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CLion 2024.

Testing / Google Test

Google Test
Last modified: 16 April 2024

Google Test ↗ and Google Mock ↗ are a pair of powerful unit testing tools: the framework is
portable, it includes a rich set of fatal and non-fatal assertions, provides instruments for
creating fixtures and test groups, gives informative messages, and exports the results in
XML. Probably the only drawback is a need to build gtest/gmock in your project in order to
use it.

Google Test basics

If you are not familiar with Google Test, you can find a description of its main concepts

In Google Test, the statements that check whether a condition is true are referred to as
assertions ↗. Non-fatal assertions have the EXPECT_ prefix in their names, and assertions
that cause fatal failure and abort the execution are named starting with ASSERT_ . For

TEST (SquareTest /*test suite name*/, PosZeroNeg /*test name*/) {

EXPECT_EQ (9.0, (3.0*2.0)); // fail, test continues
ASSERT_EQ (0.0, (0.0)); // success
ASSERT_EQ (9, (3)*(-3.0)); // fail, test interrupts
ASSERT_EQ (-9, (-3)*(-3.0));// not executed due to the previous assert
Some of the asserts available in Google Test are listed below (in this table, ASSERT_ is given
as an example and can be switched with EXPECT_ ):

Logical ASSERT_TRUE(condition)


General comparison ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual) / ASSERT_NE(val1, val2)

ASSERT_LT(val1, val2) / ASSERT_LE(val1, val2)

ASSERT_GT(val1, val2) / ASSERT_GE(val1, val2)

Float point comparison ASSERT_FLOAT_EQ(expected, actual)

ASSERT_DOUBLE_EQ(expected, actual)

ASSERT_NEAR(val1, val2, abs_error)

String comparison ASSERT_STREQ(expected_str, actual_str) /

ASSERT_STRNE(str1, str2)

ASSERT_STRCASEEQ(expected_str, actual_str) /

Exception checking ASSERT_THROW(statement, exception_type)



Also, Google Test supports predicate assertions ↗ which help make output messages more
informative. For example, instead of EXPECT_EQ(a, b) you can use a predicate function that
checks a and b for equivalency and returns a boolean result. In case of failure, the
assertion will print values of the function arguments:

Predicate assertion example Output

bool IsEq(int a, int b){ Failure

if (a==b) return true; Value of: b
else return false; Actual: 1
} Expected: a
Which is: 0
TEST(BasicChecks, TestEq) {
int a = 0; Failure
int b = 1; IsEq(a, b) evaluates to false, where
EXPECT_EQ(a, b); a evaluates to 0
EXPECT_PRED2(IsEq, a, b); b evaluates to 1

In EXPECT_PRED2 above, predN is a predicate function with N arguments. Google Test

currently supports predicate assertions of arity up to 5.

Google tests that share common objects or subroutines can be grouped into fixtures. Here is
how a generalized fixture looks like:

class myTestFixture: public ::testing::test {

myTestFixture( ) {
// initialization;
// can also be done in SetUp()

void SetUp( ) {
// initialization or some code to run before each test

void TearDown( ) {
// code to run after each test;
// can be used instead of a destructor,
// but exceptions can be handled in this function only
~myTestFixture( ) {
//resources cleanup, no exceptions allowed

// shared user data


When used for a fixture, a TEST() macro should be replaced with TEST_F() to allow the
test to access the fixture's members and functions:

TEST_F( myTestFixture, TestName) {/*...*/}

For more information about Google Test, explore the samples ↗ in the framework's
repository. Also, for more information about other noticeable Google Test features such as
value-parametrized tests ↗ and type-parameterized tests ↗, refer to Advanced options ↗.

Adding Google Test to your project

1. Download Google Test from the official repository ↗ and extract the contents of
googletest-main into an empty folder in your project (for example, Google_tests/lib).
Alternatively, clone Google Test as a git submodule ↗ or use CMake to download ↗ it
(instructions below will not be applicable in the latter case).

2. Create a CMakeLists.txt file inside the Google_tests folder: right-click it in the

project tree and select New | CMakeLists.txt.

Customize the following lines and add them into your script:

# 'Google_test' is the subproject name


# 'lib' is the folder with Google Test sources

include_directories(${gtest_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${gtest_SOURCE_DIR})

# 'Google_Tests_run' is the target name

# 'test1.cpp test2.cpp' are source files with tests
add_executable(Google_Tests_run test1.cpp test2.cpp)
target_link_libraries(Google_Tests_run gtest gtest_main)

3. In your root CMakeLists.txt script, add the add_subdirectory(Google_tests)

command to the end, then reload the project.

When writing tests, make sure to add #include "gtest/gtest.h" at the beginning of every
.cpp file with your tests code.

Take a look at this example in Unit Testing Tutorial.

Generate menu for Google Test

In the files with gtest included, you can generate code for tests and test fixtures using the
Generate menu Alt Insert .

When called from a fixture, this menu additionally includes SetUp Method and TearDown
Google Test run/debug configuration
Although Google Test provides the main() entry, and you can run tests as regular
applications, we recommend using the dedicated Google Test run/debug configuration. It
includes test-related settings and let you benefit from the built-in test runner, which is
unavailable if you run tests as regular programs.

CLion automatically creates a Google Test configuration for every CMake target
linked with gtest or gmock .

1. To create a Google Test configuration, go to Run | Edit Configurations in the main

menu, click and select Google Test from the list of templates.

2. Specify the test or suite to be included in the configuration, or provide a pattern for
filtering test names. Auto-completion is available in the fields to help you quickly fill
them up:

Set wildcards to specify test patterns, for example:

The Pattern control uses gtest-filter ↗ under the hood. For example, if you
specify Abs* as shown above, CLion will add the --gtest_filter=Abs*

3. In other fields of the configuration settings, you can set environment variables and
command line options. For example, use Program arguments field to pass the --
gtest_repeat flag and run a Google test multiple times:
The output will look as follows:

Repeating all tests (iteration 1) ...

Repeating all tests (iteration 2) ...
Repeating all tests (iteration 3) ...

4. Save the configuration, and it's ready for Run or Debug .

Instead of editing a single configuration, you can modify the Google Test
template itself. In this case, the settings you specify will apply as defaults to all
new configurations of this type.

Running tests
In CLion, there are several ways to start a run/debug session for tests, one of which is using
special gutter icons. These icons help quickly run or debug a single test or a whole

Gutter icons also show test results (when already available): success or failure .
When you run a test/suite/fixture using gutter icons, CLion creates a temporary Google Test
configuration, which is greyed out in the list of configurations. To save a temporary
configuration, select it in the Edit Configurations dialog and press .

Exploring results
When you run tests, the results (and the process) are shown in the test runner window. This
window includes:

• progress bar with the percentage of tests executed so far,

• tree view of all the running tests with their status and duration,

• tests' output stream,

• toolbar with the options to rerun failed tests, export or open previous results saved
automatically , sort the tests alphabetically to easily find a particular test, or sort them
by duration to understand which test ran longer than others.

Test tree shows all the tests while they are being executed one by one. For parameterized
tests, you will see the parameters in the tree as well. Also, the tree includes disabled tests
(those with the DISABLED prefix in their names) and marks them as skipped with the
corresponding icon.
Skipping tests at runtime
You can configure some tests to be skipped based on a condition evaluated at runtime. For
this, use the GTEST_SKIP() macro.

Google Test supports this feature starting from the version 1.10.0, so make sure to
update the framework's sources in your project.

Add the conditional statement and the GTEST_SKIP() macro to the test you want to skip:

TEST(Foo, Bar) {
if (condition)
GTEST_SKIP_("message"); // or GTEST_SKIP() with no message

Use the Show ignored icon to view/hide skipped tests in the Test Runner tree:

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