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The article shows convincing data that 2018 ranks the 4th hottest year around the world,


we are talking about a rise of 0.83°C (1.5°F) compared to an average baseline temperature

between 1951-80 period respectively. Confirmation of the fact gives even more weight to a

disturbing tendency of elevating temperatures, as the last five years being together the

warmest in the history of the modern climate now collected up. The consequences of this

warming surge are very complex and pervasive, illustrated by the growing number and power of

the extreme weather events that occur around the globe. In the span of a year scorching

drought, hurricanes, floods, wildfires and the strange temperature observations in the Arctic

and India have all happened.

While there is beyond doubt that climate change is an emergency that needs to be dealt with,

the article reveals that there is a huge difference between scientific predictions and political

response. Global emissions continue to rise soaring to new heights, creating an immeasurable

hindrance to the endeavors directed towards climate change attenuation and abidance by the

temperature benchmarks set forth in the Paris climate agreement. It is urgent and necessary to

act, and this realization emphasizes the need for a major drawdown of greenhouse gas

emissions and the implementation of resilient climate adaptation policies to ensure the safety

of ecosystems and communities facing climate risks.

Climate crisis is a subject that the article directs the attention to the significance of a unique

power of the international community toward the resolution. As such, it provides the sharpest

of all reminders that such consequences, if we don’t act soon, will be grave indeed and the

decision-makers should not avoid acting on climate change. Through accepting of sustainable

solutions and implementing of policies in compliance with the Paris agreement targets.
While reading the article, I have mixed feelings of concern and urgency. The fact that 2018 was

the fourth warmest year globally and temperatures have been escalating over the past five

years show the severity of the climate crisis we are in. The alarming thing about rising frequency

and severity of extreme weather events, such as heatwaves, flooding and wildfires is the extent

of damage they cause in different parts of the world.

Perhaps the biggest shock is the fact that while the scientific community is unanimous on the

need for action in relation to a serious situation, political support is very scarce. The evident

facts and dire warnings regarding the increase in global emissions are there, but these just go

up without being addressed, constituting a serious challenge for the efforts of mitigating climate

change. Call for fast actions is a must, but in most situations, the political inertia and short-term

interests prevent the implementation of long-term measures to solve the climate crisis.

What I find most striking is the big noise of the scientific background of the urgent need of the

action with no appropriate political response. In the face of the undeniable proof and the

apocalyptic pronouncements, global GHG emissions are rapidly increasing without any

indication of slowing down, thus posing a great threat to the initiatives aimed at the reduction

of GHG emissions. Time is of the essence, and yet the political momentum seems to be

continually hampered by inertia and short-term interests which outweigh the long-term

considerations of the climate change.

Also, the need for doing something on climate change is gotten from the growth of the scientific

evidence and the agreement among experts. The piece highlights the importance of considering
the scientist’s warnings and using the data when formulating the policies and taking personal


In conclusion, the thorough analysis of the climatic crisis in the article creates a dire, somber

picture of the lofty challenges that are at hand, and the further need for immediate action. The

year 2018 being the fourth warmest in never-before-seen temperature ranges around the world

alarms us that the world is in a serious environmental crisis. It is no secret that more and more

extreme weather events, such as heat waves, floods, and wildfires, are occurring and becoming

more severe. These are some of the warning signs that climate change is a clear and present

danger to all communities in the world. On the other hand, spray of these terrible realities,

there is ray of hope. The article puts a priority on global partnerships and coordinated efforts

towards solving the climate dilemma as it acknowledges the significant role of giving people and

communities more participation in climate action campaigns.

Besides that, the increasing scientific evidence highlights the necessity of acting on climate

change and the existence of a general agreement among experts. The necessity of respecting

the scientific warnings and taking advantage of experiential data to base both policy-level and

individual-level actions cannot be underestimated. With the capacity to understand the

complexity of climate change rising, the need for policymaking and decision making based on

evidence is essential both at a policy level and a societal level. Through maintaining scientific

integrity and evidence-based methods, resilience can be achieved and the problems brought by

climate change can be effectively addressed.



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