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6 Easy Chicken Marinades

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Updated 4/6/2022

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Dry, tasteless chicken no more! Use one of

these 6 delicious chicken marinade recipes to
infuse flavor into your chicken. You’ll never go
back to plain, boring chicken again.

In this post, we’ll teach why you should

marinate your chicken, how to make a chicken
marinade, and how to freeze marinated

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This is one of our most popular recipe tutorials on

Fit Foodie Finds. So many of you have made one of
these chicken marinade recipes and loved every
bite. Enjoy!

 table of contents

Easy Chicken Marinade – 6

I grew up eating Italian-marinated chicken
almost weekly as a kid. My mom would
 chicken breasts in store-bought 
Italian dressing and then bake or grill it – so
 and such
simple  a greatway to add
flavor to 


Today we’re sharing 6 of the best chicken

marinade recipes to give you the best-tasting
and juiciest chicken you’ve ever eaten. Enjoy!

 why make a marinade for

 So flavorful: marinades infuse your
chicken with so much flavor!

 Easy preparation: dinner prep only

takes 10 minutes.

 So juicy: If you’re looking for ultra juicy

chicken, then you should definitely use one
of these marinades.

What is a chicken
A chicken marinade is a combination of herbs,
spices, oil, and other flavor add-ins that you use
to flavor chicken with. Think of it like a sauce
that infuses flavor into your meat.

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Well, what about a chicken dry rub or

chicken seasoning? Dry rubs typically flavor
the outside of your meat, but a marinade is
going to flavor the entire cut of chicken.
Sometimes, we like to use a combination of

 Why marinate chicken?

We recommend marinating your chicken not
only to infuse the entire thing with flavor but to
make it extra tender and juicy.

As we mentioned above, marinades really do

add so much body and flavor to the ENTIRE cut
of meat.


Grilled Chicken
Use this grilled chicken marinade to
infuse your grilled chicken with juicy,
delicious flavors. This is seriously
the best grilled chicken marinade recipe!




How long should I marinate

my chicken?
We recommend marinating your chicken for
anywhere from 30 minutes to 6 hours.


If your chicken marinade does not contain a

citrus fruit or acid-like vinegar, you can
marinate it overnight or for up to 24 hours.

How much marinade do I

need per 1 lb. of chicken?
Per 1 to 1.5 lbs. of chicken, you’ll need around
1/2 cup of marinade. So, feel free to double or
triple any of these marinades to flavor more


What cuts of chicken can I

Any cut of chicken can be marinated: chicken
breasts, chicken legs, chicken thighs, and whole


6 Baked Chicken Breast


You are going to love these 6 oven baked

chicken breast recipes. Check out how to
bake chicken breast perfectly every time
and get 6 delicious flavor variations!

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What should I marinate my

chicken in?
When it comes time to actually marinate your
poultry, pretty much any container large
enough to house your chicken works! Here are
our top 3 choices.


1 Casserole dish: we love using a simple

casserole dish because it makes for easy
baking when it’s time to cook!
2 Gallon-size plastic bag: planning to freeze
your marinated chicken? Use a plastic bag
as your vessel for marinating.
3 Glass container or bowl: don’t have either
of the above? Any glass container or bowl
will work!

How do I cook marinated

Our #1 piece of advice when cooking chicken is
to make sure to cook it until the internal
temperature is at least 165ºF. Pretty much any
cooking method is fair game. We’re linking to
some of our basic chicken breast recipes below
so you can learn how to easily cook your
marinated chicken.


Oven- Baked Chicken

Grill Chicken
Instant Pot Chicken Breast
Slow Cooker Chicken
Sous Vide Chicken Breast
Air Fryer Chicken Breast


We swear by using a meat thermometer
when cooking any cut of meat. The
Thermapen is our go-to meat
thermometer that works every time.



 Can you freeze marinated

Freezing marinated chicken is one of our secret
meal-prep tips! Simply place your chicken in a
large, gallon-size bag and then add the
marinade. Remove as much air as possible and
then seal the bag shut. Store in the freezer for
up to 3 months.

 PS: there is no need to let your chicken

marinate for the full 24 hours before freezing.
It will marinate as it freezes and as it thaws!

 how to cook frozen

marinated chicken

We get this question all. the. time.

Unfortunately, we don’t ever recommend
cooking chicken from a frozen state unless
you use an Instant Pot. Get our Instant Pot
Chicken recipe here.

For the best results and to avoid any kind

of food-borne illness, let your marinated
chicken completely thaw before following
of the above cook methods.


And now, please enjoy 6 of our go-to chicken

breast marinade recipes! Because I know
you’re curious, my personal favorite is the


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