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Science Standards Review

As I was reading these articles, a few things stuck out to me. In the article Exploring the
Science Framework and NGSS, I did not realize what a difference mathematical thinking and
computational thinking differ. That is the one thing the article focused on and allowed me to
understand better. Computational thinking is when students come across a problem and they
are able to solve it with many different solutions using computers. On the other hand,
mathematical thinking is when a student comes across a problem and they are able to solve it
with math skills. I believe that these two things make sense when it comes down to it.
However, I did not realize how much they differed from each other. In my teaching practice, I
use mathematical thinking more than I use computational thinking. I believe that it is
important for students to build their mathematical thinking skills at a young age because it is
something that is built on each year as they progress in their education journey.
I think the article that was the most helpful in my understanding of how to teach using this
framework would be Exploring the science framework and NGSS: Computational thinking in
the science classroom. I believe this is the most helpful because it showed me that I was doing
the right things in order to have my students obtain mathematical thinking. However, it also
allowed me to read and learn about how to make my kindergarten students computation
thinkers as well. I think both of these thinking skills are important to young students.
Especially with them being able to build on each skill throughout their lifetime.
The only thing I found a little challenging was the three dimensions of the NGSS. I found this
challenging because I have never heard of DCIs, SEPs, and CCs. However, I did enjoy
reading and learning about them. The more I read the more I was able to understand their
meanings and how I can incorporate it into my classroom. I believe that it will not only help
me when I am teaching science to my students, but it will also allow me to enjoy teaching
science more.
The article I chose on my own was Next Generation Science Standards: All Standards, All
Students. The thing that was beneficial to my understanding within the NSTA article I
selected was how the NGSS was able to present learning opportunities and challenges for all
students. I believe that it is important that all students are not only able to learn within their
classroom but also able to have a challenge. This way they are not just learning the bare
minimum but expanding their knowledge as much as they are able to.
These standards for teaching science address diverse learners because they are considering all
students in the classroom. What I mean by this is that they are including different
nationalities, races, backgrounds, beliefs, and ethnicities. I believe this is so important when
in the classroom because you may never know what a student's background is. I believe the
background of students is the best way to get to know them. When you know a student well
then you are able to teach them in their fullest capacity.

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