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1. Crave discomfort
2. Accpet Pain
3. 40% rule : If you think you have reached your limit, it is only 40% of your potential
4. The cookie jar: When thing sucks, Think of your past achievement to fuel your energy

Never finished

“Respect is earned everyday by waking up early, challenging yourself with new dreams… and
embracing the suck like you have nothing and have never done a damn thing in your life”

1. Wake up challenge
+ Your mind constatnly tell you what you need to do. Listen to it, don’t hide or or it will HAUNT
you forever
It is some thing that you : Fear to commit to , require daily effort!

2. Perform self-talk audits

+ Self talk audit: Moan your excuse to your phone. Record it and listen to it. After that, pretend
you are motivating a friend.

3. Set a new standard

+ Through hardness, you explore yourself.
+ Destroy your body by breaking your bs mind excuse and you are set to GO!
+ Explore what you are made of and grow.
+ Are you giving all you can give? Search inside, don’t compare bcs this is the race of your
+ Be haunted by your untapped potential

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