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OV-TALKS-007-Why Do You Always End Up Losing?

You'll never progress beyond yourself if you continue to trade your ideas
and your thoughts. That's just a thought.
So you're reacting to a thought. I would get out because of this thought,
not because the stock hit my stop or because my plan said get out. You're
getting out because of a thought.

And what do your thoughts do? They fail you all the time.

But that's, you know, I'm glad you're honest about it, but we're trying to
get away from that. And what helps you get away from that?

By having a piece of paper stare at you with your rules on it, with your
list. This list is supposed to at times embarrass you. It's staring at you.
It's almost asking. It's saying, I'm here, all right? You know i'm here. I'm
watching you.

What are you going to do? And so you have to practice bringing yourself
back to the list. You have to say, wait a minute, my thought is saying this,
but wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. It's not about my
thoughts. Let me go back to the piece of paper.
What's next? And you've got to do that. You can't keep realizing after you
act, that you should have done something else, at what point are you
going to stop that? Realizing that you should have done something else

after the fact.

We're going to stay there forever? Or are we going to progress to the next
stage where you catch yourself before you act? When are we going to go

Tell me. That's the beautiful thing about life, no? The beautiful thing that
human, it's beautiful to be human because we are, as humans, the only
species that can decide to change now, consciously. There is no living
entity or thing or species or other being that has this capability. The
capability of changing right now. And therein lies the power of being
Do you understand what I'm saying? Nothing else in the universe, as far
as we're concerned, as far as we know, has this capability. And there we
go again. You keep wanting to give me your thoughts, and your thoughts
are meaningless. You're saying, I thought this is the end of the trade. So
now, this is what you think. Was it the end of the trade?

I want you to answer the question. You thought it was the end of the
trade, but was it the end of the trade? So, was your thought important?
So what should you do with your thoughts?

Ignore them. You don't even have to throw them away. They can be like
cute little kittens or whatever. Aw, cute. Look at that cute little kitten. And
you just, that's it. Oh, it's cute. And that's it. You don't do anything. Just

don't. Just don't. Don't let them take over. Look at them. Laugh at them.
You know, say, ah, que lindo. But that's it.

And you stick with your plan. You know, there's a whole industry out
there, self-help industry, that's all about trying to eliminate your thoughts
or thoughts or change your thoughts. This is an error.
I've gone through this in my life. I personally believe that trying to change
your thoughts, that's an error. That's wrong. The self-help books have it
wrong, and I've read thousands of them all right and I can prove it to you
that that's not possible.
If I tell you right now, do not, do not think of a pink elephant. Do not.
What's the first thing you do? Think of a pink elephant. Right? You can't.
You can't change your thoughts. But what you can do, is observe them.

And do you know what happens when you observe your thought? The
moment you're aware of the thought is your freedom from the thought.
You see, the problem is when you identify your thought

thought as you and you don't even realize that it's a thought. You think
it's you. And it is the loss of your identity in the thought. It is the thought
assuming your own, its own personality, its own identity. It is robbing you
of your identity. That's ego.
And the thought is being confused as me. It is misplaced identity. And
that means that you are not aware that it's a thought because you have
confused the thought as you. You see, you are not a thought. Therefore,

you can be a... whatever you can be aware of is not you.

And if you can be aware of a thought, it is not you. And the moment you
start being aware of your thoughts, you pull your identity out of the
thought. And by pulling your identity out of the thought and being aware
of it for what it is, It loses all of its power because a thought's power
resides only in the fact that you hand over your whole identity to the
thought. And so the thought's power is your identity.
But the moment you become aware of the thought, you pull your identity
out of the thought and the thought loses its power. And that's when it
becomes the little cute little kitten. Because it starts off like a vicious lion,
but when you pull the identity out of it, it's and then they become
And so what happens when your thoughts become powerless because
you become aware of the thoughts as they show up, as they pop up, like
watching clouds drift through the sky.
What happens initially is that the spaces between the thoughts are very
small at first. And as you practice being aware of your thoughts, pulling
the identity out of the thought, ripping it of its power, appearing less
frequently, which means that the space between your thoughts starts
getting bigger.
The duration of the spaces between your thoughts get wider and wider as
the thoughts become less frequent and less potent, less frequent, and
less potent. Until they basically drift away into nothingness.

Now without going too deep into this topic, but what do you think the
spaces the growing space between your thoughts, what's that? That's
you. That's you. Your thoughts were covering up you. And when you sit
there, right?
When you sit there in that space, that is when light takes on a power that
words can't describe. All right. I appreciate that dance. I appreciate that
these are just things that I've discovered, man, in my search for my own

The most important question you can ever ask in life is, who am I? There
is no grander question. Who am I? And everything starts there. There are
millions of people who live their whole lives without ever honestly and
seriously asking that question, who am I?
And all of self-awareness, enlightenment, a life of power, whatever you
want to call it, starts with the investigation that comes after that
question. And you start off with the basic things like, am I my body? Well,
if I lose an arm, have I lost myself?
And if the answer to that is no, then I am not my body. And you start
there and you go down the line. Right? Am I a thought? Or am I aware of
a thought. Then I'm not my thoughts, I'm not my body.
The English language says, I am angry. But is that true or is that a lie? Am I
truly angry? Is that who I am? Or is that what I have at the moment?
So the language lies to me. I am not hungry. I am not anger. these are
things that I'm aware of. And so you just go back and back and back and
back until you arrive at where space every everything else is the moving

items that cover up the space, right?

And that's it. It's truly powerful. Yeah, that's another way of saying
assignment stillness, because whatever's moving is not still, so that's not
you. All right, cool. When you can... approach your trading with full
awareness. This is the ultimate state.

Because the problem in our trading is that we lose our awareness in the
middle of the trade.
That is why you can't do what you say you're going to do.
That is why you can't keep your promises. Because your promises when
you are aware and then in the middle betrayed you lose awareness and
therefore you lose your promise.
You lose your rules. Because you have lost yourself you find out you
you understand what I'm saying? You have lost yourself and by losing
yourself you've lost your promises.
And so the goal is to remain aware. I'm aware that my thoughts are
saying this, but my promise is this. And my thought is not my promise.
My thought is not me. My thought is not intelligence. And that's when
you start to increase the length of awareness and not allow your
awareness to break up, not allow yourself to lose your promises, lose
yourself, lose what you planned.
And it becomes easier and easier and easier to do. But this talk is, the
premise behind what I just explained to you is that the real essence of
something is between and behind. It's between, like you ever hear the

term read between the lines? because that's where the real meaning is.
You know, it's always between or behind.

What's between your thinking? What's behind your thoughts? Like, I've
said this in a recent video, right? Or in many videos, actually. A thought of
a rose is not a rose. But the thought covers up the rose.
The thought cuts off your relationship with the rose because now you are
dealing with the thought of the rose and the rose is blocked by the
thought like a cloud blocks the blue sky. Right? And all you see is the
cloud now. And so you have cut yourself off from reality. So when you
think. So, for instance, when Johanna says, I will kill the trade here, Oliver,
because the thought of the bottoming tail bar producing this becomes
Johannes's reality. But it's not reality. It's the thought of a possibility.
But Johannes loses himself at that moment and regards the thought of
this green movement as real. And that thought takes over the real. The
real is now not seen. The real is not recognized. What is now accepted as
true is the thought of that green arrow.
I mean, can you catch this? It's very subtle. Can you catch it? That the
action is based on something that is not real, but that is accepted as real.

Therefore, I act. But it's just a thought. thought takes over and you accept
it as real, what is that called? I create reality. What is that called? My
picture should be acted on.
My thoughts are real. Not reality itself, but But I create reality. I create
what should be acted on. It's my pictures in my mind that matter. It's not

what this chart says. It's not what my list says. It's what I come up with
that should be acted on. And that's the essence of ego.

Do you see it? Guys, I mean, this blew me away. My problem is that I'm
acting off of my thoughts. And my thoughts have the worst record in the
world, but yet I feel like they have the best record in the world. Why is
that? Why do I feel I feel like my thoughts are so important when they
suck. What kind of delusion is that? My thoughts have the worst record in
the world, yet I treat them as if the record is pristine. I break every rule in
the book because I feel it. feel like my thoughts are superior, but they
have the worst record in the world.
All right? Because we think it's part of who we are with what actually you
think it is who you are. Like, most people confuse the voice in their head
with them, right? You go through more You go through most of your day
and this voice doesn't shut up. Do you understand?

And it's not you, but you have assumed now that it's you. And it's not. It
has taken over you. You are in between and behind them. Have I gone too
deep on you? I'm sorry. I think I've got some new people here, like, what
the, what is Oliver talking about? Dude, like, where should I put my stop,

Can we get back to that? What the? But these things are truly combined
in a way and it's what, like you're not going to find this in a trading
course, you're not going to find this in a trading book, you're not going to

find this in a trading article, you're not going to find this you know, in a
trading group, you know what I'm saying?
Self-development is so key. That's what makes trading so special. Because
it will, if you're doing it right, lead to you realizing I don't need another
indicator. I don't need another tactic. I don't need another technique or
another trading platform or another seminar or another mentor for that

What I need is a different me. I don't need a different something else.

I need a different me. Because wherever I go or whatever I touch, I get
the same results. And what's the common denominator? That everything
I touch is touched by the same me. Everywhere I go is visited by the same
me. Everything I take on is taken on by the same me. All of these other
things are different, but I wind up getting the same results. And so what is
the common denominator if everything else is different? It's you.

I used to tell traders all the time, wherever you go, there you are again.
So when are we going to stop going places, dig in, stand still for once, and
start working on you? Boom. There it is, in your face, inescapably in your

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