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Content Warning: Lolibait, Zoophilia artwork, Pedophilia, Child predatory

behavior,Nazism/Anti-Semitism, Racism, Rape Mention, Fatphobia, Cyberbullying,

RomanticingReal Life School Shooter and Serial Killers.User in QuestionLottie Age
13-18 (most likely minor)She/Her Black ArtistCanihavepromo/Cloverykins face:Under
the username - canihavepromoPinterest:
activeInstagram: activeTiktok semi activeUnder the username -
cloverykinsInstagram: banned2nd Alt instagram
- Doritochickenwaffles
igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==Discord: Jongo - kekbigboss User ID
729488991036112948Roblox: ixhlz - chickenwingfan1212

Cloverykins is a black popular artist on instagram and tiktok, She is mainly known
for her kawaii anime art style, 4chan references and bringing the old 2010s meme
era into her art.Sadly because she went onto the rabbit hole of 4chan she started
drawing morecontroversial things. the main one being referencing/taking inspiration
from lolicon content,later transform grotesque animal abuse popular videos into
lolis, even as far as associatingwith a pedophile/nazi/school shooter and serial
killer fanatic/rapist/racist adult named Catcel,she also fat shames anyone who
calls her out on her problematic content till the point of even sharing their
profiles on her story for people to harass on them. and at last her incredibly
toxic and repugnant discord server full of minors witnessing all of the
contentwarning listed above.I recommend that everyone who either follows
cloverykins, are mutual friends of hers, heardrumors about all of this, etc to read
this detailed document on cloverykins and to witness theunacceptable things she has
done. I also recommend saving this document if it ever getsdeleted/taken down from
google. I will try to make an internet archive of this document and acopy of it.I
ask you to please come forward with information on Cloverykins’s behavior if you
have it.You can send screenshots or videos to @4chanlarp cloverykinsus on twitter.
Staying silentonly helps her.I have divided all into sections of things
Canihavepromo has done/been involved in. Eachdiscussed in this Document. (Evidence
and extra detail information provided)1. Lolibait/pedophilia artwork2. Gore
art/animal abuse depictions3. Catcel association with cloverykins4. Romanticizing
real life serial killers/r@pists/cannibalism5. Racist/ n@zi symbolism6.
Fatphobia/bullying/Use of slurs7. Discord server/bullying/harassment8.
Threatening /Having fans attack others

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