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Da Kangkong Chili Ampalaya

2 After soaking it small leaves are No Sprouting yet. No Sprouting yet.
visible in the stem.

4 The small leaves become larger. No Sprouting yet. No Sprouting yet.

10 The leaves are much larger. A small sprout is visible. A small sprout is visible.

14 It grow stems at the top and blooms The sprout grew in a inch tall. The sprout grew for 2 inches tall.
new leaves.

18 The kangkong grew larger leaves The sprout spread out the leaves and the The leaves are starting to show and the
than soaking it. seed covering is removed. seed covering is removed.

22 The kangkong grew taller for 2 The seedling is now 2 inches tall and has The ampalaya is 3 inches tall and the
inches tall added. larger leaves vines are starting to crawl.

26 It produced leaves for harvest and has Become 3 inches tall, has larger leaves and The vines are now crawling in the stick
longer stem. become sturdier.

30 Longer Vines and sturdier than Grew taller about half an inch but with The vines are now 5 inches long
before, produced many leaves for bigger leaves and started to bloom new


The Kangkong can survive in water very quickly with its tender stems and vibrant green leaves, symbolizes resilience in the face of adversity.
Thriving in watery environments, it teaches us to adapt and flourish even in challenging conditions. Despite being considered a humble
vegetable, kangkong's nutritional value and versatility in culinary applications remind us that greatness often lies in simplicity.

Chili, with its fiery flavor and vibrant hues, embodies the diversity and spice of life. Beyond their culinary appeal, chilies have been revered for
their medicinal properties, serving as a natural remedy for ailments and a source of vitality and vigor.

Ampalaya, with its bitter taste and distinctive appearance, offers a lesson in embracing the full spectrum of experiences. It reminds us that
sometimes the things we initially find bitter or difficult to swallow can ultimately contribute to our well-being and growth.

The kangkong, chili, and ampalaya form a tapestry of resilience, diversity, and nourishment. They remind us of the interconnectedness of all life
forms and the importance of cultivating gratitude for the bounty of the natural world. In their simplicity and complexity, they offer a reflection
on the beauty and wisdom found in the plant kingdom, inviting us to savor the richness of life in all its forms.

They have their own seeds so that they can live and grow, they are also affected by our climate every day because of our temperature,
precipitation, and seasonal changes, humidity, carbon dioxide levels, extreme whether, and the habitats.
The impacts on plant life are crucial for maintaining biodiversity, food security, and ecosystem stability.

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