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[This information was written by a past TA for a past assignment – it is optional but helpful]

Testing style
Hi folks,

Here is a short intro on structuring your test code. If I have some time later today I will add a couple sections on testing
for exceptions as well as common state setup ("fixtures") that you are likely to encounter as you work on this project.

There is no question that testing the code we write is important. Some communities deem it so important in fact, that
they write their tests before the code that is to be tested. Test Driven Development (TDD for short) has exploded in
popularity over the last couple of years and embodies this principle. Properly written tests give us the peace of mind
that our code works but they can offer so much more. Software changes constantly. In fact, most of the cost of software
development is due to maintaining and updating existing programs instead of writing new ones. If we are in charge of
adding a new feature to an existing project, we would like to avoid introducing bugs in the process. This is the major
benefit of TDD. The initial time investment necessary to write the test suite pays for itself hundred-fold when you're
modifying your implementation. After every change you make you can simply run the tests again and be sure that you
didn't break anything in the existing code.

In order to get the most out of TDD, however, out test suites themselves must be written so that they are readable,
extendable, and isolated. It is customary to provide multiple test functions that test different cases of a single
functionality. The naming convention for our test functions is such that we should be able to tell exactly what is being
tested from the name alone.

Below is a couple of the provided Project 0 tests rewritten to follow the testing structure I talked about in class last

const std::string PASS("pass");

std::string testGetNumRem_empty() {
Calendar c;
if (c.getNumRem() == 0) {
return PASS;
} else {
return "Wrong value returned";

std::string testDisplayRem_empty() {
Calendar c;
if (c.displayRem() == "") {
return PASS;
} else {
return "Wrong string returned";

int main() {
std::cout << "getNumRem_empty: " << testGetNumRem_empty() << std::endl;
std::cout << "getDisplayRem_empty: " << testDisplayRem_empty() << std::endl;
As you can see, this style of testing is extremely modular and easy to follow. Moreover, running and interpreting the
tests is trivial. I get a nice, table-like output that tells me if a test passed or why it failed. I can easily add more tests or
disable a couple (maybe if I'm debugging) by simply commenting out the corresponding line in the main function. There
is one weakness with the current setup however. Forcing the tests to return a string object makes concatenating output
with the streaming operations rather difficult. We can modify our approach by passing a stream object to each function
directly and moving some of the formatting responsibility.

Here is what the same test code looks like with this new approach:

const std::string PASS("pass");

void testGetNumRem_empty(std::ostream& out) {

out << "getNumRem_empty: ";
Calendar c;

if (c.getNumRem() == 0) {
out << PASS << std::endl;
} else {
out << "Expected 0. Received " << c.getNumRem() << std::endl;

void testDisplayRem_empty(std::ostream& out) {

out << displayRem_empty: ";
Calendar c;

if (c.displayRem() == "") {
out << PASS << std::endl;
} else {
out << "Expected empty string. Received: " << c.displayRem() << std::endl;

int main() {

As you can see, this gives us a lot more flexibility when outputting error messages.

Testing Exceptions
We should make it our goal to test all of the behavior described by the contract (as defined in the technical specification
or the header file). Good documentation describes what happens on good input as well as on bad. We should be testing
this "bad" behavior as well.
As an example, let's consider the getRem(size_t) method from out Calendar class.

//getRem(size_t index)
//Purpose: returns the reminder at the specified index in the Calendar, throw exception
if index is bad
//Parameters: size_t index - the index of the desired reminder; using zero-based indexing
//Returns: Reminder - the reminder at the specified index
//1. If the index is invalid, throw an std::invalid_argument exception
//2. Otherwise, return the reminder at the specified index
Reminder getRem(size_t index) const;

We should test that getRem(size_t) behaves correctly when presented with invalid indices. Here is a sample test for
this case:

void testGetRem_empty_fail(std::ostream& out) {

out << "getRem_empty_fail: ";

Calendar cal;
try {
out << "getRem(size_t) should have thrown an exception." << std::endl;
} catch (std::invalid_argument e) {
out << PASS << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
out << "getRem(size_t) threw the wrong exception." << std::endl;

It might be a bit counter-intuitive at first, but in order for this test to pass successfully we need the right exception to be
thrown. That's why the only PASS output is produced inside the catch clause for std::invalid_argument. If for
some reason the call to getRem(size_t) does not fail, an error message is generated and the test fails. The last
alternative is that the call did throw an exception but it wasn't the right type of an exception. In that case the catch all
clause, catch (...), kicks in and we display another error message.

Test Fixtures

When you structure your test code according to the style described in this post, you will find that you are repeating a lot
of setup code in each test function (create a calendar, add 2 reminders, etc...). The DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle
mandates that we fix this. Real testing frameworks provide "Test Fixtures" for this very purpose. Fortunately, we can
mimic the (basic) behavior of a test fixture with a simple function.

Calendar createCalendarWith2Rems() {
Calendar c;
... // Set up the calendar here
return c;

void testSomething(std::ostream& out) {

out << "Test name: ";
Calendar cal = createCalendarWith2Rems();
// Do the actual test

void testSomethingElse(std::ostream& out) {

out << "Test name: ";
Calendar cal = createCalendarWith2Rems();
// Do the actual test

This allows us to encapsulate the setup logic within a "factory" function and reuse it from multiple tests. This approach,
however, does have a couple limitations. First, it returns the object by value. This means that a copy is made. If part of
the functionality we're trying to test is the copy constructor, this might not be the best approach since we're
inadvertently making copies during the function call. Furthermore, I can't combine setup methods like these. Check out
this second variant:

void setupAdd2Rems(Calendar& cal) {

// Do the work on the reference directly

void setupRepeatRem(Calendar& cal) {

// Add repeating reminder to the calendar.

void testSomething(std::ostream& out) {

out << "Test name: ";
Calendar cal;
// Do the actual test

This approach is often preferred since the setup functions are handed a Calendar reference to work on. Any changes
made in the setup function will be reflected in the test function. Furthermore, we can now use more than one setup
function in a test, allowing us to decompose our setups into small building blocks that can be combined together to
achieve our end goal. Each test is now responsible for creating an empty calendar and setting it up however it wants.

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