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& Contents | The living world SS | Biological classification ‘T FAST TRACK OF BIOLOGY | Plant kingdom, - eee ial Kingdom a : 5 | 46. t| _5._| Morphology of Flowering Plants 2 “aa | _6. | Anatomy of Flowering Plants SS | 29 7.__| Structural organisation in animals (Animal tissue) iL Ziad al _8.__ Structural organisation in animals (Cockroach) ps __9._| Structural organisation in animals (Frog) 42 10. | Cell : The Unit of Life | 44 11. | Biomolecules 49 12. | Cell Cycle and Cell Division 54 13. | Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 58 14. | Respiration in Plants | 63 15. | Plant Growth and Development 66 16. | Breathing and Exchange of Gases 72 17. | Body Fluids and Circulation 75 18. | Excretory products and Their elimination 81 19. | Locomotion and Movement 88 20. | Neural control and Coordination 93 21. | Sense Organs 97 22. | Chemical Coordination and Integration 100 23. | Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants mt 105 24. | Human reproduction ae 119 Reproductive Health Pre Medico! a - a { 26. | Principles of Inheritance and Variations eens ae hy 27. | Molecular Basis of Inheritance ; 28. | Evolution 43 29. | Human Health and Disease _188 f — iat 30. | Microbes in Human Welfare _| 161 | 31. | Biotechnology : Principles and Processes : col aie 1¢8 [82 | Biotechnology and lis applications me) 33. | Organisms and Populations Li 34. | Ecosystem 179 | 35. | Biodiversity and Conservation 182 TARGET NEET JEE 0 All rights including trademark and copyrights and rights of translation etc, reserved and vested exclusively with Alllen Career Institute Private Limited. (Allen) No part of this work may be copied, reproduced, adapted, abridged or translated, transcribed, transmitted, stored or distributed in any form retrieval system, computer system, photographic or other system ot transmitted in any form or by any means whether electronic, magnetic, chemical or manual, mechanical, digital, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, or stood in any retrieval system of any nature without the writen permission of the Allen Career Institute Private Limited. Any breach will entail legal action and prosecution without further notice. This work is sold /distributed by Allen Career Institute Private Limited subject to the condition and undertaking siven by the student that all proprietary rights (under the Trademark Act, 1999 and Copyright Act, 1957) ofthe work shall be exclusively belong to Allen Career Institute Private Limited. Neither the Study Materials and/at Test Series and/or the contents nor any part thereof i.e. work shall be reproduced, modify, re-publis pata upload on website, broadcast, post, transmit, disseminate, distribute, sell in market, stored in @ retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means for reproducing or making multiple copies of it Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this work ee Asset ei prosecution and civil claims for damages. Any violation or infringement of the propriety rights of Allen shail be punishable under ato 2 fs Bol be Trademark Act, 1999 and under Section- 51, 58 & 63 of the Copyright Act, 1957 fer any other Act applicable in India. All disputes are i Breas rere ~ Pl subjected to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts, tribunals Note:. This publication is meant for educational and learning purposes. All reasonable care and diligence hav been taken while editing and printing this publication, Allen Career Institute Private Limited shall not hold a" responsibility for any error that may have inadvertently crept in. Allen Career Institute Private Limited is ‘esponsible for the consequences of any action taken on the basis of this publication, + The living world i a * Growth and (Twin Properties of reproduction les) ‘@rowth) | i of mate A Ct) and non ving eposton helt 6 i face) mutually ‘din noni not | { defining properties, living also so it is | exclusive in I rv) unicellular nh ay an living (Sexual & Asexual reproduction) Binary fission « Amoebo Fragmentation - Al Budding - Yeast Regeneration - Planaria Spore formation « Fungi & Agi |* Some living organisms do Rot reproduce so reproduction is! (not an alli defining properties of living. organisms * Growth and 'e, Fungi & protonema of moss reproduction both are exclusive in higher plants and animals Properties Cellular eee a rganism show response to physical, chemical & biological simul. Shown by all living organism, Effect of light on reproduction in seasonal breeders In human self consciousness occurs |*Allliving phenomena are due to under lying interactions, ("Properties of tissues are not present in its constituents cells but arises due to interaction among the cells, Emergent properties of higher level organization are due to interaction at their constituents at lower level. Allliving organisms are linked to one another by sharing common genetic material with varying degree of similarity * Biology : Story of life on earth Story of evolution of living organisms on earth External Structure ~ om | Internal Celt Characterization =~ Nomenclature Inn nicl Classification Ecological information Developmental piggy Systematics : Taxonomy + Evolutionary relationship Cytotaxonomy : Cytological information like chromosome number & behaviour * _ Chemotaxonomy : Use of chemical constituents of plants ‘One organism has one name © One name assign to one ‘organism * One name description of organism [_ Binomial nomenclature (Carolus Linnaeus) | benim CBN; International code of botanical nomenclatyg IC2N: International code of zoological nomenclature ‘Mangifera indica Linn, — Printed in italics or underlined separately while writing eee eee ete) fees ees * Earliest |» Earliest scientific * Based on Natural Based on * All possible * Based on ||* One orfewmorphological || affinities phylogeny observable characters * Exernaland internal |! (evolutionary || characters * Equal importance to each || structures Jationshi * Giving number character (Vegetative and || uitra structure ‘Sationship) | | and codes to reproductive) * Embryology & Best each character Aristotle (growth habit) || phytochemistry classification | | « Computers are ———— * Bentham & Hooker's | | - used for data Herb Shrub Tree seeded plant | Carolus Linnaeus classification L Androecium structure uses of organisms gy : The living world juan Premedical [ 2 age nirmal em Te = fel Go = Division | Angiospermae _ | Each taxonomic Class Dicotyledonae | category is unit Sania Order Sapindales (of classification (io ler on] [Rank/step/unit] Family Anacardiaceae : sae Mangifera [rm e| [ fox [ pecies Manogifera indica ‘From species to kingdom common characters decrease i ie ra a more are the characteristic that the member within share © OLY greater the difficulty of determining relationship of other taxa at same lev hese taxonomic gr The: Broups/categories are distinct biological entities not merely morphological agare i ALLEN’ Pre-Medical ¢ Division ; Class Se] en ho f= [pore] [oie ee at © Families a e ba! ative & ye characters both. Fami h rized on the basis of vegetative & reproductive ch ‘ ‘amilies are characterize¢ a si © Generally order and higher categories are identified based on aggregates of characters & nae ee ee Musca ‘Muscidae Diptera Insecta 7 Arthropoda } Mangifera |Anacardiaceae |Sapindales —_| Dicotyledonae /Angiospermag ; Triticum Poaceae Poales Moroctvedonce [rpm aestivum NCERT SUMMARY ¢ Range of organisms in terms of size, colour, habitat, physiological and morphological features make us seek the defining characteristics of living organisms. * — Taxonomists also prepare and disseminate information through manuals and monographs for further taxonomic studies. Biological c| Sadi asicaton ama gue Pre Medical BIOLOGICAL CLASSIFICATION piolOY [Two Kinadom Cassfcation) | [rage a Three Domain Gasification | [by Carolus tinnaeus) | | R } | [by RH, Whittaker] {by Carl Woese] faxes on] cell wal Based on a - J Monera f Bacteria, Prokaryotes: F Cell structure domisios resent bsent Protista Archaea J (Two domains) Body organisation es | Plantae} [Anima Fungi Eukaryotes Mode of iti | Eukarya eBacterila © Protozoato whee Plantae ioe cone e Fungi Chordata | Reproduction 1 All plants Phylogeny ey ope \edom ciassification eukaryotes, and ‘multicellular, totrophs and heterotrophs and | In five kingdom classification Chlorella, Chlamydomonas, chitinous walled Paramoecium and Amoeba are classified in same kingdom § led organism are in same ki Five Kingdoms _ et I Monera Fungi | ‘Plantae Animalia [Celltype [Prokaryotie Eukaryotic [Eukaryotic Eukaryotic Cell wal Noncellulosic Present in some — [Present (Chitinous) | Present Absent (Polysaccharide | (cellulose) + amino acid) [Nuclear Absent Present Present Present |Present membrane_| | Body | Celiuiar Cellular ‘Multicellular/ loose |Tissue/organ —_ | Tissue/organ/ organisation tissue | organ system Mode of — {Autotrophie ‘Autotrophic Heterotrophic ~|Autotrophic | Heterotrophie nutrition | (chemosynthetic and | (Photosynthetic) | (Saprophytie/ (Photosynthetic) | ( Holozoic/ Photosynthetic) and | and Heterotrophic | Parasitic) Saprophytic etc.) Heterotrophic (saprophytic/ parasitic) Example | Eubacteria, Chrysophytes, —_|Phycomycetes | Algae, All multicellular Archaebacteria, Dinoflagellates, | Ascomycetes Bryophyta animals Cyanobacteria, Euglenoids Basidiomycetes | Pteridophyta Mycoplasma etc. Slime mould Deuteromycetes | Gymnosperm Protozoa Angiosperm Cosmopolitan distribution | [ prokaryotes uucleusSeearl | Maximum habitat diversity Bacterial disease (Cholera, typhoid, tetanus,, Wenbunabsudce gitrus canker ete. z organelles absent [Endospore Formation [ Binary Fission (Favourable) Matile or non motile Enormous nutritional diversity Pre-Medical Filament Hook, Flagelta Tough and Thick Loose [Slime layer iycocalyx L pasal body revent collapsing id bursting of cell) world) Je and Selective permeable {interact with outer ¢ joi rembrane infolding oF Mama vamell, tubular or vesicle orm of ace area and enzymatic content e3ee yalfrration, DNA replication & dt J Respiration & secretion membrane extension | toy Membrane bound cell Gytoplasm |~organelies are absent i 1 oO yy Q Thelusions body Glycogen granule Pil Exdngated tube like structure Help in genetic recombination Fimbrige T Bristle like fibres, he! attachment to rocks 7 [Ribosome 70: Ipsin and host tissue Unicellular, colonial, Colony surrounded filamentous form by gelatinous sheath Polysome or polyribosome Plasmid Nudeoid © Extra chromosomal ds, circular DNA «Provide extra phenotypic characters ‘* Used to monitor genetic transformation Fresh water/ Marine water/| [terrestrial Na fixation by heterocyst in Nostoc and Anabaena Chromatophore (Membrane extension) Photosynthetic pigments are present. chl.a (similar to higher plant) T ‘= Not bound by any membrane «Lie freely in cytoplasm ‘Gas vacuole Phosphate granue (present n oq and purple ang Genomic or green bacteria chromosomal DNA (double stranded, circular naked), histone protein absent Heterocyst Mucilagenous sheath A filamentous blue-green | algae - Nostoc Coen ‘Survive in extreme environment wall and cell membrane. me nother bacteria Sexual reproduction] by cells fusion and {zygote formation [This kingdom oat? ChrYsophytes arate (Dlatoms and Dinoflagellat fuglenolds ‘Slime mould ‘ Desmids) cite FabHaL | Fresh water and | Mainly marine Stagnant fresh water| Found on decaying twigs and marine water ‘ (mainly) leaves engulfing dead organic matter Callwall_'n Diatoms :two "| Brasent gull plates ol | Absent Ing Absent in vegetative phase thin overlapping | coilulose Proteinace but present in spore cellulosic halves (cellulosic) ica is embedded nie | Watton | Autotrophic. Chief PAutotrophi Misotrophie nutrition Heterotrophic, saprophytic producer in ocean (Dlatoms) [ocomotion| Passive floating Two dissimilar flagelia| Two unequal flagella one movement, cilia one transverse and | long (active) and one short and flagella absent ical one longitudinal (inactive) peal ae oes al Special | Cell wall Red tide Rapid | When light is present In favourable condition point | Indestructible due | multiplication & t Plasmodium tosilicaandform Jspreading of _ red| Photosynthetic @ In unfavourable condition keisalgurh or dinoflagellate (autotrophic) Spore formation in sporangia diatomaceous | (Gonyauiox), (water (fruiting body) earth (Gritty) used | bloom) Deprived with light Spore in Toxins secreted during ‘ © True cell wall 5 Hitration of oll |red tide cause death| Predates small organism | Survive for many years in and syrup of fishes, (Heterotrophic) adverse conditions 2. Stone polishing © Dispersion by alr current Diagram Slime mould Dinoflagetates Lind Aseptate coenocytic e.g. Phycomycetes reat diversity in morphology & habitat Reproductio Branched and septate Uni or binucleate e.g. Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Deuteromycetes feeetative| + Fragmentation + Budding & Binary fission (yeast) * Sporangiospores (Endogenous) * Conidium (Exogenous) exual] + isogamous, Anisogamous, Oogamous Biology : Biological Pre-Medical sa : | Reproduction] * In phycomycetes karyogamy occurs just after sour plasmogamy thus dikaryophase Is not observed. F (ie Mycelium (n) ‘© In ascomycetes and basidiomycetes interval occur An 7 An In between plasmogamy and karyogamy 50 | cametes dikaryophase is observed. or somatic ‘¢ Sexual spore > oospore, ryRospore, ascospore @__ cals and basidiospores fie (ey CLASSIFICATION OF FUNG! ©@OO® @D—* Dikaryon (ns) (1) Morphology of mycelium. Kar 4 spatoals (2 atep) phony On sag (2) Mode of spore formation © —> Zygote (3) Fruiting body aT Class > ‘Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Characters y |Phveomvcetes (Algal fun) | sae fungi) (club fung!) enperfac Habitat | Aquatic (some), decaying Saprophytic, parasitic, | Growin soil, on Some are sapr ‘wood, moist and damp places, | decomposer, wooden logs, tree | and parasite, mogty some are obligate parasite —_| coprophilous stump and parasite | decomposer oon plants ‘Mycelium | Branched, aseptate, Branched septate. Branched and septate | Branched ad sea coenocytic (multinucleate) | Exceptionally in yeast : Unicellular/non mycelial Vegetative |By fragmentation By fragmentation By fragmentation | By fragmentation reproduction: yeast : fission & tz budding 4 ‘Asexual _ | Sporangiospore (Endogenous) | Conidium (Exogenous) | Usually asexual Conidium reproduction | » Motile :zoospore spores are not formed | (Exogenous) __|e Non motile: Aplanospore | Sexual | so, aniso and oogamous _| Fusion of somatic cell or Fusion of somatic cell reproduction gametangia of hyphae of different strain or genotype Meiosis Occurs in zygospore and|Occursin ascusinside [Occurs in basidium oospore ascocarp ide basidiocarp Sexual spore |Zygospore (2n) and ‘Ascospore (n), Basidiospore (n) ‘oospore (2n) Endogenous Exogenous Sexual reproduction Ascocarp Basidiocarp is not discovered Diagram cr absent ‘Mucor Aspergillus Agaricus 2 ‘Mucor Aspergillus Mu shi Rhizopus (Bread mould) —_| Caviceps bracken eee Albugo : White spot or rust on | Neurospora aera cokes \garicus (mushroom), | Trichoderma mustard (Biochemical & Ustilac 5 genetical work) ee uc Morels & Truffles: ee Edible, Yeast Biology : Biological Classification Pre-Medical i [Inert outside host] [ Not wraly ining Ted Helical & polyhedral symmetry Capsia |Obligate | [Nucleoprotein | Parasite | structure * T / Nucleic acid + protein (Capsid) Tobacco Mosaic Virus Bacteriophage Helical symmetry Polyhedral symmetry Head Collar MW. Bellerinek— Contagium vivam Ruldum | |W.M. Stanley — Crystallization of virus 1 Viruses have Gne molecule of either Di | DNA or RNA may be s ords || Usually animal virus > ds ONA ' Plant virus: ss RNA | | Bacteriaphage ds DNA i 5 mi {Symptoms of viral diseases In plants + Mosaic retin, leaf rolling & curling, yellowing, vein clearing, stunted, | growth, dwarfism etc. ean ;— Abnormally folded protein | -0. Diener ' | Nonucleic acid Free low molecular weight SS RNA xs — Cause neurological disease No protein coat |— Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Disease in plant : Potato spindle. _— Mad cow disease tuber disease ‘cr Jacob disease Lichen : Algae & Fungi symbiosis Algae : Phycobiont (Synthesis of food) Fungi : Mycobiont (Provide shelter and absorption of water and minerals) Lichen are used as pollution indicator, they do not grow in polluted environment NCERT SUMMARY TARGET NEEFJEE Pre Medical PLANT KINGDOM Plant Kingdom Autotrophic, Multicelular, Photosynthetic, Eukaryotes TAgee _2.Bryophyta 3, Pteridophyta__4.Gymnosperm__5. Angiosperm Algae ‘Algae = char — [Chlorophyll Simple Largely also present Associated|| UnicellularColoniel Filamentous bearing thalloid aquatic on moist stone with fungi + 4 cea and surface animals (sloth) of (Lichen) |Chlamydomonas VOIX nbranched Ulothrx sprogyre. Ectocarpus Branched r— Vegetative by fragmentation | _ Asexual by usually zoospore (Motile, flagellated) Sexual Oogamy Pa ese beeen [— Anisogamy : e.g. Eudorina 4, Fucus, Volvox, Chara { | 2g, Ulothrx Non-flagellated gametes @) e.g. Spirogyra i. In diss oc g Sex organs are unicellular & fag shape, size and structure In oogamy :Antheridium, Q cena isogamy, gametes are sim anisogamy, fusing similar in morphology (mainly ‘gamete small and usually motile. 3 ‘gamete large and non motile Classification of Algae Based on 1, Photosynthetic pigment 2. Stored food 3. Cell wall composition (Green algae) (Brown algae) Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae (Red algae) calwal (Pectose & cellulose) Photosynthetic pigment Chi. a, b & carotenoids in chloroplast Grass green in colour CHLOROPHYCEAE (GREEN ALGAE) Daughter colony S Parent colony Fragmentation formation \sogamy Anisogamy Laminaria Frond Stipe ‘Holdfast Biology : Plant Kingdom Pre-Medical RHODOPHYCEAE : RED ALGAE ‘Mainly marine present Porphyra inwelllighted region | [Predominance Complex post and also at greater in warm water fertilization development depth in ocean ciiiabeaiiia ee |Usually: (fragmentation) multicellular, me have complex | | potysipponia m0 RHODOPHYCEAE \_-—*| os " S ne [Reproduction}e organisation (non-motile spore) RED ALGAE cell wall: Cellulose, Main ass - Stored food pectin, polysulphated ester Floridean ‘Branches {oogamy by datth, Photosynthetic pigment non-motile gametes) [Chi. a, d & phycoerythrin] r CLASSES OF ALGAE AND THEIR MAIN CHARACTERISTICS | Glasses [Common | Major Cell Wall | Flagella Habitat Pigments Chlorophyceae |Green | Chlorophyll Cellulose | 2-8, equal, _| Fresh water, & algee lab el apical brackish water, salt water |Pheeophyceae [Brown |Chiorophyilaye, |Mannitol, [Cellulose |, unequal, | Fresh water (rare), brackish | sige _|fucoxanthin __|laminarin Jand algin __| lateral water, salt water |Rhodophyceae |Red algae Chlorophyll | Floridean cellulose, | Absent Fresh water (Some), | ad, starch | pectin and brackish water, salt water Rephycoerythrin polysulphate (most) l esters | _srvopHyra | ("land plant on earth © Not successful land plant 2 Amphibians of plant Lateral bud (n) ——» Main plant (n) (Gametophyte) 1 + Antheridium (n) Archegonium (n) (Male reproductive organ) (Female reproductive organ) ‘Antherozoid (n) ts (Biflagellated, comma shape) (Non matite) Life cycle : Haplodiplontic Water's Main plant : Gametophyte required for Spore mother cell(2n) | @ Sporophyte partially or completely merit depends on gametophyte cae Sporophyte (2n) Embryo (2n) «Mt __2ygote (2n) adil — __ Moss (Bryopsida) Liverwort (Hepaticopsida) ——_—_—_—- Grow in moist shady places, banks of stream, | Commonly grow in shady places marshy ground, damp soil,barkof tree ete. | Main plant Body : Dorsiventral thalloid closely | Two stages of gametophyte Devel appressed to substrate I protests ¢ Dorking directly In leafy members leaves ke tiny appendages in | ereeping, green, branched, usually filamentous two row, Il: Leafy gametophytes develops from bug protonema, Upright, erect, slender axis bearing arranged leaves [ Rhizold | Unicelluiar, unbranched ‘Multicellular, branched ‘Asowual By fragmentation and by gemma formation | By fragmentation and by budding on secondary reproduction | Gemma : Green, multicellular, asexual bud | protonema formed in gemma cup Sexorgan | Antheridium (male) and archegonium (female) | Antheridium (male) and archegonium (femal) either on same thallus (Ricia) or on different | tip of different branches on leafy gametophyte thallus (Marchantia) ‘Sporophyte Differentiated in foot, seta and capsule. Differentiated in foot, seta and capsule, ‘more Completely dependent on gametophyte than liverwort. Partially dependant on game [Bample | Marchant Funaria, Sphagnum, Polytrichym anther ‘Archegoniophore "Antheridiophore 7 CAPSULE branch, Z| part, aed # mhz é E Main axis Female thats Male tats i a ecological importance, Food for some birds, herbaceous mammals and animals Sphagnum (Peat moss) form peat, used as fuel Sphagnum is used as packing material for trans-shipment of living specimens, Ecological importance ; Mosses along-with lichens are frst organism to colonise on bare rocks. ‘Mosses decomposes racks making substrate suitable for grow. They reduced impact of falling rain and prevent soil erosion, Pre-Medical Embryo —, Main plant body —+ Sporophyll a int (Sporophyte) (2n) (2n) Sporangia ; (2n) Independent alternation of generation og ae ee Fertfettion © Sporophyte and gametophyte both (2n) are independent and freeliving. ‘Wheels Fees © Life cycle haplodiptontic | Metosis | © Dominant phase : Sporophytic Spores (n) | oie © Sporic meiosis elieeries i sporangia \ Spores in soil Spore |germination Archegonia Prothallus (n) (Multicellular, inconspicuous, independent, usually autotrophic Antheridia gametophyte) (n) Pteridophyta (Classification) Psilopsida Psilotum Lycopsida Lycopodium, Selaginella Sphenopsida Equisetum Preropsida Precursor to seed habit considered as Fem (Dryopteris, iMportant step in evolution. _ Adiantum, Satvinia) ‘© Naked seed plant : Ovules are not covered by ovary wall before and after fertilization, © Medium and large size tree and shrub. Microspore [and megaspore| poe dean tey Selaginella Salvinia into young embryo in female gametophyte ‘on parental sporophyte for | variable period Plant Root Stem eae: J fearon Tap root system Branched —_Unbranched Simple oa age * In Cycas : In coralloid root, + $ (Needle like) (Persist for afew year Np fixing BGA are present Pinus, Cedrus Cycas Pinus ‘in Cycas) * In Pinus : Mycorrhiza is present ‘© Inconifers needle like leaves reduce surface area, have sunken stomata & thick cuticle to reduce water loss. : Biology - pg i ALLEN Pre-Medical GYMNOSPERM LIFE CYCLE Male cone ‘ fain plant —» —+ ieee sporophyll (2n) Rene re bilu (2n) {2n) | | | Microsporangia jay | Ovule (Megasporangia) ‘ (Untegument + Nucellus} (2n) Seed (2n) . | | Microspore mather cy (2 | 8 Nn) Embryo(2n) — [Diplontic life cycle Megaspore mother cell (2n) erie si Meiosis | Zygote (2n) Microspore (n) ‘Megaspore tetrad (n) | One functional megaspore(n) Pollen grain (n) (reduced male gametophyes aan Polen Poltnation Bt i saelg) tube (Ai curent Two oF more , Pollen grain ——— Eg (n) Male 7 Archegonia (n) gametes(n)* ___inovule e Pollen grain : ighly reduced male Bametophyte with limited number of cells e All gymnosperm are Heterosporous e Male & female cone is Present on same plant (Monoecious, Pinus) ‘© Male cone and megasporophyil are formed on. different tree (Dioecious, cyeas) * Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytesin gynosperm the male and the female gametophytes do not have an independent freeiving existence, Dwarf Shoot Long Shoot Seeds. on Ginkgo ole ALLEN’ Pre-Medical BASIC OF CL Organisation Level Of a — © Organ-systan _. [ (Corgan! I rt > B) Tissue-Level (A) Cellular-Level (B) Tis | Asch : = Coelenterata plotyheiminthes ——— to chordate Sponges = Ctenophora 1 Diploblastic | - Mesoglea I (Tame el aggregates] — Exception- Eaception Adult = Sycon Echinodermate ~ Leucosolenia (Radial symmetry, Pseudocoelom Coelom Pseudocoelomates True-coelomate 1 Aschelminthes Annelida to chordata (Endoparasite found in animals only) -Aschelminthes (Parasite in plants and animals) Biology : Animal Kingdom | ESI Cellular level Pre-Medical —THssue level Or Organ system level aa it ney 7 T ; Lpeorpeta Incomplete | Complete A) aeesion, RAR ar ii eth ate digeatbn cellular digestion xtra and Intra Extra a eee elinecdlcabter duet * Porifera YI 4 4 * Coelenterata Platyhelminthes Aschelminthes to chordata 1 *Ctenophora “gut absent in tepaworm" | ; 1 T T 1 mi imi fat Mollusca Echinodermata Cyclostomata Fishes Aves hae Redula Mouth-Ventral Circular and sucking Additional arynx Anus-Dorsal (upper) mouth without jaw gizzard and crop Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes: Ventral mouth [teeth are modified placoid scale) Terminal mouth Body surface RSet Gils i Gills [arthropods ae f.. [aroabs HE Skin Tr racheal system Les - 7 Reptiles T T Pharyng Gills UNS -]_ aves (Air sac supplement Pe ves (Air sac suppl ‘orifera Echinodermata] [ Mollusca ‘Hemichordata respiration) Coelenterata T T Urochordata E ctenoph Water-vascular Marines: nophora cular Featherlike }-Cephalochordata [-Platyhelminthes system Bills in mantle + Cyclostomata (6-15 pairs of ill slits) F Aschelminthes cavity CChoncrichthyes (with out operculum-5-7 pairs) L Annelida Osteichthyes (4-pair with operculum) Body surface Porifera Brae Protonephridia Malpighian tubules Probosels sland (help in excretion [Coelenterata Flamecels fxcretorytubes Amelia and respiration) Vertebrates thropoda Hemichordata “Ctenophora piatyhelminthes Aschelminthes | Feather lke gils CIRCULATORY SYSTEM ‘Annelida [Absent } [Present] | Cephalochordata 3 3 Cyclostomata pee fd Open Gloved-F-charainichtiies ies chambered heart-| chee Water waren’ Osteichthyes ‘One ventricle * Porifera * Mollusca ‘Amphibia —» 3-chambered heart —» Two auricies + one ventricle "Coelenterata. Echinodermata. Reptiles -» 3-Chambered heat (Except-Crocodile—>4-chambered heart) * Ctenophora + Hemichordata ‘Aves -acheamesserea Rare eee *Platyhelminthes — * Urochordata Mammals 2-Ventricles * Aschelminthes Ora ele ia Coelenterata + First time neurons appeared Coelenterata to chordata Platyhelminthes-»Ladder like nervous system Porifera

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