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 PBIS4319.

 Sesi 5

 Tugas.2



 Kerjakan Tugas 2 berikut.

 Untuk bagian 1 tiap phrase jika diterjemahkan dengan benar skor 2, jumlah skor 2 x
10 = 20.
 Untuk bagian 2 tiap kalimat jika diterjemahkan dengan benar skor 3, jumlah skor 3 X
10 = 30. Sehingga total skor ada 20 + 30 = 50.

 Translate the underline phrases. Each phrase has 2 score

1. Texting on his phone, the man swerved into a ditch.

2. As the cat watched, the two puppies fought over a bone.
3. The small dog was reluctant  to learn new things.
4. When he arrives, we can try to build a fort.
5. Finally, we can afford to buy a new house.
6. Walking on the ice, she slipped and fell.
7. Open the door to let the fresh air in.
8. To make lemonade, you first need some lemons.
9. You have woken up everyone in the neighborhood.
10. He  should wait before going swimming.

Translate the sentences below. Each sentence has score 3 

1. I know that the students studied their assignment.

2. I believe that everything happens for a reason.
3. How do I know  what I think, until I see  what I say?
4. In the early years of my boyhood, my parents coped very well in America
5. This home, which they had worked so hard to own, was only a block from the biggest,
whitest houses in town
6. The English that my parents spoke in public was hesitant, accented, not always
7. Mary, the aspiring actress, became upset as soon as she saw the casting list.
8. I couldn't feel anger against him because I liked him too much.
9. Peter Paul, the drama teacher, met with Mary after she came to the next class.
10. Even though he enjoyed the movie,  he will not buy the DVD  because he only
watches films once.

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