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Jogging (≥4-6 min), Backward jogging on the toes (Approximately 1min), High-knee skipping
(Approximately 30 s), Defensive pressure technique (Approximately 30 s), One and one (≥
2min)≥ 10 min

Muscle activation
Activation of calf muscles, quadriceps muscles, hamstring muscles, hip flexor muscles, groin
muscles, hip and lower back muscles (6 items, each item 4s for each leg/side)Approximately 2

Forward and backward double leg jumps, Lateral single leg jumps, Forward and backward single
leg jumps, Double leg jump with or without ball (optional), (4 items each item Approximately
30s)Approximately 2 min

Walking lunges in place, Hamstring curl (in pairs), Single-knee squat with toe raises (3 items
each item Approximately 1 min)Approximately 4 min

Core stability
Sit-ups, Plank on elbows and toes, Bridging (3 items each item Approximately 1
min)Approximately 3 min

The Harmoknee exercise program will last for about 25mins

Control group.

For comparison, the control group was asked to continue with their regular team training and
warm-up without any restrictions. In addition, before the commencement of the study, the
control group was promised that they would receive the intervention program 8 weeks later. All
groups participated in common training which consisted of technical and tactical drills such as;
passing, shooting, dribbling and heading drills. In addition, they play in small-sided games such
as; 5×5 m and 10×10 m square grids. Players in the control group were monitored closely not to
perform any specific exercises that would contaminate our results.


RCT-Random control trials

NHE-Nordic hamstring exercise

FIFA- Fédération Internationale de Football Association

SR- systematic review

NNL- Nigeria national league

SLHB- Single leg hamstring bridging

During exercise sessions, particpants will kneel on the padded mat and their lower legs is
stabilized by the researcher/ assistant or fellow team mates. Participants will be encourage to
slowly lower their torso to the floor level in a constant cadence (4 seconds per repetition), sustain
a rigid torso position and only moving the knee joint. The participants' arms will be flexed at the
elbow joints such that the palms of the hands were facing forward at the level of the shoulder
joints. The participants will be allowed to use their arms in the final stages of the movement to
buffer the fall (Delahunt et al, 2016). During the return to the NHE starting position, participants
will use their upper limbs to avoid concentric actions of their hamstrings.

Delahunt E, McGroarty M, De Vito G, Ditroilo M. Nordic hamstring exercise training alters

knee joint kinematics and hamstring activation patterns in young men. Eur J Appl Physiol 116:
663–672, 2016.

Week Frequency Sets Repetitions

1 2 3 6

2 2 3 8

3 2 3 8 -10

4 2 3 10

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