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The impact of social media on children’s mental health.

The word social media is mean the network or system that allow people to use
or connect to daily life. Social media gives positive and negative effect to the users
depend on how they can control it. In some countries like New Zealand had already
effect on people use of social media over 12% are adult and old people and 26%
especially are children. They got lot of effect on their life and even prevalent to the
whole society of New Zealand as well. So how can social media impact on children’s
mental health?
1. Cyberbullying: Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for
cyberbullying, where children may face harassment, exclusion, or humiliation. This
can severely impact their self-esteem and mental well-being. Exposure to idealized
images and unrealistic standards of beauty on social media can contribute to body
dissatisfaction and eating disorders among children, especially adolescents.
2. Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Constantly seeing peers' curated highlights on
social media may lead children to feel left out or inadequate, fostering feelings of
anxiety and loneliness. Children may compare their lives to the seemingly perfect
lives of others showcased on social media, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low
self-esteem. Excessive use of social media, particularly before bedtime, can disrupt
sleep patterns, which in turn can negatively impact mood and cognitive function.
Continuous notifications and distractions from social media can affect children's
ability to focus on tasks, impacting their academic performance and overall well-
being. On the flip side, social media can provide platforms for positive social
interactions, support networks, and access to educational resources, helping
children develop social skills and learn about diverse perspectives. Parental
Monitoring and Guidance: Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in mitigating the
negative impacts of social media by setting limits, monitoring usage, and fostering
open communication about online experiences. Ultimately, while social media offers
numerous benefits, it's essential to be mindful of its potential negative effects on
children's mental health and take proactive steps to promote healthy digital habits
and well-being.
In conclusion, Social media platforms can be breeding grounds for
cyberbullying, where children may face harassment, exclusion, or humiliation. This
can severely impact their self-esteem and mental well-being. Constantly seeing
peers' curated highlights on social media may lead children to feel left out or
inadequate, fostering feelings of anxiety and loneliness. On the flip side, social media
can provide platforms for positive social interactions, support networks, and access
to educational resources, helping children develop social skills and learn about
diverse perspectives. Ultimately, while social media offers numerous benefits, it's
essential to be mindful of its potential negative effects on children's mental health
and take proactive steps to promote healthy digital habits and well-being. All in all
social media is like the 2 face knife that can help society to increase and also can
destroy the whole society but it depend on the user to use it in the right way. So as
we are the children we should use social media to study and help our countries to
be more increase and also give a knowledge to our next generation as well.

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