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A. Supply the correct form of the word in the parentheses.

1. outspokenness (n)
- outspoken (adj): trực tính, thẳng thắn
His _______ annoys some members of the committee because he is always
expressing his ideas frankly. (speak)
2. businesslike (adj): nhanh việc, thạo việc
George is very disorganized and not very _______ . (business)
3. shortcoming (n): thiếu sót
She was fully aware of her own _______ . (short)
4. disheartened (adj): chán nản, mất nhiệt huyết
heartened (adj): vui, phấn khởi
Low income and little administrative support make teachers _______ with their
profession. (heart)
5. reptilian (adj): thuộc loài bò sát
A film about the _______ ancestors is available in the library. (reptile)
6. immortality (n): sự bất diệt
- mortal (adj): lâm nguy (phải chết) >< immortal: bất tử, bất diệt
There are people whose _______ begins from the moment of their death. (mortal)
7. misdiagnosis (n): chẩn đoán sai
It's undeniable that the _______ of the local incompetent healer was responsible
for her sudden death. (diagnose)
8. beneficiary (n): người thụ hưởng
As the sole _______ of his uncle's will, he inherited a huge fortune. (benefit)
9. irreparable /iˈrepərəbl/ (adj): không thể sửa chữa >< reparable
This _______ faulty washing machine should be returned to the manufacturer. (repair)
10. overbalanced
- overbalance (v): mất thăng bằng
The first time I tried out my new bike I _______ and fell off. (balance)
B. Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that the second sentence has the same
meaning as the first one.
1. The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended it.
Had it not been for a famous film star’s attendance, the party wouldn’t have been a success.
2. Government guidelines do emphasize the importance of starting education early.
A lot of emphasis is put on government guidelines on the importance of starting education
early. guideline: phương châm, đường lối
emphasis (n): sự nhấn mạnh
3. The trip was so amazing that we will never forget it.
It's too amazing a trip for us to forget.
- be too + adj + a/an + noun (dùng với danh từ số ít)
- be so + adj + a/an + noun (dùng với danh từ số ít)
4. Your silly questions distracted me.
You drove me to distraction with your silly questions.
- drive someone to something: khiến ai đến cái gì đó
5. She was so disgusted at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.
Such was her disgust at the way her friend behaved that she refused to speak to him.
6. Mike is never reluctant to make tough decisions as a manager. (SHRINKS)
Mike never shrinks from making tough decisions as a manager.
- shrink from doing something: lưỡng lự làm gì.
7. The film is similar to Shakespeare's Hamlet in a number of ways. (RESEMBLANCE)
The film bears some resemblance to Shakespeare's Hamlet.
- bear resemblance to: giống với (resemblance: danh từ không đếm được)

8. He is determined to become a doctor. (HEART)
His heart is set on becoming a doctor.
- One’s heart is set on sth: ai đó quyết tâm làm gì đó.
9. Alison bought the big house because she wanted to open a hotel. (VIEW)
Alison bought the big house with a view to opening a hotel.
10.We feel uncomfortable in the house. (FISH)
We feel like a fish out of water in the house.
feel like a fish out of water: cảm thấy không thoải mái (như cá trên cạn)

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