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NIM : 042245947

Please choose one of the topics below. Then, write an essay consisting of 3
paragraph. Elaborate your own opinion with the references related to the topic that
you choose.

1. Nowadays, there are many sellers in instagram use auction to sell their
product. Do you think that auction is the effective method to sell the product?
Explain your reason!
2. The primary goal of central banks is to provide their countries' currencies with
price stability by controlling inflation. What will happen if a country does not
have Central bank?
3. Do you agree that a floating exchange rate adds uncertainty to international
trade? Explain your reason!

What is a central bank?

A central bank is an entity that is responsible for overseeing a country's
monetary system. Central banks have a variety of responsibilities, from overseeing
monetary policy to carrying out specific goals such as currency stability, low inflation
and full employment.
The central bank has been described as the "lender of last resort," which
means it is responsible for providing its nation's economy with funds when
commercial banks cannot cover a supply shortage. In other words, the central bank
prevents the country's banking system from failing.
However, the primary goal of central banks is to provide their countries'
currencies with price stability by controlling inflation. A central bank also acts as the
regulatory authority of a country's monetary policy and is the sole provider and
printer of notes and coins in circulation.
Every country must have a Central Bank, because A country needs a central
bank because the Central Bank is tasked with maintaining the stability of currency
values, without a central bank, the country will find it difficult to make the right
monetary policy for the country. In Indonesia we have a Central Bank Called Bank
Indonesia, because if we don’t have central bank the stability of the currency value,
the stability of the banking sector, and the financial system as a whole will decline
and become unstable.
Reference :
 Widyananda, Rahka Fahreza. 2020. 3 Fungsi Bank Sentral bagi
Perekonomian Suatu Negara, Kenali Perbedaannya.

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