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Hip And Foot Exam - MSK Week 4

Name of Student Date Completed:

Examination of the hip and ankle
1. Observe the patient’s gait (including stance and swing)

2. Inspection: Inspect the anterior and posterior surfaces of the hip for any areas of muscle atrophy or bruising.

3. Palpate the iliac crests, iliac tubercle, anterior superior iliac spine, and greater trochanter of the femur. Palpate the
posterior superior iliac spine. (Note: we will not be palpating the pubic region or the

4. Hip flexion (‘patient’ bends knee to chest)

5. Hip extension (‘patient’ may be face down or supine)

6. Hip abduction (‘patient’ moves leg away from midline)

7. Hip adduction (‘patient’ moves leg toward the midline)

8. Hip external rotation (leg flexed to 90 degrees at hip and knee; grasp ankle; move lower leg toward & past midline)
9. Hip internal rotation (leg flexed to 90 degrees at hip and knee; grasp ankle; move lower leg away from midline)

10. Inspect surfaces of the ankles and feet

11. Palpate the anterior ankle joint

12. Palpate the Achilles tendon

13. Palpate the heel and plantar fascia

14. Palpate the malleoli

15. Palpate the metatarsophalangeal joints. Squeeze the foot by compressing the medial and lateral borders toward each
16. Palpate the metatarsal heads index finger on the plantar surface, thumb on the dorsal surface.

17. Observe plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, & eversion.

18. Check the tibiotalar joint (passively dorsi- and plantar flex the foot at the ankle)

19. Check the talocalcaneal joint (grasp the heel before passively inverting and everting the foot)

20. Check the transverse tarsal joint (passively invert and evert the forefoot)

21. Metatarsophalangeal joint (passively move the proximal phalanges up and down)

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