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(English Medium)

Smt. K. R. Raval Primary School

Std:. VI

Subject - Mathematics
Worksheet - 1

Q1 : Choose the correct answer.

1. The product of the place value of 2 in 428721 is _______.

(a) 4
(b) 40,000
(c) 4,00,000
(d) 40,00,000
2. The predecessor of 1,00,000 is _______.
(a) 99,000
(b) 99,999
(c) 9,99,999
(d) 1,00,001
3. Which of the following will not represent zero?
(a) 0 + 7
(b) 0 x 0
L(c) 0 - 0
(d) 0 / 5
4. Every integer less than 0 has the sign _______.
(a) +
(b) -
(c) x
(d) /
5. Which of the following fraction is the smallest?
(a) 5 / 7
(b) 5 / 11
(c) 5 / 4
(d) 5 / 8

Q2 : Give a very short answer.

1. Which digits have the same face value and place value in 9,20,634?
2. Which is larger? : (a) 2.1 or (b) 2.055
3. Write 600 + 2 + 8 / 10 as decimals.
4. Arrange the following integers in the descending order : -3, 0, -1, -4, -8
5. What is the measure of a straight angle?
6. Arrange the following in the ascending order : 9.005, 9.05, 9.5, 9.15

Q3 : Fill in the blanks.

1. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle is __________ times the length of its each
2. If (7x+4) = 25, then the value of x is __________.
3. 87/7 is equal to the mixed fraction __________.
4. The number of right angles in a complete angle is __________.
5. A polygon having __________ sides is called quadrilateral.

Q4 : Do as directed.
1. Find the product using suitable property : (4 x 178 x 25)
2. Give the prime factorization of 9999.
3. Write the all factors of 36.
4. Find the LCM of 50, 60 and 75.
5. Use number line and add the following integers :
9 + (-6)
6. Find the sum of 289 .06 + 289.006 + 9.008
7. Subtract 5.0876 km from 21.87 km
8. Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length and breadth are 250 cm and 2 m respectively.
9. Draw figures and write how many sides each
figure has : 1) Triangle 2) Quadrilateral
3) Pentagon 4) Hexagon 5) Octagon
10. Find the sum of (45) + (-23) + (-32) + (12)

Subject - Mathematics
Worksheet - 2

Q1 : Choose the correct answer.

1. The face value of 4 in 8,94,605 is __________.
(a) 4
(b) 40,000
(c) 4,00,000
(d) 40,00,000
2. Which of the following is a composite number?
(a) 23
(b) 29
(c) 32
(d) none of these
3. 0.912 -- 0.88 =
(a) 0.824
(b) 0.032
(c) 0.320
(d) 0.082
4. 0.07+0.008 is equal to ___________.
(a) 0.15
(b) 0.015
(c) 0.078
(d) 0.78
5. Using tally marks, which one of the following represent the number eight :
(a) lllll
(b) lll lll
(c) lllll ll
(d) llll lll

Q2 : Give a very short answer.

1. The perimeter of an equilateral triangle, if side of the triangle is 3m.
2. The ratio of 8 books to 20 books is __________.
3. What is total number of lines of symmetry of a square?
4. How many set squares are there in the geometry box?
5. How many lakhs make a million?

Q3 : Fill in the blanks.

1. Circle has ________ line(s) of symmetry.
2. A straight angle equals ________ right angles.
3. (- 8 - (-8)) = ________ .
4. Fractions with the same denominator are called ________ fractions.
5. 7690 paise can be written in rupees as ________ .
6. 23 + ______ = 0
7. 3/4 ______ 2/8
8. Lowest term of fraction 0.18 is ______
9.Ratio of 10 sec to 3 min is _______
10. Express as metres using decimals for 9m 7cm

Q4 : Do as directed.
1. Convert 2345 m to km and express the result as mixed fraction.
2. Write 0.05 in the lowest terms.
3. Subtract : rupees 18.25 from rupees 20.75
4. Find the area of square garden with side 30 m.
5. Find the perimeter of a square with side 12 m.
6. The weight of 72 books is 9 kg . What is the weight of 40 such books.

Q5. Learn and write tables 7 to 19 one time in alternative days.

Sub : English.

Worksheet : 2

Q.1) Complete the sentences below with suitable conjunctions.

1. We can't begin the match________ it is raining.
2. Ruchi wants a sandwich___________ I want a party.
3. I will study________ you sleep .
4. Hurry up______you will miss the bus.
5. I will not sleep_______I have completed the homework.

Q.2). Tick the correct prepositions.

1. The frog jumped (by/into) the lake.
2. My books are (on/over) the table and my bottle is (above /near) them.
3. (Beside / Besides) Raja , four children were selected for the school cricket team.
4. I am fond( with / of) music. I like listening ( to / into ) ghazals.
5. The exhibition will be inaugurated ( on / at) 9.00 a.m

Q.3). Change the sentences into Indirect speech.

1. Salma said ,' I want to go to play'.
2. John asked me , ' Who are you waiting for?'
3. The inspector said to the robber, ' Put your hands up'.
4. Lakhan said , ' I cannot pick up so many bags' .
5. Ria said , ' I will go to school tomorrow "

6. He said to me, " What are you doing?"

7. He said, "I am unwell. "

8. He said, "My master is writing letters. "

9. Misha said, " I have.passed the examination"

10. She said to him, " I don't believe you "

Q.4). Circle the misspelt words in the sentences.Then write the correct spellings
in the blank spaces.
1. I enjoy watching the cartoon cereals on TV. ________________
2. Hurrah! We have one match. ________________
3. Mother bought a bouquet of flours. ________________
4. There is no lite in the house. ________________
5. I put sum oil in my hare. ________________

Q. 5. Write a paragraph from any english book and identify and write all the parts of speech from that
paragraph.( Parts of speech : Noun, Adjective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction &

Q 6. Change the voice.

1. We compelled the enemy to surrender.

2. The boy made a kite.
3. Manners reveal character.
4. I will conquer him.
5. My cousin has drawn this picture.
6. Everyone loves him.
7. The enemy have defeated our army.
8. We refused them admission.
9. Some boys were helping the wounded man.
10. The Mason is building the wall.

Q7(.A). Write an essay on : 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Television '.

(B). Write a letter to your younger brother who has grown very weak. Suggest ways how he can
improve his health.


Sub : SS

Write and learn name of all Indian states with their capitals.

Sub. : Hindi
Worksheet - 1

प्र.1 विलोम शद्ब लिखे |

१.दयालु ×

२.बहुत ×

३. खुश ×
४. बुराई ×

५. जन्म ×

६. पास ×

७शुभ ×

८. चेतन ×

९. जीवन ×

१०. प्रकाश ×

प्र. २ समानार्थी शद्ब लिखे |

१. लोक-

२ .मान -

३. निशान -

४. हाथ -

५. अ
ं बर -

६. नदी -

७. स्थान-

८. मुसीबत-

९. प्रसन्न-


प्र. ३ निचे दिए गए शद्बके वाक्य मे प्रयोग किजिए ।

१. कमल -

२. सागर -

३. भारत -

४. हिमालय -

५. आरती -

प्र.४ कहानी लिखिये |

१. बातूनी कछुआ
*********Stay safe **********
Sub : Hindi
Worksheet - 2


सम् + ज्ञा = स
ं ज्ञा

संज्ञा का शाब्दिक अर्थ _नाम

************ जो शब्द किसी व्यक्ति, वस्तु,प्राणी, गुण, भाव तथा स्थान आदि के नाम को स
ं ज्ञा कहते हैं।

व्यक्तियो के नाम = सचिन, रमेश, पलक

वस्तुओ के नाम = कलम, पंखा, घडी

स्थान के नाम = दिल्ली, पंजाब, नेपाल

प्राणियो के नाम = तितली, घोडा, हाथी

गुणों के नाम। = ईमानदारी, सच्चाई

भावों के नाम = करुणा, क्रोध, दया

प्र१। नीचे दिए गए वाकय मे से स

ं ज्ञा पहचानिये

१) रमेश पुस्तक पढ रहा हैं = __________

२) कश्मीर बहुत सुंदर है। = _____________

३) आज बहुत गरमी है। =____________

ं ज्ञा के प्रकार
व्यक्ति वाचक स
ं ज्ञा = Proper Noun

जातिवाचक स
ं ज्ञा = Common Noun

भाववाचक संज्ञा = Abstract Noun

द्रव्यवाचक संज्ञा = Material Noun

समूहवाचक संज्ञा = Collective Noun

************* नीचे स
ं ज्ञा शद्ब दिए गए है, उसका वाकय मे प्रयोग कीजिए।

१) सचिन तेंदुलकर

२) मोर

३) ताजमहल

४) रामायण

५) कार

६) नगर

७) दे श

८) बुढापा

९) मित्रता

१०) खुशी

११) दूध

१२) चादी

१३) घेहू

१४) गुच्छा

१५) हिमालय

********Stay safe & Take care*********

Sub _ Gujarati
Worksheet : 1

*** જેને સ્વતંત્ર ઉચ્ચારણ માટે કોઇનો આધાર લેવો પડતો નથી તેને સ્વર કહે વાય.

*** ગુજરાતી માં ૧૩ સ્વરો છે . આ સ્વરોને ત્રણ વિભાગ માં વહે ચવામાં આવેલા છે .
૧) હ્ સ્વ સ્વર = અ ,ઇ, ઋ ,ઉ

૨) દીધૅ સ્વર = આ ,ઈ, ઊ, ઋ

3) સંધિ. દિધૅ સ્વર = એ, ઐ, ઓ, ઔ

*********** અ થી અઃ સુધી લખવુ.


******* જેનુ સ્વતંત્ર રીતે ઉચ્ચારણ થઈ શકતું નથી તેને વ્યંજન કહે છે .

******* ગુજરાતી માં ક થી જ્ઞ સુધીના કુ લ ચોત્રીસ વ્યંજનો છે .

*********** ક થી જ્ઞ લખવું

*** ઉદાહરણ -----

વ્યંજન + સ્વર = વણૅ
ક્ + અ =ક
ક્ + આ =કા
ક્ . + ઇ =કિ
ક્ + ઈ = કી
ક્ + ઉ = કુ

********** નીચેના શબ્દો ને શબ્દકોશ ના ક્રમમાં ગોઠવો.

૧) નાવડી, ઉદર, પાણી, પાદડુ

૨) ટમેટાં , ઠં ડી,. બંડી, તડકો, સૂરજ


૩) બંડી, બરફ, ગામ, તડકો


૪) ખુદા, ગરીબ, આકાશ, હજ


૫) પુણ્ય, યાદ, વાતચીત, મંજૂર, શાંતિ


૬) પીઠ, ખાતર, કૂ તરો, ઇશારો


Sub : Gujarati
Worksheet : 2

કૌસમા આપેલા શબ્દોમાં થી યોગ્ય શબ્દ પસંદ કરી ખાલી જગ્યા પૂરો.
( બોડ , રાફડો ,દર , માળો , વાડો , ઘર )

૧) ઉદરનુ રહે ઠાણ =____________

૨) વાઘ- વરુનુ રહે ઠાણ =___________
3) પંખી ઝાડ પર રહે વા બાધે છે તે =___________
૪) બકરી - ઘેટાં ને જયાં પૂરવામાં આવે છે તે _________
૫) માણસ નું રહે ઠાણ=___________
૬) સાપનું રહે ઠાણ=__________

( શાકભાજી, પંખી, રં ગ, ઋતુ, માસ, ફળ, સંબંધ )

૧) જાન્યુઆરી, ફે બ્રુઆરી, માચૅ=_________
૨) સફરજન, દાડમ, કે રી=___________
3) રાતો,પીળો, લાલ=_________
૪) શિયાળો,ઉનાળો, ચોમાસું=_______
૫) કાકા, ફુઆ, માસી=_________
૬) દૂધી, કારે લા, ભીંડા=_________
૭) મોર, પોપટ, કાબર=_________

નીચેના દરે ક શબ્દના બે - બે વાક્ય લખો.

૧) ફ્રિજ =
૨) વાસી=
૩) ઠં ડી =
૪) રાજા=
૫) સૂરજ=

નીચે આપેલા બે શબ્દો પરથી એક વાક્ય બનાવો.

૧) ટમેટુ _પંખો
૨) મોબાઈલ _ બોલપેન
૩) દૂધી _ ચોપડી
૪) તડકો _ બરફ

****નિબંધ લખો.

૧) મારો પરિચય

********** Stay safe & Take care **********

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