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LEVEL: Intermediate/Advanced
Write the letter of the word(s) that best complete each sentence:

a - come clean
b - as they come
c - come to think of it
d - how come
e - come to blows
f - come within an inch of
g - come true
h - come off it
i - come what may
j - come to terms with

1. I'm sure those two will . ( = start fighting) if they don't stop arguing

2. Her sister is as nice . ( = She is extremely nice.)

3. you didn't call me last night? = Why didn't you call me last night?

4. We have to . ( = accept) the new reality.

5. , ( = whatever happens) I'll always be your best friend.

6. You'll feel better if you ( = tell the truth) about what you did.

7. ! = Stop acting so arrogantly!

8. Tom and his sister always ( = come very close to) winning, but they
never actually win.

9. , ( = now that I think about it), I've never met your brother.

10. The princess made all of her wishes ( = happen as expected)


1- E
2- B
3- D
4- J
5- I
6- A
7- H
8- F
9- C
10- G

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