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*colorizer* Requires Neovim >= 0.7.

0 and `set termguicolors`

Highlights terminal CSI ANSI color codes.

Author: Ashkan Kiani <>

USAGE *colorizer-usage*

Establish the autocmd to highlight all filetypes.

`lua require 'colorizer'.setup()`

Highlight using all css highlight modes in every filetype

`lua require 'colorizer'.setup(user_default_options = { css = true; })`

USE WITH COMMANDS *colorizer-commands*


Attach to the current buffer and start highlighting with the settings as
specified in setup (or the defaults).

If the buffer was already attached(i.e. being highlighted), the

settings will be reloaded with the ones from setup.
This is useful for reloading settings for just one buffer.


Stop highlighting the current buffer (detach).


Reload all buffers that are being highlighted currently.

Shortcut for ColorizerAttachToBuffer on every buffer.

Toggle highlighting of the current buffer.


All options that can be passed to user_default_options in `setup`

can be passed here. Can be empty too.
`0` is the buffer number here

Attach to current buffer >

require("colorizer").attach_to_buffer(0, {
mode = "background",
css = false,
Detach from buffer >
require("colorizer").detach_from_buffer(0, {
mode = "background",
css = false,

LUA API *colorizer-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|highlight_buffer| - Highlight the buffer region

|is_buffer_attached| - Check if attached to a buffer.

|detach_from_buffer| - Stop highlighting the current buffer.

|attach_to_buffer| - Attach to a buffer and continuously highlight changes.

|setup| - Easy to use function if you want the full setup without fine
grained control.

|get_buffer_options| - Return the currently active buffer options.

|reload_all_buffers| - Reload all of the currently active highlighted


|clear_highlight_cache| - Clear the highlight cache and reload all buffers.

Tables: ~
|user_default_options| - defaults options.

Fields: ~
|DEFAULT_NAMESPACE| - Default namespace used in `colorizer.buffer.highlight`
and `attach_to_buffer`.

highlight_buffer() *colorizer.highlight_buffer*
Highlight the buffer region

See also:~

is_buffer_attached({buf}) *colorizer.is_buffer_attached*
Check if attached to a buffer.

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number|nil: A value of 0 implies the current buffer.

number or nil: if attached to the buffer, false otherwise.

See also:~

detach_from_buffer({buf}, {ns}) *colorizer.detach_from_buffer*

Stop highlighting the current buffer.

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number|nil: buf A value of 0 or nil implies the current buffer.
{ns} - number|nil: ns the namespace id, if not given DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
is used

attach_to_buffer({buf}, {options}, {typ}) *colorizer.attach_to_buffer*

Attach to a buffer and continuously highlight changes.

Parameters: ~
{buf} - integer: A value of 0 implies the current buffer.
{options} - table|nil: Configuration options as described in `setup`
{typ} - string|nil: "buf" or "file" - The type of buffer option

setup({config}) *colorizer.setup*
Easy to use function if you want the full setup without fine grained

Setup an autocmd which enables colorizing for the filetypes and options

By default highlights all FileTypes.

Example config:~
{ filetypes = { "css", "html" }, user_default_options = { names = true } }
Setup with all the default options:~
require("colorizer").setup {
filetypes = { "*" },
-- all the sub-options of filetypes apply to buftypes
buftypes = {},
For all user_default_options, see |user_default_options|

Parameters: ~
{config} - table: Config containing above parameters.


get_buffer_options({buf}) *colorizer.get_buffer_options*
Return the currently active buffer options.

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number|nil: Buffer number

table or nil

reload_all_buffers() *colorizer.reload_all_buffers*
Reload all of the currently active highlighted buffers.

clear_highlight_cache() *colorizer.clear_highlight_cache*
Clear the highlight cache and reload all buffers.

user_default_options *colorizer.user_default_options*
defaults options.

In `user_default_options`, there are 2 types of options

1. Individual options - `names`, `RGB`, `RRGGBB`, `RRGGBBAA`, `hsl_fn`,

`rgb_fn` , `RRGGBBAA`, `AARRGGBB`, `tailwind`, `sass`

1. Alias options - `css`, `css_fn`

If `css_fn` is true, then `hsl_fn`, `rgb_fn` becomes `true`

If `css` is true, then `names`, `RGB`, `RRGGBB`, `RRGGBBAA`, `hsl_fn`,

`rgb_fn` becomes `true`

These options have a priority, Individual options have the highest priority,
then alias options

For alias, `css_fn` has more priority over `css`

e.g: Here `RGB`, `RRGGBB`, `RRGGBBAA`, `hsl_fn`, `rgb_fn` is enabled but not

require 'colorizer'.setup { user_default_options = { names = false, css =
true } }

e.g: Here `names`, `RGB`, `RRGGBB`, `RRGGBBAA` is enabled but not `rgb_fn`
and `hsl_fn`

require 'colorizer'.setup { user_default_options = { css_fn = false, css =
true } }

user_default_options = {
RGB = true, -- #RGB hex codes
RRGGBB = true, -- #RRGGBB hex codes
names = true, -- "Name" codes like Blue or blue
RRGGBBAA = false, -- #RRGGBBAA hex codes
AARRGGBB = false, -- 0xAARRGGBB hex codes
rgb_fn = false, -- CSS rgb() and rgba() functions
hsl_fn = false, -- CSS hsl() and hsla() functions
css = false, -- Enable all CSS features: rgb_fn, hsl_fn, names, RGB,
css_fn = false, -- Enable all CSS *functions*: rgb_fn, hsl_fn
-- Available modes for `mode`: foreground, background, virtualtext
mode = "background", -- Set the display mode.
-- Available methods are false / true / "normal" / "lsp" / "both"
-- True is same as normal
tailwind = false, -- Enable tailwind colors
-- parsers can contain values used in |user_default_options|
sass = { enable = false, parsers = { css }, }, -- Enable sass colors
virtualtext = "■",
-- update color values even if buffer is not focused
always_update = false

Fields: ~
{RGB} - boolean
{RRGGBB} - boolean
{names} - boolean
{RRGGBBAA} - boolean
{AARRGGBB} - boolean
{rgb_fn} - boolean
{hsl_fn} - boolean
{css} - boolean
{css_fn} - boolean
{mode} - string
{tailwind} - boolean|string
{sass} - table
{virtualtext} - string
{always_update} - boolean

Default namespace used in `colorizer.buffer.highlight` and

See also:~

BUFFER *colorizer.buffer-introduction*

Helper functions to highlight buffer smartly

LUA API *colorizer.buffer-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|clear_hl_cache| - Clean the highlight cache

|add_highlight| - Create highlight and set highlights

|highlight| - Highlight the buffer region.

|parse_lines| - Parse the given lines for colors and return a table
rgb_hex and range per line

|rehighlight| - Rehighlight the buffer if colorizer is active

Tables: ~
|highlight_mode_names| - Highlight mode which will be use to render the

Fields: ~
|default_namespace| - Default namespace used in `highlight` and

clear_hl_cache() *colorizer.buffer.clear_hl_cache*
Clean the highlight cache

add_highlight({buf}, {ns}, {line_start}, {line_end}, {data}, {options})
Create highlight and set highlights

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number
{ns} - number
{line_start} - number
{line_end} - number
{data} - table: table output of `parse_lines`
{options} - table: Passed in setup, mainly for `user_default_options`

highlight({buf}, {ns}, {line_start}, {line_end}, {options}, {options_local})
Highlight the buffer region.

Highlight starting from `line_start` (0-indexed) for each line described by

`lines` in the
buffer `buf` and attach it to the namespace `ns`.

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number: buffer id
{ns} - number: The namespace id. Default is DEFAULT_NAMESPACE. Create
it with `vim.api.nvim_create_namespace`
{line_start} - number: line_start should be 0-indexed
{line_end} - number: Last line to highlight
{options} - table: Configuration options as described in `setup`
{options_local} - table: Buffer local variables

nil or boolean or number,table
parse_lines({buf}, {lines}, {line_start}, {options})
Parse the given lines for colors and return a table containing
rgb_hex and range per line

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number
{lines} - table
{line_start} - number: This is the buffer line number, from where to
start highlighting
{options} - table: Passed in `colorizer.setup`, Only uses

table or nil

rehighlight({buf}, {options}, {options_local}, {use_local_lines})
Rehighlight the buffer if colorizer is active

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number: Buffer number
{options} - table: Buffer options
{options_local} - table|nil: Buffer local variables
{use_local_lines} - boolean|nil Whether to use lines num range from

nil or boolean or number,table

highlight_mode_names *colorizer.buffer.highlight_mode_names*
Highlight mode which will be use to render the colour

Fields: ~
{background} -
{foreground} -
{virtualtext} -

default_namespace *colorizer.buffer.default_namespace*
Default namespace used in `highlight` and `colorizer.attach_to_buffer`.

See also:~

COLOR *colorizer.color-introduction*
Helper color functions

LUA API *colorizer.color-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|hsl_to_rgb| - Converts an HSL color value to RGB.

|hue_to_rgb| - Convert hsl colour values to rgb.

|is_bright| - Determine whether to use black or white text.

hsl_to_rgb({h}, {s}, {l}) *colorizer.color.hsl_to_rgb*

Converts an HSL color value to RGB.

Parameters: ~
{h} - number: Hue
{s} - number: Saturation
{l} - number: Lightness

number or nil,number or nil,number or nil

hue_to_rgb({p}, {q}, {t}) *colorizer.color.hue_to_rgb*

Convert hsl colour values to rgb.


Parameters: ~
{p} - number
{q} - number
{t} - number


is_bright({r}, {g}, {b}) *colorizer.color.is_bright*

Determine whether to use black or white text.


Parameters: ~
{r} - number: Red
{g} - number: Green
{b} - number: Blue
MATCHER *colorizer.matcher-introduction*

Helper functions for colorizer to enable required parsers

LUA API *colorizer.matcher-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|compile| - Form a trie stuct with the given prefixes

|make| - Parse the given options and return a function with enabled parsers.

compile({matchers}, {matchers_trie}) *colorizer.matcher.compile*

Form a trie stuct with the given prefixes

Parameters: ~
{matchers} - table: List of prefixes, {"rgb", "hsl"}
{matchers_trie} - table: Table containing information regarding
non-trie based parsers

function: function which will just parse the line for enabled parsers

make({options}) *colorizer.matcher.make*
Parse the given options and return a function with enabled parsers.

if no parsers enabled then return false

Do not try make the function again if it is present in the cache

Parameters: ~
{options} - table: options created in `colorizer.setup`

function or boolean: function which will just parse the line for enabled

ARGB_HEX *colorizer.parser.argb_hex-introduction*

Helper function to parse argb

LUA API *colorizer.parser.argb_hex-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|parser.argb_hex_parser| - parse for 0xaarrggbb and return rgb hex.
parser.argb_hex_parser({line}, {i})
parse for 0xaarrggbb and return rgb hex.

a format used in android apps

Parameters: ~
{line} - string: line to parse
{i} - number: index of line from where to start parsing

number or nil: index of line where the hex value ended
string or nil: rgb hex value

HSL *colorizer.parser.hsl-introduction*

Helper function to parse argb

LUA API *colorizer.parser.hsl-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|parser.hsl_function_parser| - Parse for hsl() hsla() css function and
return rgb hex.

parser.hsl_function_parser({line}, {i}, {opts})
Parse for hsl() hsla() css function and return rgb hex.

For more info:

Parameters: ~
{line} - string: Line to parse
{i} - number: Index of line from where to start parsing
{opts} - table: Values passed from matchers like prefix

number or nil: Index of line where the hsla/hsl function ended
string or nil: rgb hex value

NAMES *colorizer.parser.names-introduction*

Helper function to parse argb

LUA API *colorizer.parser.names-lua-api*
Functions: ~
|parser.name_parser| - Grab all the colour values from
`vim.api.nvim_get_color_map` and create a lookup table.

parser.name_parser({line}, {i}, {opts})
Grab all the colour values from `vim.api.nvim_get_color_map` and create a
lookup table.

COLOR_MAP is used to store the colour values

Parameters: ~
{line} - string: Line to parse
{i} - number: Index of line from where to start parsing
{opts} - table: Currently contains whether tailwind is enabled or not

RGBA_HEX *colorizer.parser.rgba_hex-introduction*

Helper function to parse argb

LUA API *colorizer.parser.rgba_hex-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|parser.rgba_hex_parser| - parse for #rrggbbaa and return rgb hex.

parser.rgba_hex_parser({line}, {i}, {opts})
parse for #rrggbbaa and return rgb hex.

a format used in android apps

Parameters: ~
{line} - string: line to parse
{i} - number: index of line from where to start parsing
{opts} - table: Containing minlen, maxlen, valid_lengths

number or nil: index of line where the hex value ended
string or nil: rgb hex value

RGB *colorizer.parser.rgb-introduction*

Helper function to parse argb

LUA API *colorizer.parser.rgb-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|parser.rgb_function_parser| - Parse for rgb() rgba() css function and
return rgb hex.

parser.rgb_function_parser({line}, {i}, {opts})
Parse for rgb() rgba() css function and return rgb hex.

For more info:

Parameters: ~
{line} - string: Line to parse
{i} - number: Index of line from where to start parsing
{opts} - table: Values passed from matchers like prefix

number or nil: Index of line where the rgb/rgba function ended
string or nil: rgb hex value

SASS *colorizer.sass-introduction*

Helper functions to parse sass color variables

LUA API *colorizer.sass-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|cleanup| - Cleanup sass variables and watch handlers

|name_parser| - Parse the given line for sass color names

check for value in SASS[buf].DEFINITIONS_ALL

|update_variables| - Parse the given lines for sass variabled and add to

cleanup({buf}) *colorizer.sass.cleanup*
Cleanup sass variables and watch handlers

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number

name_parser({line}, {i}, {buf}) *colorizer.sass.name_parser*

Parse the given line for sass color names
check for value in SASS[buf].DEFINITIONS_ALL
Parameters: ~
{line} - string: Line to parse
{i} - number: Index of line from where to start parsing
{buf} - number

number or nil, string or nil

update_variables({buf}, {line_start}, {line_end}, {lines}, {color_parser},
{options}, {options_local})
Parse the given lines for sass variabled and add to

which is then used in |sass_name_parser|

If lines are not given, then fetch the lines with line_start and line_end

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number
{line_start} - number
{line_end} - number
{lines} - table|nil
{color_parser} - function|boolean
{options} - table: Buffer options
{options_local} - table|nil: Buffer local variables

TAILWIND *colorizer.tailwind-introduction*

Helper functions to parse tailwind color variables

LUA API *colorizer.tailwind-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|cleanup| - Cleanup tailwind variables and autocmd

|setup_lsp_colors| - highlight buffer using values returned by tailwindcss

To see these table information, see |colorizer.buffer|

cleanup({buf}) *colorizer.tailwind.cleanup*
Cleanup tailwind variables and autocmd

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number

setup_lsp_colors({buf}, {options}, {options_local}, {add_highlight})
highlight buffer using values returned by tailwindcss
To see these table information, see |colorizer.buffer|

Parameters: ~
{buf} - number
{options} - table
{options_local} - table
{add_highlight} - function

TRIE *colorizer.trie-introduction*

Trie implementation in luajit.

todo: write documentation

UTILS *colorizer.utils-introduction*

Helper utils

LUA API *colorizer.utils-lua-api*

Functions: ~
|byte_is_alphanumeric| - Obvious.

|byte_is_hex| - Obvious.

|byte_is_valid_colorchar| - Valid colorchars are alphanumeric and - (

tailwind colors )

|count| - Count the number of character in a string

|get_last_modified| - Get last modified time of a file

|merge| - Merge two tables.

|parse_hex| - Obvious.

|watch_file| - Watch a file for changes and execute callback

byte_is_alphanumeric({byte}) *colorizer.utils.byte_is_alphanumeric*

Parameters: ~
{byte} - number

byte_is_hex({byte}) *colorizer.utils.byte_is_hex*

Parameters: ~
{byte} - number


byte_is_valid_colorchar({byte}) *colorizer.utils.byte_is_valid_colorchar*
Valid colorchars are alphanumeric and - ( tailwind colors )

Parameters: ~
{byte} - number


count({str}, {pattern}) *colorizer.utils.count*

Count the number of character in a string

Parameters: ~
{str} - string
{pattern} - string


get_last_modified({path}) *colorizer.utils.get_last_modified*
Get last modified time of a file

Parameters: ~
{path} - string: file path

number or nil: modified time

merge({...}) *colorizer.utils.merge*
Merge two tables.

todo: Remove this and use `vim.tbl_deep_extend`

Parameters: ~
{...} -

parse_hex({byte}) *colorizer.utils.parse_hex*

Parameters: ~
{byte} - number


watch_file({path}, {callback}, {...}) *colorizer.utils.watch_file*

Watch a file for changes and execute callback

Parameters: ~
{path} - string: File path
{callback} - function: Callback to execute
{...} - table: params for callback

function or nil


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