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Time visuals Audio Notes

Panning of ‘Sweets’ Background music playing cinematic time
sweets on a *pause* lapse- from 5 seconds in
Kids picking ‘Every kid
up and loves them’
eating *pause*
sweets with
wrappers on
Zooming in ‘colourful
on packaging’
packaging *Pause*
on shelves ‘and sugary
again flavours’
‘but are kids
Shots of kids being conned
buying into buying
unhealthy unhealthy
foods foods

Shot of a kid By playing on

with child
someone psychology
looking like trends
a medical
professional Such as bright
Flashes of And fun
cartoons on cartoons
Pause in
Violin/medevil Background music
music plays
quietly /- tavern brawl
Images from ‘since the A slow slide show of different medieval
olden days beginning of paintings etc
of people modern
selling human history
things market
traders and
salesman have
been finding
ways to bring
in customers
to buy their
Show ‘but it was only Medevil music stops
vintage when the
Victorian industrial
clips of men revolution music-cancer-patients/?
came about
working and gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6sDR0oW-
and the boom
of capitalism
coming where awaken the dawn starts playing
from tall advertising
pipes became what
we know it to
be today’
Show clips
of adverts ‘the 60s
of new brought
plastic, cheaper
wrappers packaging in
being made the form of
from plastic plastic
Clips of packaging
vintage leads to bigger
packets budgets in
using bright advertising
coloured and brightly
packaging, coloured inks
production drawing
line clips customers in’
Pan of How much
people does
buying packaging
things at a effect what
checkout we buy?
Cannon shot We’ve Music crescendos builds up fast
of the brought
specialists together a
sitting group of
down/ specialists to
getting discover if
comfortable there is…
with their
flashing on
the screen
Title of the A dark side to Dramatic text on the screen slams down
show on advertising

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