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Trabalho BCMII Alzheimer

fornecem suporte e proteção para os neurônios no sistema nervoso central (SNC).

As microgliais são consideradas as células imunes residentes do SNC e
desempenham papéis cruciais na vigilância imune, na neuroinflamação e na
manutenção da homeostase cerebral. Aqui estão algumas funções-chave das
células microgliais:


Vigilância Imune: As microgliais monitoram constantemente o seu

microambiente em busca de sinais de dano, infecção ou atividades celulares
anormais. Elas fazem uma varredura no parênquima cerebral e respondem
rapidamente a qualquer distúrbio migrando para o local da lesão ou


Fagocitose: As microgliais são células altamente fagocíticas, capazes de

englobar e digerir detritos celulares, patógenos e proteínas agregadas,
incluindo placas de beta-amiloide na doença de Alzheimer e agregados de
alfa-sinucleína na doença de Parkinson. A fagocitose pelas microgliais ajuda
a eliminar substâncias nocivas e manter a integridade tecidual no SNC.


Resposta Imune: As microgliais servem como mediadoras-chave da

resposta imune no cérebro. Após a ativação por vários estímulos, como
lesão, infecção ou sinais inflamatórios, as microgliais liberam citocinas,
quimiocinas e outros mediadores inflamatórios para recrutar células imunes e
iniciar a resposta imune. Embora essa resposta inflamatória seja crucial para
a defesa contra patógenos e reparo tecidual, a ativação desregulada das
microgliais pode contribuir para a neuroinflamação e neurodegeneração em
doenças como Alzheimer e Parkinson.


Poda Sináptica: Durante o desenvolvimento cerebral e ao longo da vida, as

microgliais desempenham um papel na escultura de circuitos neurais
eliminando seletivamente sinapses fracas ou redundantes por meio de um
processo conhecido como poda sináptica. Essa atividade ajuda a refinar as
conexões neuronais e otimizar a função cerebral.


Neuroproteção: Além de seus papéis na defesa imunológica e inflamação,

as microgliais também têm funções neuroprotetoras. Elas secretam fatores
que apoiam a sobrevivência neuronal, promovem o reparo tecidual e facilitam
a neurogênese, contribuindo para a recuperação e reparo do SNC após
lesão ou insulto.


Em resumo, as microgliais são essenciais para a manutenção da saúde e

função cerebral, respondendo dinamicamente às mudanças em seu microambiente
e desempenhando uma ampla gama de funções imunes e de suporte. No entanto, a
ativação desregulada das microgliais e a neuroinflamação crônica foram implicadas
na patogênese de várias doenças neurodegenerativas, destacando o papel
complexo das microgliais em distúrbios do SNC

Microglia protect neurons from physical and chemical damage and are responsible
for clearing foreign substances and cellular debris from the brain. Astrocytes are star-
shaped glial cells with important metabolic, structural, regulatory, and protective
functions. Oligodendrocytes form the myelin sheath, the protective and supportive
cellular insulation around axons, which are long, slender cells that send electrical
signals to other parts of the body.

To carry out these roles, glial cells interact with blood vessels in the brain. Microglial
cells and astrocytes are also involved in immune response in the brain. Together,
glial and blood vessel cells regulate the delicate balance within the brain to ensure
that it functions at its best. In recent years, an increasing amount of scientific
evidence has suggested that activation of microglial and astroglia cells might play a
role in brain inflammation.

The interaction between microglia and the gut microbiome is an area of active
research and represents an emerging field known as the gut-brain axis. While the
precise mechanisms underlying this interaction are still being elucidated, several
lines of evidence suggest that the gut microbiome can influence the function and
activation state of microglia in the central nervous system (CNS). Here are some
ways in which the gut microbiome may impact microglia:


Immune Modulation: The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in shaping the
development and function of the immune system, including microglia.
Microbial-derived signals, such as bacterial metabolites and microbial-
associated molecular patterns (MAMPs), can activate immune receptors on
microglia, leading to changes in their activation state and cytokine production.
Dysbiosis, or alterations in the gut microbiome composition, may disrupt
immune homeostasis and contribute to aberrant microglial activation and


Microbial Metabolites: Metabolites produced by gut bacteria, such as short-

chain fatty acids (SCFAs), can influence microglial function. SCFAs have
been shown to modulate microglial activation and cytokine release, potentially
impacting neuroinflammatory responses in the CNS. Additionally, microbial-
derived neurotransmitters and other bioactive molecules may also influence
microglial activity and function.

Blood-Brain Barrier Integrity: The gut microbiome can influence the

integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a selective barrier that regulates the
passage of molecules between the bloodstream and the brain. Dysbiosis-
induced changes in gut permeability and systemic inflammation may
compromise BBB integrity, allowing microbial-derived products and immune
cells to enter the CNS and interact with microglia, leading to
neuroinflammation and neuronal dysfunction.


Neurotransmitter Regulation: Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters and

neuromodulators that can influence microglial function and neuronal activity.
For example, serotonin, a neurotransmitter produced by gut bacteria, has
been shown to modulate microglial activation and cytokine production.
Dysbiosis-related alterations in neurotransmitter levels may disrupt microglial-
neuronal communication and contribute to CNS dysfunction.


Systemic Inflammation: Dysbiosis-induced systemic inflammation can

impact microglial activation and neuroinflammatory responses in the CNS.
Pro-inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators produced in the
gut can enter the bloodstream and cross the BBB, directly affecting microglia
and neuronal function. Chronic low-grade inflammation associated with
dysbiosis may contribute to neurodegenerative processes and cognitive


Overall, the gut microbiome exerts profound effects on immune function,

inflammation, and neuronal signaling, which can influence microglial function and
contribute to CNS health and disease. Understanding the bidirectional
communication between the gut microbiome and microglia may offer new insights
into the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases and potential therapeutic
strategies targeting the gut-brain axis.

Research into the link between the gut microbiome and Alzheimer's disease, while
still in its early stages, has shown promising connections. The gut microbiome refers
to the diverse community of microorganisms that inhabit the gastrointestinal tract.
Studies have suggested that alterations in the composition and function of these
microorganisms may play a role in the development and progression of Alzheimer's
disease. Here are some key points regarding this link:


Microbiome Composition: Research indicates that individuals with

Alzheimer's disease tend to have differences in the composition of their gut
microbiome compared to healthy individuals. Specifically, there may be
alterations in the relative abundance of certain bacterial species.


Inflammation and Immune Response: The gut microbiome influences the

immune system and inflammation throughout the body. Dysbiosis, or
imbalance in gut bacteria, can lead to increased inflammation. Chronic
inflammation is associated with various neurodegenerative diseases,
including Alzheimer's.


Brain-Gut Axis: The gut and the brain are connected through the brain-gut
axis, a bidirectional communication system involving neural, hormonal, and
immunological pathways. Changes in the gut microbiome can affect this axis,
potentially influencing brain function and neurodegenerative processes.


Amyloid Plaque Formation: Some research suggests that gut bacteria may
influence the aggregation of amyloid-beta protein in the brain, a hallmark
feature of Alzheimer's disease. Certain bacterial species may promote or
inhibit the formation of amyloid plaques, which are implicated in neuronal
damage and cognitive decline.


Metabolite Production: Gut bacteria produce various metabolites, including

short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) and neurotransmitters, that can influence
brain function and neuroinflammation. Alterations in the production of these
metabolites may contribute to Alzheimer's disease pathology.


Potential Therapeutic Targets: Modulating the gut microbiome through

dietary interventions, probiotics, or fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) has
emerged as a potential strategy for managing Alzheimer's disease. Preclinical
studies in animal models have shown promising results, but more research is
needed to determine the effectiveness and safety of these approaches in


Overall, while the link between the gut microbiome and Alzheimer's disease is still
being elucidated, emerging evidence suggests that targeting the gut-brain axis and
modulating the gut microbiome could offer novel avenues for therapeutic intervention
in Alzheimer's disease.

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