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Activity 1st Week:

Date Time Activity

As soon as I arrived at the Children's Hospital, Ms. Sarah William, my preceptor, introduced me to all the medical staff.

She showed me the daily roster for all units after we talked about the daily bed statement. She told me to compose this
project about work division and employee job satisfaction after we spoke about the need for foreign staffing in a unit.


23-09-2023 I received orientation for a variety of departments, including radiology, oncology, hematology, and the emergency,
clinical laboratory, emergency operation theatre, Peads surgical and medical ward.
I saw that the ward was managed with good housekeeping procedures, the appropriate tools, and nursing personnel who
were giving crucial patients timely and effective nursing care.

Tea Break

I visited Miss Sarah William again and we spoke about our day's activities. She gave instructions on how to handle
12:30-13:30 conflicts between nurses and personnel. She explained to me the duties and position of the head nurse. I gained a lot of
knowledge. We were anticipating our activity for the next day.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity 1st Week

Date Time Activity

We gathered information from conversations we observed while doing our clinical activity, as well as from human and
10:00-11:00 material resources, and then we created a summary on the topic of the assigned Institute's orientation, providing answers to
the issues we noticed.

During the clinical activity, we gathered and analyzed the data. My group members shared their views privately before we
created the reflective log and spoke about the main issues that arise from improper doctor-patient communication.


12:00-12:30 Tea Break

We reviewed the key concerns pertaining to nursing practise as well as our strategy for writing the critical analysis on the
given topic.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity 2nd Week

Date Time Activity

9-10 Am I wish time to my preceptor Ms. Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in CH & ICH hospital.

10-11Am Get knowledge about different trends and issues of nursing management during in various departments of children hospital Multan.

Saturday 11-12Am I observed the utilization of human and Material Resources in practice area and get knowledge about the importance delegation. I also observed the issues
which concern with nursing management in the area of practice.

12-12.30Pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30Pm I noticed the practices of different nurse managers that how they approach the different situations and use management knowledge and skills to solve problems
and enhance patient satisfaction and care. I went back to my preceptor and discussed about today activity management processes and issues in nursing

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity 2nd Week

Date Time Activity

10-11Am I discussed my clinical activity with my group members and then planned a summary on the topic of trends and issues in nursing management
I keenly observed the ICU ward and observed the team efforts and special skills towards providing patient care to critical patient, but I also observed lack of
knowledge and management among skills health care providers.

11-12Pm We discussed our previous clinical work and plan to write a reflective log on assigned topic and also discussed about major problems which do not
communicate between doctors and nurses.

12-12.30Pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30Pm we discussed our plan for writing the critical analysis on assigned topic and also discussed that incident occur due to lack of communication gap between
healthcare providers.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 3rd Week

Date Time Activity

10-11Am I wish time to my preceptor Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in CH & ICH hospital.

11-12Pm I analyzed the knowledge and skills of the nurse manager in children hospital Multan.
I observed that healthcare team is working according to their specialty in various department according to situation.

Tea Break

12.30-1.30Pm I keenly observed nursing manager of ICU ward while managing the unit activities. I observed the lack of skills in nurses I went back to my preceptor and
discussed about today activity management process knowledge and skills in nursing management.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 3rd Week

Date Time Activity

10-11Am I discussed my clinical activity with my group members collection of data from human and material resources then wrote a summary on the topic of analyzing
the skills and knowledge of nurse manager, which we observe during clinical activity.

11-12 pm We discussed our previous clinical work and plan to write a reflective log on assigned topic. we discussed our plan for writing the critical analysis on assigned
topic and also discussed the knowledge of nurse manager in children hospital.


12-12.30Pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30Pm I discussed whole week activity with other students. We discussed about problems which we face during clinical week activity and also discussed about our
topic which is analyzing the knowledge of nurse manager in hospital setting.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 4th Week

Date Time Activity

10-11Am I wish time to my preceptor Ms. Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in CH & ICH hospital.

11-12Pm Get knowledge about implementation of different job descriptions and Nurse Manager Roles and responsibilities in various departments of children hospital

12-12.30 pm Tea Break
12.30-1.30Pm I keenly observed nursing manager of the ward while managing the unit activities and know about the roles and responsibilities and knowledge also managing
the unit and patients. I observed the lack of management knowledge of role and responsibilities in doctors I went back to my preceptor and discussed about
today activity job description role and responsibilities of head nurses and nursing director in nursing management.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 4th Week

Date Time Activity

10-11Am I discussed my clinical activity with my group members collection of data from human and material resources then wrote a summary on the topic which is
job description role and responsibilities of head nurses and nursing director of assigned Institute and give solution of problems.

11-12Pm I observed that healthcare team is working according to their speciality and according to their different job descriptions management rules and
responsibilities applied in various department according to situation.


12-12.30 pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30Pm I discussed my clinical activity my group members and then we planned to write a summary on the topic of job description role and responsibilities of head
nurses and nursing director of assigned Institute healthcare providers.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 5th Week

Date Time Activity

9-10 Am I wish time to my preceptor Ms. Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in CH & ICH hospital.

10-11Am Get knowledge about role of communication in various departments of children hospital Multan.

11-12Pm I observed the verbal and non-verbal communication of healthcare team in various department according to situation.


21-10-2023 12-12.30 Pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30 I keenly observed nursing manager of ICU ward while managing the unit activities and know about the communication skills. I observed the lack of
communication skills among nurses and doctors, I went back to my preceptor and discussed about today’s activity.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 5th Week

Date Time Activity

9-10 Am I discussed my clinical activity with my group members collection of data from human and material resources then wrote a summary on the topic which is
analyze the communication skills of nurse manager of children hospital.

10-11Am We discussed our previous clinical work and plan to write a reflective log on assigned topic.

11-12Pm We collected the data which we feel and analyze during the clinical activity. My group members told about their feeling separately then we wrote a reflective
Sunday log and also discuss about the major problems which do not communicate properly between Doctors and staff Nurses.

12-12.30 Pm Tea Break

12.30-1.30 We discussed our plan for writing the critical analysis on assigned topic and also discussed the communication skills among nurses in children hospital. We
write our critical analysis which we observed and analyze during clinical activity we discussed that incidence occurred due to lack of communication skills
between healthcare providers.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 6th Week

Date Time Activity

8-9 Am I wish time to my preceptor Ms. Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in CH & ICH hospital.

9-10 Am Get knowledge about use of different method of evaluation and improve total quality management in various departments of children hospital Multan.

10-11 Am I observed that healthcare team is working according to their specialty and implementation of different method of evaluation in various department according
to situation.

11-12 Am I keenly observed nursing managers of different wards while managing the unit activities and use of method of evaluation techniques while managing the unit
and patients. I went back to my preceptor and discussed about today activity and learning.

12-12.30 pm Tea Break

12.30 –1.30 I discussed my clinical activity with my group members collection of data from human and material resources then wrote a summary on the topic which is use
of different method of evaluation and improve total quality management of head nurses and nursing director of assigned Institute and give solution of

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 6th week
Date Time Activity

8-9 Am We discussed our previous clinical work and plan to write a reflective log on assigned topic.

9-10Am we discussed our plan for writing the critical analysis on assigned topic and also discussed the different method of evaluation in management in children

10-11Am We collect the data from discussion between group members human and material resources then complete our portfolio also discuss about weakness and
problems which we faced during clinical activity.
11-12Am I discussed whole week activity with other students. We discussed about problems which we face during clinical week activity and also discussed about our
topic which is use of different method of evaluation and total quality management in nursing practice setting.

12-12.30 pm Tea Break

12.30 – 2pm I submitted my portfolio on the topic which is use of different method of evaluation and improve total quality management of head nurses /nurse manager and
nursing director in children hospital complex Multan to my faculty members Sir Aqib Dil Awaiz.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 7th Week

Date Time Activity

I wish time to my preceptor Sarah William and Departmental Team and built rapport with other health care providers in emergency in CH &
8-9 Am

9-10Am Get knowledge about importance of performance appraisal and its influences in clinical practice.

10-11Am I observed the role of performance appraisal in quality management and according applied in various department according to situation.
I keenly analyze the performance appraisal and its influence in clinical practice and knowledge how it improves the managing the unit and
11-12Am patient care. I went back to my preceptor and discussed about today activity which is analyze the performance appraisal and its influence in
clinical practice.

12-12.30 pm Tea Break

I discussed my clinical activity with my group members collection of data from human and material resources then wrote a summary on the topic
12.30 – 2pm
which is analyze the performance appraisal and its influence in clinical practice.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

Activity of 7th Week
Date Time Activity
We discussed our previous clinical work and plan to write a reflective log on assigned topic.
8-9 Am

we discussed our plan for writing the critical analysis on assigned topic and also discussed the knowledge of performance appraisal and its role in
hospital setting.

We collect the data from discussion between group members human and material resources then complete our portfolio also discuss about
10-11Am weakness and problems which we faced during clinical activity.
I discussed whole week activity with other students. We discussed about problems which we face during clinical week activity and also discussed
11-12Am about our topic which is analyze the performance appraisal and its influence in clinical practice.

12-12.30 pm Tea Break

I submitted my portfolio on the assigned topic in Nishtar hospital Multan to my faculty members Sir Aqib Dil Awaiz. And get feedback from
12.30 – 2pm faculty on current week workup submission of evidence portfolio.

Student Name: Mamoona Chaudhary

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