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inguinal ligament ( of poupart) is the fibrous thickened folded margin ( or inferior edge )

of the external oblique aponeurosis. extends from anterior superior iliac spine ASIS and
pubic tubercle. forms the floor of the inguinal canal.

two associated ligamnets of inguinal ligament ( of poupart) include the lacunar ligament
( of Gimbernat) and pectineal ligment ( of Cooper)

the anterior wall of the inguinal canal is the external oblique aponeurosis ( laterally this
wall is reinforced by internal oblique m. fibers)

the posterior wall of the inguinal canal is the transversalis fascia ( medially this wall is
reinfored by the conjoint tendon formed by the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and
transversus abdominis)

the roof of the inguinal canal is the conjoint tendon, the arching fibers of internal
oblique & transvesus abdominis.

the floor of the inguinal canal is the inguinal ligament ( and by the lacunar ligment

the superficial inguinal ring also known as the external inguinal ring . opening in the
external oblique aponeourosis. the superficial inguinal ring forms the exit of the
inguianl canal. it is located superolateral to the pubic tubercle, medial to the inferior
epigastric vessels.

the deep inguinal ring also known as the internal inguinal ring , opening of the
transversalis fascia , entrance of the inguinal canal , located 1/2 way along the inguinal
ligament, lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels.

the inguinal canal passeds obliquely and is approximately 4 cm long. females narrower
canal: round ligament of the uterus, llioinguianl nerve, genital branch of genitofemoral
nerve, blood and lymphatic vessels. males wider canal: spernatic cord , others same as

the posterior wall of the inguinal canal ( the transversalis fascia ) is thin and therefore is
a potential site for abdominal organs to herniate.

an indirect inguinal hernia will protrude through the deep inguinal ring , as this is
already an opening in the transveralis fascia.
a direct inguinal hernia instead " RIP' s" through an area known as Hesselbach Triangle.
herniated contents protrude through the parietal peritoneum, endoabdominal fascia
and transversalis fascia. located in medial inguinal fossa ( between medial & lateral
umbilical folds)

three boundaries of Hasselbach's triangle :

medial -lateral border of rectus abdominis muscle

Lateral- inferior epigastric vessels;

Inferior- inguinal ligament ( of poupart)

RIP R: rectus abdominis; I: inferior epigastric vessels; P: poupart ( inguinal ligament)

The spermatic cord begins: deep inguinal ring; travels through: inguinal canal; emerges:
superficial inguinal ring ; ends scrotum ( posterior border of the testis)

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