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The Philippines needs to be aware of and understand undergraduate programs in public

health due to ongoing healthcare and public health challenges. These programs can
help address critical health issues, strengthen the healthcare system, and implement
evidence-based interventions. Understanding global public health issues is also
important for the Philippines to contribute to international collaborations and benefit from
best practices. The growing presence of undergraduate public health education in the
country reflects a recognition of the importance of preventive healthcare. Investing in
undergraduate public health education can help the Philippines prepare for future health
emergencies, as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, being aware of and
understanding undergraduate programs in public health is crucial for the Philippines to
comprehensively address public health challenges.

2. The evolution of public health in the Philippines can be analyzed by comparing it to the
landscape of undergraduate public health education in the United States, as discussed
by Brian Resnick. While the two countries differ in terms of resources, population
dynamics, and health infrastructure, there are parallels and divergences in the trajectory
of public health education and its impact on public health systems. Integrating public
health education at the undergraduate level, as seen in the US, can be beneficial for the
Philippines by addressing unique challenges like infectious disease control, disaster
response, and health disparities. Emphasizing interdisciplinary collaboration, as
highlighted in Resnick's article, can also enhance the Philippine public health landscape
and lead to culturally sensitive and sustainable solutions. By adopting an integrated and
interdisciplinary approach to public health education, the Philippines can build a more
effective public health system capable of addressing the 21st-century health challenges.

3. When considering pursuing an undergraduate degree in public health, my initial

thoughts were focused on making a meaningful impact on community health. I was
motivated by the potential to address important public health concerns, promote health
fairness, and seek to improve population well-being. Additionally, I became attracted to
public health's interdisciplinary aspect, which provides for a comprehensive approach to
solving health issues through the integration of knowledge from domains such as
epidemiology, biostatistics, social sciences, and health policy. Overall, my motivation
arose from a desire to serve people and make a positive difference in society through
public health initiatives and advocacy.

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