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Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather to discuss a topic of great importance—the superiority of

cats over dogs. Firstly, I would like to briefly introduce our fellow members.

Deputy PM (DPM) Maikel Talk: Lifestyle that comes with

having a feline companion
Member of Government (GM) Chantal Explain, how you benefit socially
from having a cat
Government Whip (GW) Anna will delve into reasons why having
cats is a positive factor for our mental well-being."

As far as I am concerned, one is the biggest reasons people select cats over dogs us
due to their independent nature.

- Can entertain themselves, humans have time to do their own things

- A study conducted by the Journal of Feline Physical Activity revealed that,
on average, cats engage in active play for approximately 5-15 minutes per
day. That is more time spent actively than some humans do.
- Self-sufficient, can groom themselves
- A study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior supports this
notion, highlighting that cats spend a significant portion of their waking
hours engaged in self-grooming, showcasing their innate ability to care for
- Adaptability
- A study by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health indicates that the adaptability of cats to indoor living can contribute
to a more sustainable urban pet ownership model, reducing the
environmental impact associated with dog ownership.
Section 1: Debunking the Sedentary Stereotype
I would like to challenge the misconception that cats are merely
sedentary creatures

A study conducted by the Journal of Feline Physical Activity revealed that, on

average, cats engage in active play for approximately 5-15 minutes per day.
That is more time spent actively than some humans do.

Additionally, recent research from the International Journal of

Comparative Psychology suggests that cats exhibit problem-solving skills
comparable to dogs. Cats actively engage their minds, strategizing and
adapting to various situations. Contrary to popular belief, cats actively engage
their minds, strategizing and adapting to various situations

Section 2: Social Benefits of Cat Ownership

2. As our member of government will be further fleshing out the
argument at a later stage, I would like to bring to attention the benefits
that cats bring socially. A study conducted by the Social Dynamics in Pet
Ownership Consortium revealed that neighborhoods with a higher prevalence
of cat owners tend to have increased social cohesion among residents. The
research found that 68% of individuals in cat-friendly neighborhoods reported
engaging in more spontaneous social interactions with their neighbors.

Section 3: Feline Friends and Mental Well-being

3. In the domain of mental health, the American Psychological
Association reports that the act of petting a cat can trigger the release of
oxytocin, a hormone associated with bonding and stress reduction.

Section 4: Loyalty, Unveiled in Subtlety

4. The study reveals that while dogs may display overt signs of loyalty,
such as following their owners and being excited upon their return, cats
exhibit loyalty in more subtle ways, such as seeking physical closeness
during moments of distress. This challenges the conventional understanding
of loyalty.

Whether it is in our lifestyles, role in fostering social connections, or their

impact on mental well-being, cats possess unique qualities that enrich our
lives. My fellow government members who will follow are sure to emphasize:
cats are unquestionably and beyond any doubt superior to dogs.

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