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Ideal Model School

Entrance Examination 2081

Grade: Three

Full Marks: 25 Time: 1 hour

१) जोडा मिलाउनह
ु ोस ् । [३ x १ = ३]
म केटाहरू
नयाँ हामी
केटो परु ानो

२) खाली ठाउँ मा मिल्ने शब्द भर्नुहोस ् । [३ x १ = ३]

क) ऊ घर …………….….। (गयो / गए)

ख) बहिनी कथा ……………...। (पढ्छ / पढ्छे )

ग) साथीहरू बल …………..…। (खेल्छ / खेल्छन ्)

३) तपाईको परिवारको बारे मा चार वाक्य लेख्नह

ु ोस ्। [२]





4. Choose the correct answer. [3 x 1 = 3]

a. Living things need ………………….. to live.
i. Air, water and light ii. Air, water and food
iii. Air, water and book
b. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
i. Small and weak plants are herbs.
ii. Grass, mint and tulsi are herbs.
iii. Rose is a herb.
c. A lady has lost her ring in the dark room. Which source of light will
you suggest to use?
i. Sunlight ii. Torch light iii. Dim light

5. Label any two parts of the given picture and write function of any one
of them. [1+1]

Function: …………………………………………………………………………

6. Choose the correct option. [2 x 1 = 2 ]

a. How many hours are there between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.?
i) 1 Hour ii) 2 Hours iii) 3 Hours iv) 4 Hours
b. How many corners does a triangle have?
i) 1 ii) 2 iii) 3 iv) 4
7. 200 cm = ……….. m [1]
8. Compare the following numbers using symbols of greater than (>) or smaller
than (<). [1]
a) 576………. 567
b) 879 ………… 978
9. Divide 72 by 8. [1]

10. Ratan paid Rs 987 to buy shoes and Rs 395 to buy a bag. How much does
he spend altogether? [2]

11.Choose the best answer from the given alternatives. [3 x 1= 3]

a) The Ostrich is the _____ bird. (large, larger, largest)

b) Rima and Dayahang _____ working in the field. (is/ are)

c) I have _____umbrella. (a, an, the)

12.Make sentences by using the following words. (4 x 0.5=2)

[ What, enter, clever, board]

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