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Strange Objects

EXAM-Prompt For Essay

● 50/100 Marks

Character summaries:
● 16 years old
● Potentially suffers from Schizophrenia/other mental illness
- Stated by Dr Hope Michaels
● Paranoid
- Kills Charlie Sunrise when grabbed
- Feels like someone is watching him in several instances
- Traumatized by his father’s death
● Quiet and Concealed
- Sat away from other students in the cave
● Complex
● Racist
- Sees Aboriginal and Asian kids as strange
- Chooses to move when Aboriginal kids sit near him
● Not understanding of humor, even though he makes jokes himself

Nigel Kratzman:
● Loyal
● Brave and devoted to his peers
● Willing To risk Jail Time to get his Charlie to the hospital

Charlie Sunrise:
● Link between past and present
● Wants the ring back from Steven
● Represents Aboriginals being silenced in history and is in touch with
Sergeant Norman:

Dr Hope Michaels:


Wouter Loos:

- Depicted as rational, mature and a responsible individual. He was employed by

Jeronimous Cornelius for this very reason - “employed as a dependable, rational
- Logical and effective at problem solving - concise documentation in his journal which
piece the story of the discovered artifacts found in the onset of the story
- Sent away with Jan Pelgrom, another murderer of the Batavia; he is his accomplice
- 17th century, yet his characteristics differ from other soldiers; “he certainly doesn’t
appear to be typical of 17th century soldiers”
- Measured in his words and discerning as he was described as “he tended to listen and
speak, rather than to act”

Jan Pelgrom:

- One of the only English/white people who is amicable and compassionate towards the
aboriginal people (all other characters are evidently racist and prejudiced)
- Appears in Steven’s dreams and her understanding of character is via his perspective
- Was the person behind the mummified hand
- Little is known about her; sole female character in the text
- She is killed, presumably by Jan

Item Summaries

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