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The effects of social media research 2:

Over half the global population uses social platforms and the average
person spends at least two hours scrolling through them every day. Social
media has fundamentally changed the way we initiate,build and maintain
our relationships.Social media allows teens to create online identities,
communicate with others and build social networks. These networks can
provide teens with valuable support, especially helping those experience
exclusion or have disabilities or chronic illnesses.

Teens also use social media for entertainment and self-

expression,however social media use can also negatively affect teens
distracting them, disrupting their sleep, and exposing them to
bullying,rumour spreading.unrealistic views of other people's lives and
peer pressure. The risks might be related to how much social media teens
use, a 2019 study of more than 6,500 12-to 15-year-olds spent more than
three hours a day using social media might be at heightened risk for
mental health problems.

Ways to help protect your mental health:

- Set reasonable limits, learn how to avoid letting social media

interfere with your activities, sleep,meals and homework.
Encouraging a bedtime routine that avoids electronic media use and
try to keep phones out of the room.
- Learn what is not ok such as, gossiping,spreading rumours,bullying or
damaging someone's reputation.

Reference: Teens and social media use: What's the impact? - Mayo Clinic

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