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Civic Sense (Lines For Assembly)

Before I pen down my thoughts on civic sense and its importance, let me refer
to Article 51A of our constitution. The fundamental duties are defined as the
moral obligations of all citizens to help promote and uphold the unity of India.
Although they are not legally enforceable, they hold great importance. Through
these fundamental duties, all citizens are expected to respect their country, its
heritage, its people and their unity.
The Fundamental Duties are as follows:
- We should show respect to our national symbols like the National
Anthem and the National Flag.
- There were certain ideals like democracy, non-violence and secularism
that inspired our freedom fighters during the national movement. We
must respect these ideals and follow them in our daily lives.
- We should protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of our country.
- Whenever required, we should be prepared to show our patriotism by
defending our country.
- We should promote harmony and brotherhood among people by giving up
differences based on religion, language and region.
- We must take care of public property.
- We must preserve our natural environment such as forests, rivers, lakes
and wildlife from destruction and degradation.
- We must develop scientific attitude. This means that we should discard
superstitious beliefs.
- We must not follow harmful social practices such as dowry, alcoholism,
drug addiction and gambling.
- We must value and preserve our rich cultural heritage.
- It is the duty of the parents or the guardians to send their children to
We must realise that the feeling of responsibility towards these duties will help
to strengthen our democracy and lead our country towards progress and
Having civic sense makes a responsible citizen and responsible citizens are
what we need today. This brings us to the importance of civic sense. Places
where civic sense is followed dedicatedly are places that have a well-
functioning government. The importance of civic sense has been gradually
realised and actions like furthering awareness have been taken.

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