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And the mapping is actually one of the classifications from one idea, from one set

and one element from a set themselves. And it has the classifications to those
elements themselves, what are the confirmations, what are all the possible
documentation that has come from the elements.
And those elements, what are the relations within those elements and the other
elements, if there are any relations from the validation, from the value, from the
variables themselves that is coming from one element. And map all the possible
related or connected values which has the conjunction with one set.
And that has become the visualizations from the process, from the process from any
function or any activities. Those activities probably it is like the mechanical
activities, like the chemical activity or it's like the reactions or biology, flow.
And usually there is the flowcharts which has the path between the sets into what
is the possible path from those sets. And that is coming to conclusions, what are
the conclusions from the sets into the conclusions themselves.
So from one set, from one identity or element, what is the possible combination
sets which could be processed or could be have the problem solving from the
invented sets. And it could have the possibility to be the new inventions from one
element which has been known and from the process from those mathematics, probably
the proofing from those mathematics or probably any possible combinations from the
flip from processes which has happened, it could lead to the new inventions. This
new inventions, the process from the no inventions or the first set until the
complete set, it has to be bit by bit.
And that is the difficult set from the mathematics themselves because it has to be
data validation one by one and functions by functions and calculations by
calculations. It has to be probably at one person, it has to be finished from the
first until finished. That is the mapping from the mathematics themselves or any
processes that is possible.
And there is the mapping from the concepts, the concepts from those elements, the
concepts from the elements and the concepts from those, what are the holistic
preview or concepts between the possible elements that has happened. Or what is the
general perspective from one concepts with the relations with any possible elements
which could be, have the possibilities to be flipped into the solutions.

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