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1 Main Fire Alarm Panel

The fire alarm panel is an addressable type and it is connected to addressable

device only. These devices such as smoke detector, smoke detector, break glass,
alarm bell, input output module and more. The control system is operated on 24V DC
supply to energize the system.
The alarm indication is both audible (alarm bell ringing) and visible (indication
light flashing). Fault and pump indications are also both audible (buzzer sound)
and visible (indicator light on).

Main Fire Alarm Component

9.1.2 Instruction for Fire Alarm Panel

1. Normal condition
Set all the rotary switches to Normal (NORM) position. Switch on Mains Supply and
connect the standby battery.
On normal condition, only two indicator light are on, i.e. 'MAINS ON' and 'D.C.
ON'. All other indicating lights should be 'OFF'

2. Alarm Condition
When the sensor or detector of any zone detects a hazard that particular zone’s
alarm light will flash and buzzer will ring. Light will keep on flashing and bells
continue ringing if the hazard and the Fire Alarm Panel are not attended to

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