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In parallel, adaptation strategies are needed to help farmers and food systems adapt

to the changing climate and build resilience to future shocks. This includes
promoting climate-smart agriculture practices such as agroforestry, conservation
agriculture, and water harvesting techniques that enhance productivity while
minimizing environmental impact. Moreover, investments in research, technology
transfer, and capacity-building are essential to empower smallholder farmers with
the knowledge and resources they need to cope with climate variability and

Finally, addressing the underlying drivers of food insecurity, such as poverty,

inequality, and lack of access to education and healthcare, is critical to achieving
long-term food security in a changing climate. By promoting sustainable
development, social equity, and inclusive economic growth, we can create a more
resilient and food-secure future for all.

In conclusion, climate change poses a significant and growing threat to global food
security, with profound implications for human well-being, livelihoods, and
geopolitical stability. Addressing this challenge requires urgent and concerted action
at the local, national, and international levels to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions,
adapt to the changing climate, and build resilient food systems that can sustainably
nourish a growing population.

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