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SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY September 14, 2021

SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY- scientific study how a person’s behavior

how does the presence has been affect us?

-we construct our social reality

-we react differently because we think differently.

-we explain behavior with accuracy.

-our intuitions are often powerful.

Social influenced shape our behavior: locality, educational level, subscribed media, culture, ethnicity

Personal attitudes and dispositions shape our behavior: internal forces- inner attitudes about specific
situation, personal dispositions- personal na ugali na we act upon.

-attitudes and personality also affect our behavior

-social behavior is biologically rooted: evolutionary psychology-natural selection predisposes our actions
and reactions; social neuro science- we are bio-psycho-social organisms

-some of our action and behaviors are already selected.

-mga ugaling namana natin na mahirap baguhin.

-social psychology’s principle are applicable in everyday life: how to know ourselves better, implication
for human health, implication for judicial procedures, influencing behaviors.

-is social psychology simply common sense? Social psych was criticized because they say that soc psych
is more on common sense only.

-hindsight bias- I-knew-it-all along phenomenon.

Research methods: how we do social psychology

-forming and testing hypotheses


-integrated set of principle that explain and predict observed events

-hypothesis: testable proposition that describes a relationship that may exist between events

-correlation research: detecting natural association


-laboratory- controlled situation

-field-research in everyday situation

-correlational research:
Experimental- we control a variable to

-correlational and causation- correlation doesn’t mean causation

-diff methods: survey research, random sample, unrepresentative samples, order of questions, response
options, wording of questions, framing.

-dapat wala tayong bias.

-experimental research-dapat may cause and effect.

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