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Oct'23-DA Batch - Project Presentation: - 22nd March

Project Overview:

Analytics team in a media company is looking for someone to analyse youtube data. You are
expected to fetch latest real-time data from Youtube-API, gather different statistics and perform
exploratory data analysis on youtube data.

A standard exploratory analysis may look as below:

1. Channels (Top N) with most no of subscribers

2. Individual Channel analysis: Most Popular video in channel
3. Other metrics e.g likes, avg duration of videos etc

However, learners are encouraged to include as many factors in EDA and dashboards for effective
project outcome.

Project Outcome and output files:

1. A Single or Multiple Dashboards which explores the youtube data. (Tableau File)
2. Complete presentation of project explaining the problem statement, project steps and
execution(Data Collection+ Manipulation+ visualization), and final insights found in the

Bonus (optional steps):

1.Sentiment analysis of fields like video comments

2.Creating dashboard in Data Apps like Dash or Streamlit

3. Other additional ideas or executions from learners are appreciated.

Project Group:

This is a group project containing “X” no of members per group.

Project Submission:

Group should submit their code files and even presentation on Github Repository.

(A single Repository from any of the group members)

The Repository should contain a readme file explaining the overview of the project in brief
manner (not detailed).
Presentation Format:

.ppt file with necessary slides.

Group will be provided a total of 30 minutes. It is expected that every member of group is

Actively involved in project execution and in presentation.

Project Submission Date Deadlines:

21st March 2024 : First Draft of Project Files

22nd March 2024 (10am): Final Files

Project Presentations:

All the presentations are planned on Friday,22nd March 2024.

Exact timings and order of group will be conveyed in advance.

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