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MAD Question bank

1. List any 5 Features of Android.
1) It is open source
2) Anyone can customize the android platform
3) It provide many interesting features like date and time , whether details, map, etc
4) It provides support for messaging services,blutooth connectivity , media , etc.
5) It provides built in security features like app permissions.
2. Define Android SDK and Java SDK.
 JDK:-
JDK(Java Development Toolkit) is a software development environment which is used to develop Java
applications & Applet.It physically exists.It contains JRE+ development tools.

The JDK contains a private Java Virtual Machine(JVM) and a few other resources such as an
interpreter,compiler, archiver etc.
 SDK:-
Android SDK tools is a component for the Android SDK.It includes the complete set of development and
debugging tools for Android.It is included with Android Studio.

The Android SDK(Software development

Toolkit) is a set of development tools used to develop applications for Android Platform.
The Android SDK inclusion the following:
1.Required Libraries
3.An emulator
4.Sample Source code
3. List Components of an Android Application.
1) Activities
2) Services
3) Content providers
4) Intents
5) Fragments
6) Layouts
7) Resources
8) Manifest file
MAD Question bank
4. Enlist Various Android Version .
 Android 1.5 – cupcake
 Android 1.6 – donut
 Android 2.0 – Eclair
 Android 2.2 – Froya
 Android 2.3 – Gingerbread
 Android 3.0 – Honeycomb
 Android 4.0 – Icecream sandwich
 Android 4.1 – Jellybean
 Android 4.4 – Kitkat
 Android 5.0 - lollypop
 Android 6.0 - marshmellow
 Android 7.0 - noughut
 Android 8.0 - oreo
 Android 9.0 - Pie
 Android 10 - Q
 Android 11 – Red velvet cake
 Android 12 – Snow cone
 Android 12.1 – snow cone v2
 Android 13 - tiramisu
 Android 14 – upside down cake
 Android 15 – Vanilla ice cream

5. Identify various tools or IDE used for Android application development.

 Android studio
 Android Debug Bridge
 Eclipse
 IntelliJ IDEA
 AVD Manager
 LeakCanary
 Unity
 Android Asset Studio

6. What Is Android?
- An android is an operating system developed by Google for mobile devices like smartphones and
tablets .
- It provides a platform for developers to create and run application specifically designed for
android devices.

7. Enlist Features Of Android OS?

1) It is open source
2) Anyone can customize the android platform
3) It provide many interesting features like date and time , whether details, map, etc
4) It provides support for messaging services, bluetooth connectivity , media , etc.
5) It provides built in security features like app permissions.

8. What Is OHA?
- OHA stands for Open Handset Alliance.
- It is a consortium of several technology companies, including Google, that collaborate to develop
and promote open standards for mobile devices, particularly for the Android platform.
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9. What Is Emulator?
- An emulator in Android is a software tool that allows you to run and test Android applications on
your computer.
- It creates a virtual Android device that mimics the hardware and software configurations of a real
Android device

10. Explain frame layout , relative layout and table layout

1. FrameLayout:
FrameLayout is a simple layout that displays a single child view at a time, occupying the entire screen or
parent container. It's commonly used for displaying overlapping views or layers. The child views are
stacked on top of each other, and the last added view appears at the top. You can use attributes like
layout_gravity to position the child view within the FrameLayout.

2. RelativeLayout:
RelativeLayout is a flexible layout that allows you to position child views relative to each other or to the
parent view. It's useful for creating complex UI designs. You can use attributes like
layout_alignParentTop, layout_below, layout_toRightOf, etc., to define the relationships between views.
RelativeLayout offers more control over view positioning compared to other layouts.

3. TableLayout:
TableLayout is used to create a grid-like structure, similar to an HTML table. It allows you to
arrange child views in rows and columns. Each row in the TableLayout is represented by a
TableRow, and you can add child views to the rows. You can use attributes like layout_column
to specify the column in which a child view should be placed.

11.List layouts in android UI design.

1) frame layout
2) relative layout
3) table layout
4) absolute layout
5) constraint layout
6) linear layout

12.List different attributes of linear layout.

1) android : layout_weight
2) android : layout_gravity
3) android : weightSum
4) android : orientation
5) android : id
MAD Question bank
1. Explain view and view group classes in android?
 View :-
- View refer to the android.view.View class, which is the base class of all UI classes.
- android.view.View class is the root of the UI class hierarchy
- Following are some of the common View subclasses that will be used in android applications.
 TextView
 EditText
 ImageView
 RadioButton
 Button
 ImageButton
 CheckBox
 DatePicker
 Spinner
 ProgressBar and etc.
These are some of the view subclass available in android.
 ViewGroup class :-
- The ViewGroup class is a subclass of the View class. And also it will act as a base class for
layouts and layouts parameters.
- The ViewGroup will provide an invisible container to hold other Views or ViewGroups and to
define the layout properties.
- For example, Linear Layout is the ViewGroup that contains UI controls like Button, TextView,
- Following are the commonly used ViewGroup subclasses used in android applications.
 FrameLayout
 WebView
 ListView
 GridView
 LinearLayout
 RelativeLayout
 TableLayout

2. Develop an android application using Table Layout.

<TableLayout xmlns:android=""

android:text="Student Records"
MAD Question bank
app:layout_constraintTop_toTopOf="parent" />


android:textAlignment="center" />
android:text="Aditya Ghotekar"
android:textAlignment="center" />


android:textAlignment="center" />
android:text="Shubham Pawar"
android:textAlignment="center" />
MAD Question bank

3. Explain Dalvik Virtual Machine.

- The Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) is an android virtual machine optimized for mobile devices. It
optimizes the virtual machine for memory, battery life and performance.

The Dex compiler converts the class files into the .dex file that run on the Dalvik VM. Multiple class files are
converted into one dex file.

The javac tool compiles the java source file into the class file.

The dx tool takes all the class files of your application and generates a single .dex file. It is a platform-specific

The Android Assets Packaging Tool (aapt) handles the packaging process.

4. Draw and explain the Android architecture.

MAD Question bank

1) Linux kernel

It is the heart of android architecture that exists at the root of android architecture. Linux kernel is responsible
for device drivers, power management, memory management, device management and resource access.

2) Native Libraries

On the top of linux kernel, their are Native libraries such as WebKit, OpenGL, FreeType, SQLite, Media, C
runtime library (libc) etc.
The WebKit library is responsible for browser support, SQLite is for database, FreeType for font support,
Media for playing and recording audio and video formats.

3) Android Runtime

In android runtime, there are core libraries and DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine) which is responsible to run
android application. DVM is like JVM but it is optimized for mobile devices. It consumes less memory and
provides fast performance.

4) Android Framework

On the top of Native libraries and android runtime, there is android framework. Android framework
includes Android API's such as UI (User Interface), telephony, resources, locations, Content Providers (data)
and package managers. It provides a lot of classes and interfaces for android application development.

5) Applications

On the top of android framework, there are applications. All applications such as home, contact, settings,
games, browsers are using android framework that uses android runtime and libraries. Android runtime and
native libraries are using linux kernal.

5. Describe various installation steps of android studio and its environment.

Step 1: Head over to this Android Studio site to get the Android Studio executable or zip file.

Step 2: Click on the Download Android Studio Button.

Step 3: After the downloading has finished, open the file from downloads and run it.Click on next.

Step 4: It will start the installation,Click On Next Then Click On Finish

Step 5: This will start the Android Studio. Meanwhile, it will be finding the available SDK components.

Step 6: After it has found the SDK components, it will redirect to the Welcome dialog box.

Step 7: Click on Next

Step 8: Now it is time to download the SDK components.Select The SDK components to download.Click on
Finish. Components begin to download let it complete.

Step 9: Click on Start a new Android Studio project to build a new app
MAD Question bank

Step 1: Download Android x86 ISO File.

Step 2: Download Rufus Flashing tool.

Step 3: Flash Android x86 ISO to USB Flash Drive.

Step 4: Set and Boot from bootable Flash Drive.

Step 5: Install Android x86 on PC.

6. Compare Android OS With Any Other OS

MAD Question bank

7. Compare JVM And DVM?

8. Explain Components of an Android Application.

MAD Question bank
1. Activity

An activity is a class that represents a single screen. It is like a Frame in AWT.

2. View

A view is the UI element such as button, label, text field etc. Anything that you see is a view.

3. Intent

Intent is used to invoke components. It is mainly used to:

o Start the service

o Launch an activity
o Display a web page
o Display a list of contacts
o Broadcast a message
o Dial a phone call etc.

4. Service

Service is a background process that can run for a long time.

There are two types of services local and remote. Local service is accessed from within the application whereas
remote service is accessed remotely from other applications running on the same device.

5. Content Provider

Content Providers are used to share data between the applications.

6. Fragment

Fragments are like parts of activity. An activity can display one or more fragments on the screen at the same

7. AndroidManifest.xml

It contains informations about activities, content providers, permissions etc. It is like the web.xml file in Java

8. Android Virtual Device (AVD)

It is used to test the android application without the need for mobile or tablet etc. It can be created in different
configurations to emulate different types of real devices.

9. List and Explain the Resource files.

1. Layout files (XML):
MAD Question bank
Layout files define the structure and appearance of the user interface. They specify the arrangement and
properties of Views and ViewGroups. Layout files are written in XML and determine how the app's UI is
displayed to the user.

2. String resources (XML):

String resources store text strings used in the app. By using string resources, you can separate the text from the
code, making it easier to translate and update the app's content. String resources are stored in XML files and can
be accessed programmatically using resource IDs.

3. Drawable resources:
Drawable resources are used for images, icons, and other visual elements in the app. They can be in various
formats, such as PNG, JPEG, or XML. Drawable resources are stored in the res/drawable directory and can be
referenced in XML or Java code.

4. Color resources:
Color resources define color values used in the app's UI. They can be used for backgrounds, text, buttons, and
more. Color resources are stored in the res/values/colors.xml file and can be referenced using resource IDs.

5. Dimension resources:
Dimension resources store numeric values, such as sizes and distances, used in the app's UI. They allow for
consistent sizing across different screen sizes and densities. Dimension resources are stored in the
res/values/dimens.xml file and can be referenced using resource IDs.

6. Style resources:
Style resources define a set of attributes that can be applied to Views or ViewGroups. They allow for consistent
styling throughout the app's UI. Style resources are stored in the res/values/styles.xml file and can be applied to
Views using the "style" attribute.

10.What is use of AndroidManifest.xml file in any android application?

The AndroidManifest.xml file is a crucial component of an Android application. It serves as a blueprint for the
app, providing essential information to the Android operating system about the app's components, permissions,
and configurations. Here's what the AndroidManifest.xml file is used for:

1. Declaration of app components

2. App configurations
3. Permissions
4. Intent filters
5. App metadata
The AndroidManifest.xml file is crucial for the proper functioning of an Android application. It provides
essential information to the operating system, ensuring that the app runs smoothly, has the necessary
permissions, and can interact with other components and external events.

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