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 "Pari materia" essentially means that when two laws are related or deal with similar
subjects, they should be interpreted together as if they are part of the same system. This
principle ensures consistency and coherence in legal interpretation.
 Imagine you have two laws that both discuss the same topic, like traffic regulations.
When interpreting these laws, you would consider them together because they address
similar issues. This approach helps avoid conflicting interpretations and ensures that the
laws work together smoothly.
 In simpler terms, when laws are pari materia, they're like pieces of a puzzle that fit
together to form a complete picture of the legal framework on a particular subject.
Instead of looking at each law separately, you look at them together to understand the
whole story.
Elements of pari materia act
1. The Acts which have been given a collective title
2. The acts need to be interpret.
3. The acts that are being identical in brief titles.
4. Some Acts which are dealt with same lines & subject matter

The rule of pari materia, which means "related subjects," suggests that laws dealing with
similar subjects or matters should be interpreted together. This is because these laws are often
created with the same purpose and intention in mind. By considering them together, we can
better understand the overall legislative intent and ensure consistency in their interpretation and
application. It's like treating them as part of a cohesive set of rules rather than separate pieces,
helping to maintain harmony and clarity in the legal system.

In the case of J.K. Steel Ltd. v. Union of India & Others, the Supreme Court noted that when
examining the similar provisions of the Central Excises & Salt Act, it's important to consider
them together as if they form one unified set of rules. This approach helps ensure that the laws
work together effectively, with each provision complementing and supporting the others in
achieving their intended purpose.

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