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1 Choosing Food Wisely Notes

Why You Eat

1. Main Idea: You eat for several reasons: to meet your nutritional needs, to satisfy your appetite,

and to supply your body with energy

a. Hunger is – is a feeling of physical discomfort that is caused by your body need for


b. Appetite is – is a desire for food that is based on emotions

c. Basal Metabolic Rate is – is the rate at which you use energy when your body is at rest

2. Give an example of how each of the following factors affects your food choices.

a. Personal preferences- you choose many of the foods you eat because they taste good

b. Cultural background your cultural background or heritage may also influence your

eating habits

c. Time and convenience eating on the ran

d. Friends when you eat a meal with your friends you may choose different foods then

when your with your friends

e. The media with information about food in advertisements news food and diet

3. Complete the Outline by adding details about the information that is available on food labels

I. Evaluating Food Choices

a. Food labels the united food and drug administer

b. Nutrient and health claims fat free claim FDA also sets standards

c. Daily values much protein do you each day

d. Open dates the labels on prepared foods also incloud open ates

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