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Sanchez-Lopez 1

Portfolio Voiceover I Transcription

Here at RWJ Barnabas Health, we are seeing a large volume of pediatric patients coming into our

ER’s as well as occupying our pediatric ICUs for respiratory illness triggered by rhinointrovirus.

This is the time of the year where we see enteroviruses circulate. This particular surge is thought

to be related to enterovirus D68.

Typically, we see a surge intro virus g68 every two years.

I think the key thing to recognize is the kids at risk.

The kids who have chronic lung disease, who were premature babies, the kids who have asthma

are considered high risk.

All children with asthma typically have an asthma action plan which advises the parent and how

to deal with an asthma exacerbation.

Typically, multiple respiratory viruses can tip over an asthma exacerbation, and so we advise all

the parents that if you haven't updated your asthma action plan for your child recently you must

touch base with your provider.

Sanchez-Lopez 2

For the kids who are asthmatic they will present with exacerbation of their asthma symptoms and

those are the kids who may require aggressive treatment like steroids, nebulizer therapy, and

sometimes treatments beyond that and wind up in the ICU setting at times requiring some extra

level of support.

Some of the preventive measures that we recommend are strict hand hygiene. If you have a

household member who is sick, they should mask in an indoor setting.

The virus is spread through respiratory route as well as through contact with surfaces exposed to

the virus. We recommend wiping them down with a usual bactericidal wipe, and we encourage

cough etiquette.

Children are different from adults in that you may see coinfections with multiple viruses at the

same time.

The viruses that you can vaccinate and prevent severe illness for we strongly recommend that the

children are caught up in those vaccines and namely covid vaccinations, influenza vaccinations

need to be up-to-date.

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