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1. Control the center of board

2. Develop pieces quickly
3. Knights before bishops
4. Don’t move same piece twice in opening
5. No queen too early
6. Castle before move 10
7. Connect rooks
8. Rooks should go on open or half open files
9. Knights on the rim are grim
10. Avoid double pawns
11. Avoid isolated pawns
12. Avoid backward pawns
13. Dont trade bishop for knight
14. Avoid moving pawns in front of castle king
15. Don’t open center if king is still there
16. 2 minor pieces are better than rook+pawn
17. 3 minors is better than queen
18. Rooks are strong on 7th or 2nd rank
19. Doubled rooks on open file are very strong
20. Bishops are better in open, knight-closed with attack on flank with atk on cntr
22. Capture toward cntr with pawns
23. End game, king is valuable
24. Rooks go behind passed pawn
25. 2 connected pawns on 6th rank beats rook
26. Atk base of pawn chain
27. Knights are best blockaders of pawns
28. If position is cramped, trade pieces
29. When ahead, trade pieces but not pawns
30. When down, trade pawns but not pieces
31. Opposite colored bishop pieces dangerous
32. End game, games are drawish
33. Dont play hope chess
34. When you see good move, stop and look for better
35. Know right time to ignore principles

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