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Choose the correct answer below!

1. Susi : Where does Mr. Ridwan write the English lesson?

Heru : He usually writes it on the ....
A. cupboard
B. board marker
C. whiteboard
D. dictionary

2. We usually put the books in the ….

A. cupboard
B. bookshelf
C. blackboard
D. wardrobe

3. Salma : Where is Yusuf sitting now?

Syifa : Yusuf is sitting on the ....

A. table
B. chalk
C. picture
D. chair

4. Sofi : Look! Do you know what it is?

Sally : It is a ...
A. cupboard
B. desk
C. blackboard
D. eraser

5. Halimah : What can we see in the classroom?

Huzaimah : We can see a/an …. in the classroom.

A. frying pan
B. sofa
C. television
D. board marker

6. We can see the time by looking at the ....

A. clock
B. clok
C. colk
D. o’clock

7. The student puts the ... on the wall.

A. picture
B. map
C. drawing
D. globe

8. We can make a line by using a/an ....

A. ruler
B. globe
C. rectangle
D. eraser

Uji Coba PTS >> B.Inggris - 4 SD

9. I always wear .... when I go to school. They are red and white.
A. shoes
B. ties
C. uniforms
D. flag

10. The students use a/an ... to write on the whiteboard.

A. board marker
B. eraser
C. cupboard
D. pencil

11. We use our rubber for ….

A. writing the lesson
B. making a line
C. erasing pencil writing
D. looking the miniature of the world

12. We can write the lesson on a …

A. dictionary
B. notebook
C. table
D. globe

13. We use a bag for …

A. making a line
B. saving our books
C. erasing something
D. writing

14. Students usually wear … on their head.

A. a cap
B. a belt
C. a shoe
D. a shirt

15. Usually, we can see the … of our president on the wall of our classroom.
A. dictionary
B. map
C. uniforms
D. picture

16. We can cut a paper by using …

A. a scotch tape
B. a square
C. scissors
D. a stapler

17. We can make a circle by using a …

A. square
B. compass
C. stapler
D. notepad

18. We need a …. to glue something on our book.

A. glue stick
B. glucose
C. candy
D. crayons

Uji Coba PTS >> B.Inggris - 4 SD

19. What is it? It is a ….

A. pencil
B. pen
C. sharpener
D. stapler

20. What is it? It is a ….

A. ruler
B. sharpener
C. pencil cup
D. protractor

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