

The dread of impacting someone close to me or a stranger I just met haunts me

constantly. In my efforts to help others and myself I must be reminded that I am imperfect and

will fall short. It is our terrible human nature to always fall short, but that does not mean that we

can still do good. My brother taught me this, my Lord has taught me this, and now I teach this as

I engage with people every day.

Work Cited

Brotherton, Marcus. “On Being Neighborly.” The Art of Manliness, 30 May 2021,

This article explores the principles and experiences of the author that contribute to a good

neighborhood. He (the author) holds up three ways to display good neighborly behaviors. Being

positively proactive, always welcoming and attentive, and living the golden rule he attributes to

changing his neighborhood for the better.

I will use this source to show how I have lacked in living a more positive life, but also show that

no one is perfect in being a neighbor.

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