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Speaking Test
Time : 1-3 minutes
Purpose : to mesure the students’ speaking test
Topic :
- Favorite place
- Faforite Friend
- Favorite daily life/activities
Instruction :
1. Choose one of the alternative topics above
2. The students’ get 5 minutes to prepare before the test

Transcription of Speaking
Note :
*aa* / *umm* : for hesitation
XXX : for repetition words
_ : for pause/stops
___ : for more than 2 sec pause/stops

1. David Hidayatullah – favorite friend

Okay, i am David Hidayatullah. *umm* i want to tell about my favorite friend. *aa*
When i was here, i remember my little friend. We always play together most
afternoon we go to the park and chill time until our mother was XXX was angry
because he not come home and he was always chill for an entertaining especially
when my mother angry at me for breaking a glass, to be honest i felt lost because that
little friend move out of town wish we could meet again.

2. Afif Rahmat - favorite place

Assalamualaikum wr.wb. My name is Afif Rahmat Ramdhan, you can call me nebi,
__ so my favorite place in the Sacrecour is a catholic basilica in the montmartre hill in
the city of Paris Land. Then name of Sacre-cour means scared heart in the frame, a
place where i can feel calm especially at sunrise and also a beautiful place to enjoy the
sunrise at the end of life.
3. Ikhsanul Fikri – favorite place
*aa* i ikhsanul fikri *aa* my favorite place is taplau. Because taplau i can see the
sunset and a breath taking feel__i can sit with my friend with a snack and share my
problem. Okay thats all.

4. Nur Annisa Kalsum – favorite place

*aa* my favorite place is park. They have a positive vibes thats from to us whenever i
go to park *aa* i does not that calm or may not we just important today since
everyday we are always so stressed and tense out. *aa* park especially play square
everyone would walk to meet up and enjoy the nice picture full time with family. Park
are my favorite place they ar pleasant place to be in. They only have restart our mind,
they help us in many others situate to bigest iscovery. And when i go to park with my
little sister, i walk the trees and the fresh air i get. Park and other natural placegive us
so many essential thing we need like fresh air, water, relaxed of mind. I love going to
park with my sister or friend. Thank you.

5. Erdia Majholla – favorite place

My favorite place is the beach. XXX My favorite place is the beach. I like to go to
the beach because did not mess and warm and is a water to swim. At the beach i like
to the look a small crabs and other animal, when pick that i dont like something the
water crazy cool and something is one. I love the beach and to be my favorite place.

6. Arjuri Lubis – favorite friend

I meet my favorite friends one thing makes me excited when went to school is my
with my bestfriend. Her name is Siska. Although ___ today she is really friend to me.
She has cute face thats will make everyboy memorize if see her. She also wavy hair.
The hobby are swimming and read, gardening. Nots only pretty, she also a very
friendly and solid person. When somebody say hi she always repeat it by smiling at he
or him. And ___ XXX and everyday we always go to school together.

7. Dini Sefina – favorite place

Okay my name is Dini Sefina. I want to talk about my favorite place. My favorite
place is Padang beach located on the stunning restaurant calls a Sumatera. Padang
beach is through paradise _ for beach enthusias. Paradise___stand white sand.
Sparkling to calls water and picture surrounding andoubly my favorite place to
unmind and reconnect with nature. Padang beach is not just a place of nature beauty.
Is is a place ia _ gathery to the rich culture and one hospitality of the indonesian
people. It is pouring the near by city of Padang culinary delight with flavors that
tantalized the taste. Eave a lasting impression. Every visit to Padang beach is a
reminder of simple joy in life. The feeling of warms and beetwen my toast and
swiding sun of waves and the pure place of being surrounded by nature wonder. It is a
place where i can escape the hustle of of daily life and embrassed the serenity of this
tropical osis. In my heart ___Padang will forever wholes special place as my favorite
destination i have not etrance___where. I can in my doubt in the beauty of nature and
create lasty memories. Maybe thats all thank you.
8. Grace Angelina Salsabilla – favorite friend
My name is Grace Angelina Salsabila and *aa* Bung Hatta University student. My
topic favorite friends. My bestfriend is Najla and he, she is my classmat, we go to
campus together, Najla comes from educated family, she is _fadel is a school principle
and his major also a teacher. She is beautiful and kind, *aa* she is really kind.
Working *aa* she always does she is homework and she also well dressed and well
behaved. All teacher have high oppinion with her. Maybe just it thank you.

9. Raihan Fitria Hendrika – favorite life/daily activities

Okey i have favorite daily activities is gardening. I love to plant a flower, trees and
plants, i have mini garden in front my house. I love to be there, because this Place
bring fresh and beautiful.___ Circulation in my garden is so natural and there is a lot
of flower. I plant this with my mom twice a week ___other the flower and plant. I also
plant *aa* herb, fruit and vegetables, because I can cook this and ___this gardening is
my favorite activity because make relax and fresh and i love to be there because this
vibe so chill and fresh

10. Fikri Ramadahn – favorite life/daily activities

*aa* my favorite *aa* daily activities is *aa* playing basketball *aa* because *aa* it
can rilievemy emotion it can rilieve my stress, so it was good for my health and then i
can meet a new people when i go to the court. I can have more friend, i can see a lot
of people there and my second daily activities is playing games *aa* i usually playing
game with old friends and we can talk about anything in ___that game *aa* i think
thats all thank you.

11. Najla Zahira – favorite place

I am Najla Zahira and i am bung hatta university student and my topic is my favorite
place. My favorite place in the whole world is the beach there is no specific beach i
prever to be in. What i like about the beach is the smell of the sea, seing the sea and
the water in front of me moving and forming wave. I feel come and physically
comfortable when i listen to the sound of the waves around me as i lokk and breath
deeply on the cour. I dont much prever to swim. I do it from time to time but i enjoye
walking to the beach *umm* on the beach without shoes on my feet, walking around
feeling the sun on my tus _ and letting the water with my feet this is the most
beautiful feeling i love and prefer.

12. Aisyah Nisa A – favorite life/daily activities

*aa* assalamualaikum wr.wb. this is Aisyah Nisa A. *aa* english education npm
twenty one hundred zero *aa* thirteen twelve ten thirty two. *aa* i wanna tell you
about mybdaily activities comes in Sunday which i free, i free from college, i free
from work *aa* i work at *aa* XXX i work in Siteba. And i always free on Sunday,
so it makes me happy when Sunday come, *aa* because in Sunday after i woke up
*aa* five a.m i pray subuh and i always chat my friends that *aa* where is should we
go and she always had a good idea for example we XXX we always try to do
travelling around sumatera barat such as *aa* pulau mandeh. That it give me peaceful
and nice. We are good view good ocean good weather even hot but i am feel so happy.
We travelling a lot thru sumatera barat and we travelling with bicycle. I feel happy
about that. Even i getting tonner and getting tanned but its not problem its my choice
and i happy with my choice. And then *umm* after that after we travelling around
puncak mandeh we try to stop at beach that have that has swing, we also lunch in the
___ in the small house how to say gubuk and eat our lunch and we and we playing at
the *aa* the beach after that we back home with *aa* going through bungus with cute
monkey with the good view, good ocean, *aa*nice weather. Nice weather and has a
good views, after that it we still have *aa* XXX still have energy we try to coming to
mall like we lunch again eat again in solaria and we i am so happy our so happy we
can have a lot of lunch, and we feel happy during this Sunday. I think thats all

13. Muthia Khairunnisa – favorite friend

My name is Muthia Khairunnisa. So my topic is about my favorite friend *aa* i have
a friend name Raisa, she is my bestfriend since i was in kindegarten *umm*, since
kindegarten until senior high school we were in the same school, but after college we
were not. She is my bestfriend since i was in kindegarten. *aa* she is pharmacist
major right now. *aa* our family know each other and i always support her and
neither she is. I hope i always to be her friend.

14. Muthia Jasmine Wahyuni – favorite place

Okay, *aa* i am Muthia Jasmine Wahyuni and i’ll tell about my favorite place. This is
a place where i always feel safe. The place is my home. I love my home so much it
become my favorite place, when i going out, i sometimes miss my home and wants to
back earlier. I love take a breath when i feel tired after doing activity, many activities
can i do in my home. I can sleep, *aa* i can study in many more *aa* i think thats all
*aa* about my favorite place.

15. Diska Lathifah – favorite place

My favorite place is my bedroom. The place i know that is one that is my favorite.
The place is my bedroom it is medium size room, the colour of the walls are purple, i
wouldn’t say it is amazing and beautiful room but im comfortable place for me when i
want to be alone. It is a place that cheers me out all the time. The place where i feel
safe when *aa* in at home whenever i need with to our study my room is most
relaxing place for me to be in eventhough i share my room with my sister i would say
its like my own place space, when it sunny outside and curtain are open the sun get
realy brights and makes my room look beautiful, it is a room that is really organized
and brighteness coming from the sun through the window is___ what helps me
organized my room and my ebook script.

16. Lulu Karisa – favorite life/daily activities

Okay my name is Lulu Karisa. My favorite daily activity is *aa* reading a novel and
scrolling a tiktok, instagram what else social media. I really like reading novels since
senior high school *umm* everyday i wake up six a.m. *aa*brush my teeth and then
go to the campus, after go to the campus i back to boarding house and then i listen
music. I really like a pop music. *umm* my favorite *aa* singer is Nadin Amizah
*aa*, Kunto Aji, *aa* i think thats all for me.
17. Felya Sepvina – favorite place
*aa* my favorite place is the beach. *aa* since i was little i have visit different beach
and although they still have their different for me, they are all beautiful always
consrect can usually during is there. All my family together and go to the beach to
camp. *aa* i like this vacation. We spent a lot of *aa* fun time and we can very
delicious. What i like most about the beach is sun of the viewest i really like to sleep
or lay on the sand listening to the sounds of daas, which for me like *aa* hobby as
long as the water does not reach me and i get wet. *aa* i feel comfortable and happy
in naturalspace *aa* be at mountain, climb forest, *aa* next there is that feels me at
the most with happiness is the sea. I dont know if *aa* the that i love and everytime
enter home to worse the cough of my country. I am very happy person it also happen
that i very beautiful memories. I think thats all.

18. Rahmatika S – favorite place

Okay, My favorite place is my bedroom,from all the past. I know there is one that my
is my favorite. The place is my bedroom it is medium size room, the colour of the
walls are blue, i wouldn’t say it is amazing and beautiful room but im comfortable
place for me when i want to be alone. It is a place that cheers me out all the time. The
place where i feel safe when in at home whenever i need with to our study my room is
most relaxing place for me to be in eventhough i share my room with my sister i
would say its like my own place space, when it sunny outside and curtain *aa* are
open the sun get realy brights and makes my room look beautiful, it is a room that
is*aa* really organized and brighteness coming from the sun through the window is
what helps me organized my room and make it looks great.___i have a small closet
where i organized all my clothes might not be as a big as how as well closet will be
but its all i have and i am happy with it.

19. Fadhila Arfah R – favorite place

My favorite place is coffe house, by definition men to became listen or anxious.
While choosing early place most of us would think a come and principal side. But
__must take a different place. A place that relax for me is a coffe house. To me it is
more than just soft felt with people that sell coffe. Its offer me a fantastic cup of coffe
a shooting beyond with a flir from reality and some beautiful memories combine with
all of above. ___a great cup of coffe never fails put me in a good mood. It is a clitch
that coffe is just hit pour but in reality it is a chuck opposite. Preparing a quality cup
of coffe reques, practice and equipment that can be really expensive. Although the
quality of coffe is qurcial expect of a coffe house.

20. Maisharah Turmizi – favorite daily activities

My name is Maisharah Turmizi. And my favorite daily activity is when i am off from
my college on weekend during holidays are usually enough also find a boarding room,
while playing a song from spotify that i can find and trying new food recipe on social
media. Sometimes on the afternoon, i go with my friend to the beach or the mall. *aa*
and in the night i want looking for the food with my friend and i come home late at
night. The next day i can get up late in the morning and i just lay in my bed all
day___thats all.

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