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Work-Based Learning Legal and Safety Plan

What is Work-Based Learning and Why is It Important?

Workplace learning, of which work-based learning is a type, provides students with opportunities
to expand their educational experience to include personal and professional development. These
experiences are not extra-curricular but rather are incorporated throughout a student’s schooling.
Work-based learning allows students to gain skills and knowledge directly in the workplace. This
process helps students align their interests, goals, skills, and values with potential future

Career and Technical Education programs, such as Agricultural Education, are designed to
prepare students for life after secondary education. The skills that students gain in CTE programs
are directly transferable to their futures. Work-based learning allows students in agricultural
education to build upon the skills they gain in the classroom. I believe that there is no better way
to help students find their passion than through hands-on experience such as work-based learning
through SAEs.

Ensuring Safety & Protecting all Parties Involved

Due to the nature of work-based learning, students may potentially be exposed to hazardous
situations. Knowing this, it is of the utmost importance to me to take all steps necessary to ensure
student safety, protect workplaces, protect myself as an educator, and protect the school.

Any potential site for work-based learning will be evaluated by me before any student can begin
work-based learning there. During this time, I will complete an “Agency Evaluation” form and
determine if the site meets safety standards. If the site fails this inspection, students will not be
allowed to complete work-based learning at that site. If this occurs, I will work with the student
to identify a new plan of action. If the site passes this inspection, I will then meet with the
employer. At this time, we will together review the requirements for allowing youth to
participate in work-based learning. If applicable, I will provide information to the employer
regarding exemptions for hazardous occupations, employment of minors, etc. These
conversations will also include a focus on liability concerns for the employer and the steps put
into place to avoid them.

Before participating in any work-based experience, students must review and complete the
“Training Agreement” and “Training Plan” documents, including obtaining all signatures.
Students will also be required to complete all safety training specific to their work-based learning
site. Finally, students will be required to pass a general safety quiz with a 100%.

The document “Training Agreement” specifically removes any legal and financial responsibility
to me, the teacher, and the school for potential harm, disease, or injury that may incur through
participating in work-based learning. Liability concerns will also be addressed during yearly
meetings with myself, the school principal, and the school legal team. These meetings may result
in the creation of more documents.
Supervision Plan
While ensuring that students will be safe before entering into a work-based learning experience
is important, so is ensuring that their safety continues. During the semesterly meetings a student
has with me (further described in SAE Teaching and Grading Plan), we will discuss the safety
practices of their workplace, address any potential concerns a student may have, and create a
plan to ensure safety is continually reviewed. SAE visits will also take place once yearly. During
this time, I will complete a new “Agency Evaluation.” The steps following the original
evaluation will take place again. Further, students will receive semesterly exposure to workplace
safety through the graded component of their Foundational SAE.
Related Documents
(These are just screenshots of the related documents. The actual document can be found saved on
my desktop or uploaded to my personal Google Drive. They are also the documents directly from
NDE Workplace Experience Forms & Resources.)

Agency Evaluation
Training Agreement

Training Plan
Employment of Minors 14-15
Hazardous Occupation Exemption Form

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