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There are many things that we don't know or can't control in trading, including:

1. Market uncertainty: We can't predict with certainty what the market will do
2. Unforeseen events: Unexpected news, events, or announcements can impact the
3. Human psychology: We can't fully understand or control our own emotions and
4. Market sentiment: We can't always accurately gauge the sentiment of other
traders and investors.
5. Order flow: We can't see the entire order book or know the intentions of other
6. Liquidity: We can't always control the availability of liquidity or the slippage
of our trades.
7. Systemic risk: We can't always anticipate or prepare for rare but significant
8. Black swan events: We can't predict rare and unpredictable events that can
significantly impact the market.
9. Trading psychology: We can't always control our own emotions, biases, and
trading habits.
10. Unknown unknowns: There may be factors that we are not even aware of that can
impact our trading.

It's important to acknowledge and respect these limitations and uncertainties, and
to develop a trading approach that takes them into account. This includes:

- Managing risk
- Diversifying
- Staying flexible and adaptable
- Continuously learning and improving
- Focusing on what we can control

Remember, trading is a complex and constantly evolving field, and there is always
more to learn and discover.

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