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Jawaban 1
A.was born in Bandung and am originally from the Sundanese tribe.

B. I have two younger sisters who are now studying at elementary school in Rancaekek.
C. I am very grateful to be part of the people of West Java.
D. When I was little, it was very comfortable and beautiful near my house in the morning.

E. When it was evening when I was in elementary school, I often recited the Koran at the
mosque near my house.
F. After becoming a teenager I G.started doing a new activity.

H. The activity is drawing.

I. When I finished high school I started to pursue the world of art.
J. The arts I took at that time were drawing or architecture.

K. At that time I was studying at a private university in Bandung.

L. However, as the study period progressed, I withdrew in the 3rd semester of 2021.
M. After that, I am now starting the first steps to enter the Open University.

N. To achieve another dream of becoming a teacher.

Jawaban 2
Me: Excuse me, are there any fresh vegetables here?
Trader: yes, sir. We provide fresh vegetables, please take a look first.
Me: Oh, the spinach looks really fresh, doesn't it? If so, do you know how much it costs? that
one ticket?

Trader: Yes, bro, coincidentally the vegetables here were picked straight from the night before.
the price is around Ika thousand rupiah, bro.
Me: I bought two tickets, bro?

Trader: please sir. This is spinach

Me: yes, thanks bro.
Jawaban 3
When I was little, my parents told me about the names of means of transportation. Stepping
into adulthood, I began to feel the various benefits of vehicles for carrying out activities,
starting in sixth grade, I was taught to drive a motorbike, after that I started learning to drive a
car. In high school, apart from that, I also experienced traveling by train, plane and ship to go
to Lampung. Currently, I often use a motorbike to travel.

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