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About me intro

i live in houston texas,i am working with the Special Forces Operational

Detachment-Alpha team assigned to Company B, 82nd Airborne Division.I'm deployed in
support of Operation Enduring Freedom as a member of the Combined Joint Special
Operations Task Force�Afghanistan

I don't smoke,i drink little not much,my hair color is brown and my eyes are blue
and am 5'8"...I'm a fun to be man i like making my woman happy and proud,I love
families too,I'm honest, faithful, loving, emotional, romantic, passionate,
hardworking caring and God fearing...

I also like women who are either spiritual but not necessary religious. I also
enjoy attending a good church that leaves you feeling better about yourself when
you leave.I like healthy foods such as a good seafood salad I love the color brown.
I like to snuggle when it rains or read a good book,reading any of the self-help
books, listening to romantic music or 60's music and exercising, I also
enjoy,Golf,Running,Swimming,Vo lleyball.
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How long have you be single?

i am a widower.....I lost my wife and son five years back while giving birth and
right now am afraid of getting hurt again..don�t like talking about it cos it makes
me remember my past,just need a new life with my dream woman

God puts people in our lives and He takes some away, for a reason. We don't
understand but He does. He knows all the rest of the story.

what kind of relationship do you seek?

i am seeking for a long term relationship and possibly would love to get married
some day

What do you do for a living?

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What kind of a man are you looking for?

The type of person I am interested in is a woman who can laugh, love and care for
me, one who is motivated and ambitious, intelligent, and self confident, that
enjoys meaningful conversation in addition to plain old good fun. Romance and
passion are important as well.

A woman who is intelligent enough to value the mans who loves her, the one who
knows what the meaning of respect is.. a woman who is trustable, a hardworking who
is able to achieve goals with me, the one who is sincere, loving and caring, the
one who can walk by her side, the one who can grow emotionally and professionally
with me, the one who can offer hierself as a whole, and can expect the same from
the other, and the one who is willing to offer great moments as well of receiving
the same

In a relationship what matters most to you?

I have learned though that chemistry is not everything and not the only like
everyone I talk to I want the whole enchanter, including chemistry and component
for building a strong relationship
I am looking to meet that person that respects simplicity. The person that when I
meet her... I will just know that she is the one for me. I believe that
understanding is a very important part of the relationship so she must be trust
worthy, lovely and caring.

I believe my MATCH is out there cos I know now that I am ready for an unconditional
love relationship...a forever relationship.
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I am looking forward to a lasting relationship with you and I hope that you would
be able to understand.
I am an understanding and honest man with good heart to my woman because now I
really need a family.
I am a man who will never cheat on my partner because I believe that God made one
man for one woman and so I should be like that.

Nice and lovely looking Lady like you should not be single but should be happily
married with the right man, and if I was blessed with a lady like you I will
forever be thankful to God.
Honestly I admire and like your profile and would like to stay in touch with you

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what do you find attractive in man?

I enjoy women who are confident with themselves and are not afraid to express
themselves in a diplomatic way. I think it is very important that two people want
the same thing in a relationship. I believe that this should be discussed and
communicated clearly when two people first meet.I do not believe in wasting my time
or the other persons time because life is too short.

I like women who I can have a good conversation with and we can communicate in a
mutually beneficial way...I like women who are interested in exercise and physical
fitness. I like women who read to improve themselves and find value in self help
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would you like to get married again if you found the right man?

Where will you love to spend your honeymoon in-case you find the right man?

I've always dreamed of going to a tropic island for a couple of weeks. We would
stay in a romantic bungalo. Windows open, there would be lace curtains blowing in a
light breeze along with warmth coming from the sunshine shining through the lace.
Although this would be heaven on earth, I'd be in heaven just being with the woman
God intended me to go through life's journey with

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have you been in Love before?

yes i sure have and i would love to do go down that road again and this time i
would love for it to be forever as i am out now to find my forever love ..

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whats one of the sweetest things you've done for love?

i prepared breakfast in bed for my woman

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are you submisive to you man? or you like to be the boss always?

I believe each person should be allowed to be who they are and to be free to give
their best for each others mutual benefit. I do not like controlling women who do
not communicate well and have agendas or excessive previous baggage.

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What happened in your past relationship?

my woman ended up cheating on me with my best friend that was 2years after i lost
my wife...I would like to meet someone that is "done experimenting" and is
seriously wanting a 100% committed partner in life. I am a giver and I do it well,
but have come to expect it in return
I have made my share of mistakes, sometimes repeating them before learning the
valuable lessons that have made me who I am,I know now that I am ready for an
unconditional love relationship...a forever relationship

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What are some of your favourite things

Some of my favorite things are laughing, sharing, being outdoors, colors, music,
dancing, fires in the back yard, deep conversation, spontaneous road trips, the
smell of a fall morning, the smell of my special someone, reassuring looks, and the
touch that makes you feel so warm and content. I enjoy comedy clubs, theater,
hiking, putting with home projects, gardening,i like baseball, football, hicking
and camping. Amost anything outside.
I can enjoy a night out on the town, but don't like to frequent the bar scene.
Coffee shops and lattes, music, intimacy, talking, dancing, children, and just
doing nothing together Or something
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Where is your favourite hotspot

I love any restaurant that serves good healthy foods and where a very good band is
playing. I love restaurants with romantic settings where we can look into each
others eyes and feel that special connection,I love being in the great outdoors
seeing the natural beauty God has given to us that others take advantage of

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What do you do for fun?

I enjoy slow or fast dancing, walking in the woods holding, hands, candlelight
dinners, travel, shopping and watching movies, and playing romantic piano for that
special person. I love snuggling with the ones I love while watching a movie and
sharing passionate kisses with that special person

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dear i would love for us to continue our chat if possile for the whole day but that
wouldn't be possile as i have somethings i need to attend to but however it was
really heart warming talking to you today and i hope you would love for us chat
again? cos i will really want to know about you.

please can i have your email so that i can get to email you sometime, maybe the
type that might give you a reason to wear smile all day.
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Hello Dear How are you doing? Please am sorry for writing you this late. I will
like to share a few things about myself. I am a very positive person who cares a
lot about the people around me. Great conversation motivates me, I live my life
with intent and purpose. I can find fun in almost anything I do and I'm looking for
my best friend, someone to share special moments and love unconditionally, someone
who has the same positive outlook in life. A woman to spend the rest of my life
with, I am just an average down to earth man who is looking for a woman to love and
to beloved in return for a serious relationship/marriage. I believe that love is
not about how much you have in the beginning but how much you build till the end. I
don't care about the age difference or the distance. I believe that age and
distance has little or no role to play in a relationship. I want to love and be
loved again, The type of woman I am interested in is a woman who can laugh,
intelligent, and self confident. one who is motivated. I'm basically a very
positive person who love humor and laughter and would like someone with an
adventurous spirit and a positive attitude who can see the funny side of life,
someone who is open and willing to learn new things. But what matter's most in a
relationship is honesty. I also love a woman who knows how to treat a man like a
baby. Romance and passion are important as well. I have learned though that
chemistry is not everything. Lastly they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
So I would say I have more on the inside than the outside. LOL No one is perfect
including myself but I suppose if you don't put it out there and risk, you will
never know. However I am realistic and I am by far not perfect. I have been widowed
for 5years now, Have 2 kids. I have been in only one relationship since I lost my
wife which ended up breaking me down rather than helping me get back on my feet.
but am totally ready to move on now with my life and try something new. I believe
everything happens for a reason. I'm willing to relocate for that special woman..
Life is very short and I am so much afraid of growing Old, wanna grow
up with someone full with fun and compatible to grow Old together. I have faith
that I will meet my soul mate someday. And when I do, I will know for sure that
this is the real thing. I have only experienced that kind of love once in my life,
but because of that I know the power and intensity of a very deep love. I have a
personal vision that when I am 60, my love and I will be sitting in a white rocker
on a porch somewhere out in nature. I am sitting on her lap and we are laughing and
enjoying nature around us. I could never enjoy a one way relationship. I love to
give but I also love to receive. I am not talking material things; I am talking
about support, listening, honesty, friendship, companionship, and all the other
little things to our personalities. I don�t think a good relationship has a right
or wrong. I feel a good relationship is simply a compliment of the other person,
Wow I have written alot and I will be glad to know more about you.

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Where are you originally from?Tell me about your family?any sibling?what about your

My Father is Sweden while my Mother is Spanish. I was born and raised in London
relocated to the State with my mum after the death of my late father with the help
of my mum's co-worker..i'm the only child of my parents. and my parents are late.
My Father Passed Away when i was 21 while my Mother passed in 2009. My Father Was a
Building contractor and he died in autor crash. I have uncles we are not in good
relationship, I don't know the reason but it all started from my Father and i can't
question him

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Do you have much friends?any best friend?

I have a lot of people I know. Only one true friend.
i don't keep friends that close after what happened in my past relationship ..

so tell me how will your friend describe you to me when they see me with you?

they would describe me as happy, unpretentious,loyal, confident (but not arrogant),

kind, fun, attractive (on the inside... the outside you'll have to judge for
yourself), adventurous, optimistic, athletic, successful and well rounded with a
good set of values.I believe in living life to its is too short

I like to keep my life uncomplicated and calm. My life is not about career or
material things but who I am, and how I live each day

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are you the shy and jealous type?

i dont have any reason to be jealous my dear because trust and understanding are
the key to every relationship and i trust my not the shy type but on a
second well i will tell you that i am a bit jealous,,that is when other men come
too close to my partner,,especially when they are younger men,,lol..see i am

Are you a romantic type?

I'm a helpless romantic... I love being with my woman and doing little things for
her to put a smile on her face. I enjoy surprising her and doing my part to making
her dreams come true

what are your dreams as a woman?

I would like to find a partner who is honest, assertive, intelligent, loquascious,

willing to hang in there when things get a little difficult. I appreciate
masculinity in a woman great deal, someone who is in touch with her sexuality and
not afraid to express it. A woman who is communicative, sure of herself and willing
to solve problems when they arise. Someone that is open minded and willing to try
new and different things. she takes care of herself and is comfortable dressing up
once in awhile, casual is ok too.

she knows she's not perfect and is ok with that, just as I know this about myself
and keep trying to succeed in things anyways.Most of all, She must be willing to be
treated with respect. To be cared for and payed attention to in the best possible
way. She must be willing to be with someone who is faithful to her exclusively.
I am a good man. I have my faults but pride myself on my honesty and my ability to
express my feelings. I am looking for a mate. I don't believe in cheating on a
partner, in other words when I am with someone I am faithful. I am not interested
in one night stands or playing the field. I am a widower and sometimes I ask myself
"Why?" I'd have to say that it was just not a problem earlier, and I just never
seemed to notice that.

I am a person who does pretty well on his own and is not afraid of being by myself,
but the desire to really connect with someone and be in a relationship is sometimes
overwhelming. The loneliness can get to you sometimes.
I am a person who enjoys communicating on a physical level, a touch or caress can
mean so much whether given or received. I also love to talk and truly enjoy good
conversation on a variety of subjects. I can be quite direct.

I love animals and I like to ride my bike and paddle my canoe. I enjoy reading,
nonfiction mostly, I enjoy poetry both reading and trying to write it. I enjoy
cooking for myself but also really enjoy dining out together. Movies make up large
part of my indoor entertainment, I don't watch a lot of TV. I enjoy studying,
experiencing and producing art and music . I also like to work with wood and fix
things. I enjoy dressing up and take pride in my appearance.

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Do you believe in God and how often do you go to church?

I love God with all my heart and trust in HIM to comfort and guide me.only him
knows what he has in store for us but Haven't gone much in the last few Months

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Do you love music and any favorite?

I love music... the songs I listen to will usually tell you what kind of mood I'm
in or tell you what's in my heart when words can't begin to describe who I am. When
I'm happy, you'll usually find me singing (assuming I know the song). I think music
is a gift many people take for granted. They'll listen just to hear the beat yet
won't stop to feel the power of it's words. Music can be soothing to the soul & can
calm the restless spirit. The wrong kind of music can also damage ones inner being.
A person's mind will unconsciously listen to the lyrics which will either bring
death/depression upon them or will bring joy to their soul so they might be able to
enjoy life. As a person's mood changes so does the type of music they listen to.

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What about movies?any favorite?

I have a few favorite movies. My all time favorite is "City of Angels" it's a movie
where a man sacrificed his life as an angel to experience what it was like to love
the man he was drawn to. I also love Valentine day, letters to Juliet, Endlesslove,
Maleficent, Never been kissed, anything with Reese With er spoon. I like romantic
comedies, action movies, Romantic, & ones based on a true story like Titanic, &
American sniper,unbroken. There are really so many that I like, I can't really name
them all

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what kind of sport do you like best?

I like Football, shooting baskets, playing volleyball, & a few others. baseball
game also

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what makes you smile and happy?

Well' for me, Whatmake's me smile is very easy!!! What makes me smile is seeing
those I love smiling & knowing I put that smile on their faces and when I have a
woman who treats me like a makes me happy
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What would you consider a real fun thing for a couple to do

together?...................An ything that brings laughter to both people.

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Do you love rose flower?.................My favorite Rose is a Purple rose... they

are not as common as the other types. My favorite flowers are Stargazer lillies &
lilac bushes.

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How do you treat your man?

Although every relationship has it's ups & downs, I will treat my woman with lots
of love & respect. I like to hold her hand while walking side by side, I enjoy the
little kisses stolen throughout the day, & the little smiles she gives me from
across the room. I believe a man & woman are to walk side by side in life & so
communication & honesty are VERY important. My woman would be a woman of God &
because of that reason alone I will not have to worry about her treating me badly
or cheating on me. I in turn will be completely faithful to her & will support him
during our lives together. I do expect her to do the same for me. We don't always
have to be together but we'll feel each others presence even when we're apart. We
will be each others rock to lean on &we,will share dreams & goals for ourselves and
who will have faith & be strong even when life is looking down

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Do you love to express your feelings or you love to hide your feelings?

I'm a person who would rather express my feelings as I know it's not good to keep
them locked up. It's important to express to others that you care for them & are
there to support & encourage. I LOVE sharing sweet moments with the woman I love...
it makes my heart happy!

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What is your idea of a perfect first date?............A walk along the waterfront
or beach... great time to talk & get to know each other.

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What is your ideal date?.....................Oh wow... there are sooo many

scenarios I could mention here & each depends on where the friendship/relationship
was as to the idealness of it. I like romance either way so anything where we would
have a little privacy to talk & stare into each others eyes.

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What are your likes and dislike?...........I don't like cheat's, liars, thieves, or
shallow people. Other than that, I'm a person that likes pretty much everything...
I'm VERY easy going.

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what are your own definition of true love?......

True love to me is the kind of love God gives... UNCONDITIONAL love. It's a love
that is indescribable with words yet is felt deep within the heart. It's when you
can't stop thinking of the other person & you are excited to get home to them after
a long days work or you desire to just say hello through a text or phone call just
because they are on your mind. It's a precious thing that way too many people take
advantage of & something everyone should have at least once in their lives.

I believe that romance is a very important part of the relationship.

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A picture is worth a thousand words yet can still tell you nothing. Lastly beauty
is in the eye of the beholder, and I would say I have more on the inside than the
outside. LOL No one is perfect including myself but I suppose if you don't put it
out there and risk, you'll never know. However I am realistic and I am by far not

let me tell you something about my expectation,i dont care where you come from, i
dont care what colour skin you have, what language you have or what past you have
before..what matters to me is you have a true heart to build a good relationship
and understanding to my background and my i believe true love do not see
any boundaries or ski�

////////////////.....LOVE QUOTES........./////////////// ///////

I may pretend that I'm okay, I may put a smile on, I may tell everyone I'm over you
and that I don't want you or miss you. But the truth is on the inside I'm dying, my
smile is fake, I'm in love with you and forever will be, I want you more than you
could ever imagine, and I miss so much!

The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's
heart..and you have captured my heart from the start

I love you not because of what you can give me it's because how my heart warms up
whenever I am chatting with you.

If you ever ask me how many times you've crossed my mind, I would say once. Because
you came, and never left.

The love I have for you is no ordinary love it's the love from my heart,that keeps
you on my mind,the love that will always be no matter if we would end to be.

One of the best feelings in the world is when you hug the person you love, and they
hug you tighter

Honey, you have changed my life completely. You're the one who makes me beautiful.
You're the one who makes me strong. You're the one who makes me feel so important;
you're everything to me.

My prayer is that the almighty lord will give us a long life to enjoy every of our
day together as husband and wife.

Please honey, I sincere have deep love and feelings for you. it may
sound very crazy but it is just the truth.So I need your commitment
and trust, honesty and love, care and understanding because you know
that I am a very busy man with my job.

Honey, please all I want from you is to promise me your sincere love
and good heart feelings and always pray for almighty lord to protect
me from any danger.
Not just a pretty face that you have You have a heart of gold,
With you, there are so many emotions,
And so many stories untold

Whether it is night or day,

I keep thinking about you the whole day,
Wish I could be with you 24/7,
With you I feel like I am in heaven,
Darling I love you so much.

Dreaming of you makes my night worth while.

Thinking of you makes me Smile.
Having you is the best thing ever &
Loving you is what I plan to do foreve

I don't want you to know, so I try to be strong. I don't want you to think that
without you, I can't go on. But that's how it is, and that's how it will be,
because, Baby, I love you, I need you, I miss you, and without you, there's just no

When I miss you, sometimes I listen to music or look at pictures of you, not to
remind me of you but to make me feel as if I'm with you. It makes me forget the
distance and capture you

I heard someone whisper your name, but when I turned around to see who it was, I
was alone. Then I realized that it was my heart telling me that I miss you.
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wish am with you this evening..I will first, pick up a bottle of wine (Lumbrusco is
very good) and then some roses. Before i start i will pluck every petal from all
the roses and place them in a hidden place in the bathroom (you will see why
later). Then make a light dinner, something simple like chicken and rice. Set it to
candle light and enjoy each other�s company. After dinner you will wait in another
room while i go in to the bathroom and set the mood.I will Place candles all around
the tub and anywhere else i would like. then i fill the tub with hot water and the
rose petals.We would Enjoy a nice romantic and relaxing rose-petal bath (It will be
good if i rub your back with a handful of hot wet rose petals, it feels wonderful).
Afterwards we will retire to the bedroom and i will give you a nice romantic
rubdown, I will leave the rest to you, ENJOY

If you turn out to be my dream you breakfast in bed is such a

romantic thing to do, I will buy a cheap platter from the thrift store (or i could
just use a baking sheet with fabric draped over it).I will make your favorite
breakfast before you wake, with orange juice and coffee.I will place a couple
tealight candles next to your nightstand (they're very cheap) and light.I will then
Place a rose head or other flower head into a small container or glass and place it
on the platter,then open the curtains, and then wake you up

You are so tender,kind and Very thoughtful of your Partner and there feelings. A
very rare gift.

And If it happens that you work a lot of overtime at your job and comes home
absolutely exhausted. I will get this cute basket and put massage oil, bubble bath,
body lotion, a loofa, those wooden massage things that i can buy, and a few other
things in the basket and I keep it in my bedroom.i will write you a note and put it
in your room where you'd find it which said, "Any time you need to unwind from
work, just call me and tell me to bring the basket." That way, every time you work
overtime and wants to relax, I expect to get a call,and I come over to give you the
most romantic bubble bath I possibly can.You will love it!
Without a doubt.

--------------------BIBLE QUOTES------------

How are doing today? I hope everything is alright with you.My beautiful queen,
I am so proud of you and you make me so happy, I cannot stop thanking
God for answering my prayers by giving me my rightful wife because you
coming into my life is like Sarah in the life of Abraham in the Bible,
(1 Peter 3:6),

The bible say's in the book of Proverbs 18:22 that Whoes so findeth a
wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the Lord and also

in Proverbs 11:16, it say's that A gracious woman retaineth honour:

and strong men retain riches and in the same Proverbs 12:4, it also
say's A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh
ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

I Sworn and took Oath to

save life and protect my country as a soldier, I have taken the same
oath to love you, care for you and to protect you till death.
God bless you... I'm very happy to have you in my life...

--------------INJURIES-------- -------

I don't want you to know, so I try to be strong. I don't want you to think that
without you, I can't go on. But that's how it is, and that's how it will be,
because, Baby, I love you, I need you, I miss you, and without you, there's just no

My love, your prayers saved my life, I am OK, the bullet passed through my left
side, is don't very deep, nothing to fear, it is just a flesh cut, at least now I
will be out of action for at least a week, I took a walk to the command room just
to chat with you, for now my dearest love I am out of action. i called your name
three times in the front of death.

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