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Child Protection – Personal Journal

Reflection 1 - What does the Bible say about our responsibility to protect children?

Write out your reflections on these verses in the activity The Bible and Protecting Children.
Describe what the Holy Spirit is showing or telling you…

Matthew 18:1-5

The holy spirit is telling me that we need to imitate the faith of the children and protect
them. Children are not slow to believe what adults and the Lord says. They simply
trust the Lord. We should be like children who believe in their father and knowing
that their father loves them and want the best for them.

Matthew 18:6

The Lord wants us to protect children and not harm them because they are fragile and
innocent. The Lord loves them and has given them to us to take care of them and
protect them. Me must not forget that we were children too.
Matthew 18:10

We must not underestimate children, not harm them and not hurt them. Each of them
have an angel of the Lord watching over them

Philippians 2:4

We must take into account the superior interest of the child. Every decision making
should be for their good first.
Reflection 2 - How will others know that you are a child advocate?

What would you expect to see from someone demonstrating appropriate behaviors?

We should be patient with them: not shout at them, not beat them, not neglect them and
take care of all their needs : food and clothing, medical care…We should bless them
We should take measures to prevent any abuse and signal them.

How will others know that you are committed to exhibiting the expected behaviors?

Others will know that I am committed to exhibiting the expected behaviors if I practice what I
know and what I have learned.
If I question on a regular basis my actions and my behavior to improve myself.
How will people know from your actions that you have ownership for protecting

If I act kindly with children, If I take care of them and take any measures to prevent abuse
people will know that I have ownership for protecting children. If I respect Compassion
Center code of conduct and also their rights.
Reflection 3 – My Child Protection Commitment

What are one or two things you learned in this course?

To act in a responsible way with children by respecting Compassion center code of conduct.

Take time to pray for what is on your heart during this reflection time. Record your thoughts.
Child Protection Commitment

Create your own commitment of your willingness to protect children. Record your own message below:

I am an advocate for children because…I love them, I want them to be happy and to succeed in life, to

overcome their difficulties, to enter into God calling.

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